+ Auto-sklearn is an automated machine learning toolkit and a drop-in
+ replacement for a scikit-learn estimator. Auto-sklearn frees a
+ machine learning user from algorithm selection and hyperparameter
+ tuning. It leverages recent advantages in Bayesian optimization,
+ meta-learning and ensemble construction.
+ Auto-Sklearn 2.0: Hands-free AutoML via Meta-Learning
+ Matthias Feurer, Katharina Eggensperger, Stefan Falkner, Marius
+ Lindauer, Frank Hutter
+ Automated Machine Learning (AutoML) supports practitioners and
+ researchers with the tedious task of designing machine learning
+ pipelines and has recently achieved substantial success. In this
+ paper we introduce new AutoML approaches motivated by our
+ winning submission to the second ChaLearn AutoML challenge. We
+ develop PoSH Auto-sklearn, which enables AutoML systems to work
+ well on large datasets under rigid time limits using a new,
+ simple and meta-feature-free meta-learning technique and employs
+ a successful bandit strategy for budget allocation. However,
+ PoSH Auto-sklearn introduces even more ways of running AutoML
+ and might make it harder for users to set it up correctly.
+ Therefore, we also go one step further and study the design
+ space of AutoML itself, proposing a solution towards truly
+ hands-free AutoML. Together, these changes give rise to the next
+ generation of our AutoML system, Auto-sklearn 2.0 . We verify
+ the improvements by these additions in a large experimental
+ study on 39 AutoML benchmark datasets and conclude the paper by
+ comparing to other popular AutoML frameworks and Auto-sklearn
+ 1.0 , reducing the relative error by up to a factor of 4.5, and
+ yielding a performance in 10 minutes that is substantially
+ better than what Auto-sklearn 1.0 achieves within an hour.
+ Efficient and Robust Automated Machine Learning
+ Matthias Feurer, Aaron Klein, Katharina Eggensperger, Jost
+ Springenberg, Manuel Blum, Frank Hutter
+ The success of machine learning in a broad range of applications
+ has led to an ever-growing demand for machine learning systems
+ that can be used off the shelf by non-experts. To be effective
+ in practice, such systems need to automatically choose a good
+ algorithm and feature preprocessing steps for a new dataset at
+ hand, and also set their respective hyperparameters. Recent work
+ has started to tackle this automated machine learning (AutoML)
+ problem with the help of efficient Bayesian optimization
+ methods. In this work we introduce a robust new AutoML system
+ based on scikit-learn (using 15 classifiers, 14 feature
+ preprocessing methods, and 4 data preprocessing methods, giving
+ rise to a structured hypothesis space with 110 hyperparameters).
+ This system, which we dub auto-sklearn, improves on existing
+ AutoML methods by automatically taking into account past
+ performance on similar datasets, and by constructing ensembles
+ from the models evaluated during the optimization. Our system
+ won the first phase of the ongoing ChaLearn AutoML challenge,
+ and our comprehensive analysis on over 100 diverse datasets
+ shows that it substantially outperforms the previous state of
+ the art in AutoML. We also demonstrate the performance gains due
+ to each of our contributions and derive insights into the
+ effectiveness of the individual components of auto-sklearn.
+ Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 28 (NIPS
+ 2015)