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+ 20240217T070632-57c4f15497f6db472b8ca9494ffe5980dff256ea
+ 20240217070632
+ JOSS Admin
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+ The Open Journal
+ Journal of Open Source Software
+ 2475-9066
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+ 02
+ 2024
+ 9
+ 94
+ REDCapTidieR: Extracting complex REDCap databases into
+tidy tables
+ Richard
+ Hanna
+ https://orcid.org/0009-0005-6496-8154
+ Ezra
+ Porter
+ https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4690-8343
+ Stephany
+ Romero
+ Paul
+ Wildenhain
+ William
+ Beasley
+ https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5613-5006
+ Stephan
+ Kadauke
+ https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2996-8034
+ 02
+ 17
+ 2024
+ 6277
+ 10.21105/joss.06277
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+ Software archive
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+ GitHub review issue
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+ 10.21105/joss.06277
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+ https://joss.theoj.org/papers/10.21105/joss.06277.pdf
+ The REDCap consortium: Building an
+international community of software platform partners
+ Harris
+ Journal of Biomedical
+ 95
+ 10.1016/j.jbi.2019.103208
+ 1532-0464
+ 2019
+ Harris, P. A., Taylor, R., Minor, B.
+L., Elliott, V., Fernandez, M., O’Neal, L., McLeod, L., Delacqua, G.,
+Delacqua, F., Kirby, J., & Duda, S. N. (2019). The REDCap
+consortium: Building an international community of software platform
+partners. Journal of Biomedical Informatics, 95, 103208.
+ Research electronic data capture (REDCap)—a
+metadata-driven methodology and workflow process for providing
+translational research informatics support
+ Harris
+ Journal of Biomedical
+ 2
+ 42
+ 10.1016/j.jbi.2008.08.010
+ 1532-0464
+ 2009
+ Harris, P. A., Taylor, R., Thielke,
+R., Payne, J., Gonzalez, N., & Conde, J. G. (2009). Research
+electronic data capture (REDCap)—a metadata-driven methodology and
+workflow process for providing translational research informatics
+support. Journal of Biomedical Informatics, 42(2), 377–381.
+ Tidy data
+ Wickham
+ Journal of Statistical
+ 10
+ 59
+ 10.18637/jss.v059.i10
+ 2014
+ Wickham, H. (2014). Tidy data.
+Journal of Statistical Software, 59(10), 1–23.
+ R: A language and environment for statistical
+ R Core Team
+ 2020
+ R Core Team. (2020). R: A language
+and environment for statistical computing. R Foundation for Statistical
+Computing. https://www.R-project.org/
+ REDCapR: Interaction Between R and
+ Beasley
+ 2023
+ Beasley, W. (2023). REDCapR:
+Interaction Between R and REDCap.
+ redcapAPI: Accessing data from REDCap projects
+using the API
+ Garbett
+ 10.5281/zenodo.10564837
+ 2024
+ Garbett, S., Nutter, B., Lane, S.,
+Beasley, W., Horner, J., Stephens, J., Lehr, M., Beck, C., &
+Obregon, S. (2024). redcapAPI: Accessing data from REDCap projects using
+the API. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10564837
+ REDCapDM: ’REDCap’ data
+ Carmezim
+ 2023
+ Carmezim, J., Peñafiel, J., Satorra,
+P., García, E., Pallarés, N., & Tebé, C. (2023). REDCapDM: ’REDCap’
+data management.
+ tidyREDCap: Helper functions for working with
+’REDCap’ data
+ Balise
+ 2023
+ Balise, R., Odom, G., Calderon, A.,
+Bouzoubaa, L., DeFreitas, W., & Grealis, K. (2023). tidyREDCap:
+Helper functions for working with ’REDCap’ data.
+ labelled: Manipulating labelled
+ Larmarange
+ 2023
+ Larmarange, J. (2023). labelled:
+Manipulating labelled data.
+ openxlsx2: Read, write and edit ’xlsx’
+ Barbone
+ 2023
+ Barbone, J. M., & Garbuszus, J.
+M. (2023). openxlsx2: Read, write and edit ’xlsx’ files.
+ skimr: Compact and flexible summaries of
+ Waring
+ 2023
+ Waring, E., Quinn, M., McNamara, A.,
+Arino de la Rubia, E., Zhu, H., & Ellis, S. (2023). skimr: Compact
+and flexible summaries of data.
+ tibble: Simple data frames
+ Müller
+ 2023
+ Müller, K., & Wickham, H. (2023).
+tibble: Simple data frames.
+ OpenSSF Best Practices badge
+ Open Source Security Foundation
+ 2023
+ Open Source Security Foundation.
+(2023). OpenSSF Best Practices badge program. The Linux Foundation.
+ Writing to a REDCap project
+ Beasley
+ 2023
+ Beasley, W., & Balise, R. (2023).
+Writing to a REDCap project.
+ REDCapTidieR
+ Hanna
+ 2023
+ Hanna, R., Porter, E., & Kadauke,
+S. (2023). REDCapTidieR.
+ Superhero database
+ ter Lingen
+ 2023
+ ter Lingen, J. (2023). Superhero
+database. https://www.superherodb.com/
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+Journal of Open Source Software
+Open Journals
+REDCapTidieR: Extracting complex REDCap databases into
+tidy tables
+Division of Oncology, Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia,
+Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
+Department of Biomedical and Health Informatics, Children’s
+Hospital of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
+Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, Perelman
+School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia,
+Division of Transfusion Medicine, Children’s Hospital of
+Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
+Division of Pathology Informatics, Children’s Hospital of
+Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
+Division of Pediatrics, Children’s Hospital of
+Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
+Department of Pediatrics, The University of Oklahoma Health
+Sciences Center, College of Medicine, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma,
+Authors of papers retain copyright and release the
+work under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC
+BY 4.0)
+The article authors
+Authors of papers retain copyright and release the work under
+a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY
+data management
+ Summary
Capturing and storing electronic data is integral in the research
+ world.
+ REDCap
+ (Harris
+ et al., 2009,
+ 2019)
+ offers a secure web application that lets users build databases and
+ surveys with a robust front-end interface that can support data of any
+ type, including data requiring compliance with standards for protected
+ information.
Many REDCap users use the R programming language
+ (R Core
+ Team, 2020) to extract and analyze their data. The
+ (Beasley,
+ 2023) and
+ redcapAPI
+ (Garbett
+ et al., 2024) packages allow R users to extract data directly
+ into their programming environment. While this works well for simple
+ REDCap databases, it becomes cumbersome for complex databases, because
+ the REDCap API outputs a “block matrix”–a single table with varied
+ granularity levels, which conflicts with the “tidy data” framework
+ (Wickham,
+ 2014) that advocates for standardized data organization.
To address this, we introduce REDCapTidieR,
+ an open-source package that streamlines data extraction and
+ restructures it into an intuitive format compatible with the tidy data
+ principles. This facilitates seamless data analysis in R, especially
+ for complex longitudinal studies.
While there are several tools available for REDCap data management,
+ REDCapTidieR introduces a unique solution by transforming the
+ challenging block matrix into a standardized tidy data structure that
+ we term the “supertibble”. This approach not only aligns with good
+ data science practice but also caters to databases of any complexity.
+ By providing a suite of utility functions to work with the
+ supertibble, REDCapTidieR provides a complete framework for extracting
+ REDCap data designed with user-friendliness at its core.
+ Statement of Need
As of 2023, the REDCap Consortium boasts nearly 3 million users
+ across over 150 countries. REDCap databases range from
+ single-instrument projects to complex builds that use both repeating
+ instruments and repeating events. These data structures are needed to
+ capture multiple items related to a specific visit, such as
+ concomitant medications, or events that cannot be planned ahead of
+ time, such as adverse events.
REDCap databases that contain repeating events and instruments
+ require significant manual pre-processing, a major pain point for
+ researchers and analysts. This is because the REDCap API returns a
+ single table (Figure 1) that includes data from instruments that
+ record data at different levels of granularity.
While several existing REDCap packages are available (Table 1),
+ REDCapTidieR distinguishes itself by offering
+ analysts a unique framework that returns a tidy data structure
+ regardless of the size or complexity of the extracted database.
+ Packages such as
+ tidyREDCap
+ (Balise
+ et al., 2023) and
+ (Carmezim
+ et al., 2023) also offer tools for data processing, while
+ redcapAPI gives a wealth of options for data
+ export in addition to features that break apart the block matrix using
+ a base R framework. However, only REDCapTidieR
+ deconstructs the block matrix into easily joinable tidy tables that
+ form their own composite primary keys to preserve the relationships
+ between each other in accordance with their unique granularity.
REDCapTidieR is built with production
+ readiness in mind. In addition to an extensive 98% coverage test
+ suite, REDCapTidieR execution is evaluated
+ against 15 test databases that cover many complex configuration
+ scenarios. It also provides ample documentation through a
+ pkgdown
+ site
+ (Hanna
+ et al., 2023). It is also built on top of
+ REDCapR, which contains its own extensive test
+ suite, and evaluated against an additional 26 test databases.
+ REDCapTidieR meets the rigorous requirements of
+ the
+ OpenSSF
+ Best Practices Badge
+ (Open
+ Source Security Foundation, 2023), which certifies open-source
+ projects that adhere to criteria for delivering high-quality, robust,
+ and secure software.
Exports from REDCap
Imports into REDCap
Tidy Reformatting
Extensive Test Suite
Table 1: Comparative breakdown of the landscape for REDCap tools in
+ R.
+ Design
The REDCapTidieR::read_redcap() function
+ leverages REDCapR to make API calls to query
+ the data and metadata of a REDCap project and returns the supertibble
+ (Figure 1). The supertibble, named after the
+ tibble
+ package
+ (Müller
+ & Wickham, 2023), is an alternative presentation of the
+ data in which multiple tables are linked together in a single object
+ in a fashion consistent with tidy data principles. Specific data
+ tibbles within the supertibble, representing the data of individual
+ REDCap instruments, can be easily joined using their composite primary
+ keys.
The REDCapTidieR Supertibble
Figure 1: The REDCapTidieR supertibble shown in the Data Viewer of
+ the RStudio IDE. The “Superhero database”
+ (ter
+ Lingen, 2023) contains two instruments, one nonrepeating and
+ one repeating. A. The REDCap API outputs a “Block Matrix”. Note an
+ abundance of NA values, which do not represent
+ missing values but rather fields that do not apply due to the data
+ structure. B. The read_redcap() function
+ returns a “Supertibble”. Note that each row represents one instrument,
+ identified by the redcap_form_name column. The
+ redcap_data column is a list column that links
+ to tibbles containing the data from a specific instrument. The Data
+ Viewer allows drilling down into individual tibbles by clicking on the
+ table icon, allowing for rapid and intuitive data exploration without
+ any preprocessing. Since each instrument has a consistent granularity,
+ these tibbles can be tidy. Two data tibbles are shown, one from a
+ nonrepeating and one from a repeating instrument. Note the differences
+ in granularity between the instruments.
REDCapTidieR provides utility functions to
+ work with the supertibble, all designed to work with the R pipe
+ operator |>. The
+ extract_tibble() function takes a supertibble
+ object and returns a specific data tibble. The
+ make_labelled() function leverages the
+ labelled package
+ (Larmarange,
+ 2023) to apply variable labels to the supertibble. The
+ add_skimr_metadata() function uses the
+ skimr package
+ (Waring
+ et al., 2023) to add summary statistics. Using the
+ write_redcap_xlsx() function, which leverages
+ the openxlsx2
+ (Barbone
+ & Garbuszus, 2023) package, users can easily export an the
+ supertibble into a collaborator-friendly Excel document, in which each
+ Excel sheet contains the data for an instrument.
REDCapTidieR cannot be used to write data to
+ a REDCap project. We refer the reader to an excellent guide of how to
+ accomplish this using REDCapR
+ (Beasley
+ & Balise, 2023).
+ Installation
REDCapTidieR is available on
+ GitHub
+ and
+ and works on all major operating systems.
+ Acknowledgements
We would like to thank Jan Marvin and Raymond Balise for their
+ feedback and support in development.
This package was developed by the
+ Cell
+ and Gene Therapy Informatics Team of the
+ Children’s
+ Hospital of Philadelphia.
+ Conflict of interest
The authors declare no financial conflicts of interest.
+ HarrisPaul A.
+ TaylorRobert
+ MinorBrenda L.
+ ElliottVeida
+ FernandezMichelle
+ O’NealLindsay
+ McLeodLaura
+ DelacquaGiovanni
+ DelacquaFrancesco
+ KirbyJacqueline
+ DudaStephany N.
+ The REDCap consortium: Building an international community of software platform partners
+ Journal of Biomedical Informatics
+ 2019
+ 95
+ 1532-0464
+ https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1532046419301261
+ 10.1016/j.jbi.2019.103208
+ 103208
+ HarrisPaul A.
+ TaylorRobert
+ ThielkeRobert
+ PayneJonathon
+ GonzalezNathaniel
+ CondeJose G.
+ Research electronic data capture (REDCap)—a metadata-driven methodology and workflow process for providing translational research informatics support
+ Journal of Biomedical Informatics
+ 2009
+ 42
+ 2
+ 1532-0464
+ https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1532046408001226
+ 10.1016/j.jbi.2008.08.010
+ 377
+ 381
+ WickhamHadley
+ Tidy data
+ Journal of Statistical Software
+ 2014
+ 59
+ 10
+ https://www.jstatsoft.org/index.php/jss/article/view/v059i10
+ 10.18637/jss.v059.i10
+ 1
+ 23
+ R Core Team
+ R: A language and environment for statistical computing
+ R Foundation for Statistical Computing
+ Vienna, Austria
+ 2020
+ https://www.R-project.org/
+ BeasleyWill
+ REDCapR: Interaction Between R and REDCap
+ 2023
+ https://ouhscbbmc.github.io/REDCapR/
+ GarbettShawn
+ NutterBenjamin
+ LaneStephen
+ BeasleyWill
+ HornerJeffrey
+ StephensJeremy
+ LehrMarcus
+ BeckCole
+ ObregonSavannah
+ redcapAPI: Accessing data from REDCap projects using the API
+ 2024
+ https://github.com/vubiostat/redcapAPI
+ 10.5281/zenodo.10564837
+ CarmezimJoão
+ PeñafielJudith
+ SatorraPau
+ GarcíaEsther
+ PallarésNatàlia
+ TebéCristian
+ REDCapDM: ’REDCap’ data management
+ 2023
+ https://bruigtp.github.io/REDCapDM/
+ BaliseRaymond
+ OdomGabriel
+ CalderonAnna
+ BouzoubaaLayla
+ DeFreitasWayne
+ GrealisKyle
+ tidyREDCap: Helper functions for working with ’REDCap’ data
+ 2023
+ https://raymondbalise.github.io/tidyREDCap/index.html
+ LarmarangeJoseph
+ labelled: Manipulating labelled data
+ 2023
+ https://larmarange.github.io/labelled/
+ BarboneJordan Mark
+ GarbuszusJan Marvin
+ openxlsx2: Read, write and edit ’xlsx’ files
+ 2023
+ https://janmarvin.github.io/openxlsx2/
+ WaringElin
+ QuinnMichael
+ McNamaraAmelia
+ Arino de la RubiaEduardo
+ ZhuHao
+ EllisShannon
+ skimr: Compact and flexible summaries of data
+ 2023
+ https://docs.ropensci.org/skimr/
+ MüllerKirill
+ WickhamHadley
+ tibble: Simple data frames
+ 2023
+ https://tibble.tidyverse.org/
+ Open Source Security Foundation
+ OpenSSF Best Practices badge program
+ The Linux Foundation
+ 202310
+ https://www.bestpractices.dev/
+ BeasleyWill
+ BaliseRaymond
+ Writing to a REDCap project
+ 2023
+ https://ouhscbbmc.github.io/REDCapR/articles/workflow-write.html
+ HannaRichard
+ PorterEzra
+ KadaukeStephan
+ REDCapTidieR
+ 2023
+ https://chop-cgtinformatics.github.io/REDCapTidieR/index.html
+ ter LingenJeroen
+ Superhero database
+ 2023
+ https://www.superherodb.com/
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