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rgrp edited this page Jul 4, 2011 · 13 revisions

Some kind of 'Storage' is needed to persist your annotations after you leave a web page.

To do this you use the 'Store Plugin' plus some kind of storage system with a web API. Given the flexibility of plugins it iss possible to have almost any kind of storage backend from local storage, to a relational database to raw CouchDB.

However, to provide for some standardization we've defined a Storage API (see below).

You don't have to implement this API but if you do it will mean the Annotator can work out of the box with your store using the Store Plugin that is shipped with the Annotator.

Moreover we have also provided a store web application that provides a reference implementation of the API: -- with this implementation powering the free annotation storage service at

The Storage API

See README here:

Storage Implementations

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