diff --git a/CHANGELOG.md b/CHANGELOG.md
index 69597d6554..e2bd7dd0e7 100644
--- a/CHANGELOG.md
+++ b/CHANGELOG.md
@@ -123,6 +123,14 @@ release.
- Replace AWS X-Ray Environment Span Link section with AWS X-Ray `Active Tracing` Considerations
+- Encourage setting `network.transport` when reporting port numbers
+ ([#289](https://github.com/open-telemetry/semantic-conventions/pull/289))
+- BREAKING: Add `url.scheme` to `http.client.*` metrics
+ ([#357](https://github.com/open-telemetry/semantic-conventions/pull/357))
+- BREAKING: Remove `server.socket.address` from HTTP and RPC client metrics.
+ ([#350](https://github.com/open-telemetry/semantic-conventions/pull/350))
+- Improve network attribute briefs.
+ ([#352](https://github.com/open-telemetry/semantic-conventions/pull/352))
## v1.21.0 (2023-07-13)
diff --git a/docs/database/database-spans.md b/docs/database/database-spans.md
index d208eebd7a..544798808e 100644
--- a/docs/database/database-spans.md
+++ b/docs/database/database-spans.md
@@ -67,24 +67,32 @@ Some database systems may allow a connection to switch to a different `db.user`,
| `db.system` | string | An identifier for the database management system (DBMS) product being used. See below for a list of well-known identifiers. | `other_sql` | Required |
| `db.connection_string` | string | The connection string used to connect to the database. It is recommended to remove embedded credentials. | `Server=(localdb)\v11.0;Integrated Security=true;` | Recommended |
| `db.user` | string | Username for accessing the database. | `readonly_user`; `reporting_user` | Recommended |
-| [`network.transport`](../general/attributes.md) | string | [OSI Transport Layer](https://osi-model.com/transport-layer/) or [Inter-process Communication method](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inter-process_communication). The value SHOULD be normalized to lowercase. | `tcp`; `udp` | Recommended |
-| [`network.type`](../general/attributes.md) | string | [OSI Network Layer](https://osi-model.com/network-layer/) or non-OSI equivalent. The value SHOULD be normalized to lowercase. | `ipv4`; `ipv6` | Recommended |
-| [`server.address`](../general/attributes.md) | string | Name of the database host. [1] | `example.com` | Conditionally Required: See alternative attributes below. |
-| [`server.port`](../general/attributes.md) | int | Server port number [2] | `80`; `8080`; `443` | Conditionally Required: [3] |
-| [`server.socket.address`](../general/attributes.md) | string | Server address of the socket connection - IP address or Unix domain socket name. [4] | `` | See below |
-| [`server.socket.port`](../general/attributes.md) | int | Server port number of the socket connection. [5] | `16456` | Recommended: If different than `server.port`. |
-**[1]:** When observed from the client side, and when communicating through an intermediary, `server.address` SHOULD represent
+| [`network.transport`](../general/attributes.md) | string | [OSI transport layer](https://osi-model.com/transport-layer/) or [inter-process communication method](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inter-process_communication). [1] | `tcp`; `udp` | Recommended |
+| [`network.type`](../general/attributes.md) | string | [OSI network layer](https://osi-model.com/network-layer/) or non-OSI equivalent. [2] | `ipv4`; `ipv6` | Recommended |
+| [`server.address`](../general/attributes.md) | string | Name of the database host. [3] | `example.com` | Conditionally Required: See alternative attributes below. |
+| [`server.port`](../general/attributes.md) | int | Server port number [4] | `80`; `8080`; `443` | Conditionally Required: [5] |
+| [`server.socket.address`](../general/attributes.md) | string | Server address of the socket connection - IP address or Unix domain socket name. [6] | `` | See below |
+| [`server.socket.port`](../general/attributes.md) | int | Server port number of the socket connection. [7] | `16456` | Recommended: If different than `server.port`. |
+**[1]:** The value SHOULD be normalized to lowercase.
+Consider always setting the transport when setting a port number, since
+a port number is ambiguous without knowing the transport, for example
+different processes could be listening on TCP port 12345 and UDP port 12345.
+**[2]:** The value SHOULD be normalized to lowercase.
+**[3]:** When observed from the client side, and when communicating through an intermediary, `server.address` SHOULD represent
the server address behind any intermediaries (e.g. proxies) if it's available.
-**[2]:** When observed from the client side, and when communicating through an intermediary, `server.port` SHOULD represent the server port behind any intermediaries (e.g. proxies) if it's available.
+**[4]:** When observed from the client side, and when communicating through an intermediary, `server.port` SHOULD represent the server port behind any intermediaries (e.g. proxies) if it's available.
-**[3]:** If using a port other than the default port for this DBMS and if `server.address` is set.
+**[5]:** If using a port other than the default port for this DBMS and if `server.address` is set.
-**[4]:** When observed from the client side, this SHOULD represent the immediate server peer address.
+**[6]:** When observed from the client side, this SHOULD represent the immediate server peer address.
When observed from the server side, this SHOULD represent the physical server address.
-**[5]:** When observed from the client side, this SHOULD represent the immediate server peer port.
+**[7]:** When observed from the client side, this SHOULD represent the immediate server peer port.
When observed from the server side, this SHOULD represent the physical server port.
**Additional attribute requirements:** At least one of the following sets of attributes is required:
diff --git a/docs/general/attributes.md b/docs/general/attributes.md
index f4199c7e0f..e8160cfdb1 100644
--- a/docs/general/attributes.md
+++ b/docs/general/attributes.md
@@ -15,17 +15,18 @@ Particular operations may refer to or require some of these attributes.
-- [Server and client attributes](#server-and-client-attributes)
+- [Server, client and shared network attributes](#server-client-and-shared-network-attributes)
+ * [Address and port attributes](#address-and-port-attributes)
* [Server attributes](#server-attributes)
+ [`server.address`](#serveraddress)
+ [`server.socket.*` attributes](#serversocket-attributes)
* [Client attributes](#client-attributes)
+ [Connecting through intermediary](#connecting-through-intermediary)
-- [Network attributes](#network-attributes)
* [Source and destination attributes](#source-and-destination-attributes)
+ [Source](#source)
+ [Destination](#destination)
- * [Network connection and carrier attributes](#network-connection-and-carrier-attributes)
+ * [Other network attributes](#other-network-attributes)
+ + [Network connection and carrier attributes](#network-connection-and-carrier-attributes)
- [General remote service attributes](#general-remote-service-attributes)
- [General identity attributes](#general-identity-attributes)
- [General thread attributes](#general-thread-attributes)
@@ -33,7 +34,10 @@ Particular operations may refer to or require some of these attributes.
-## Server and client attributes
+## Server, client and shared network attributes
These attributes may be used to describe the client and server in a connection-based network interaction
where there is one side that initiates the connection (the client is the side that initiates the connection).
@@ -45,6 +49,13 @@ This also covers UDP network interactions where one side initiates the interacti
In an ideal situation, not accounting for proxies, multiple IP addresses or host names,
the `server.*` attributes are the same on the client and server.
+### Address and port attributes
+For all IP-based protocols, the "address" should be just the IP-level address.
+Protocol-specific parts of an address are split into other attributes (when applicable) such as "port" attributes for
+TCP and UDP. If such transport-specific information is collected and the attribute name does not already uniquely
+identify the transport, then setting [`network.transport`](#other-network-attributes) is especially encouraged.
### Server attributes
> **Warning**
@@ -175,40 +186,6 @@ The `client.socket.address` and `client.socket.port` attributes then SHOULD cont
If only immediate peer information is available, it should be set on `client.address` and `client.port` and `client.socket.*` attributes SHOULD NOT be set.
-## Network attributes
-> **Warning**
-> Attributes in this section are in use by the HTTP semantic conventions.
-Once the HTTP semantic conventions are declared stable, changes to the attributes in this section will only be allowed
-if they do not cause breaking changes to HTTP semantic conventions.
-| Attribute | Type | Description | Examples | Requirement Level |
-| `network.transport` | string | [OSI Transport Layer](https://osi-model.com/transport-layer/) or [Inter-process Communication method](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inter-process_communication). The value SHOULD be normalized to lowercase. | `tcp`; `udp` | Recommended |
-| `network.type` | string | [OSI Network Layer](https://osi-model.com/network-layer/) or non-OSI equivalent. The value SHOULD be normalized to lowercase. | `ipv4`; `ipv6` | Recommended |
-| `network.protocol.name` | string | [OSI Application Layer](https://osi-model.com/application-layer/) or non-OSI equivalent. The value SHOULD be normalized to lowercase. | `amqp`; `http`; `mqtt` | Recommended |
-| `network.protocol.version` | string | Version of the application layer protocol used. See note below. [1] | `3.1.1` | Recommended |
-**[1]:** `network.protocol.version` refers to the version of the protocol used and might be different from the protocol client's version. If the HTTP client used has a version of `0.27.2`, but sends HTTP version `1.1`, this attribute should be set to `1.1`.
-`network.transport` has the following list of well-known values. If one of them applies, then the respective value MUST be used, otherwise a custom value MAY be used.
-| Value | Description |
-| `tcp` | TCP |
-| `udp` | UDP |
-| `pipe` | Named or anonymous pipe. See note below. |
-| `unix` | Unix domain socket |
-`network.type` has the following list of well-known values. If one of them applies, then the respective value MUST be used, otherwise a custom value MAY be used.
-| Value | Description |
-| `ipv4` | IPv4 |
-| `ipv6` | IPv6 |
### Source and destination attributes
These attributes may be used to describe the sender and receiver of a network exchange/packet. These should be used
@@ -244,7 +221,53 @@ Destination fields capture details about the receiver of a network exchange/pack
**[1]:** This value may be a host name, a fully qualified domain name, or another host naming format.
-### Network connection and carrier attributes
+### Other network attributes
+> **Warning**
+> Attributes in this section are in use by the HTTP semantic conventions.
+Once the HTTP semantic conventions are declared stable, changes to the attributes in this section will only be allowed
+if they do not cause breaking changes to HTTP semantic conventions.
+| Attribute | Type | Description | Examples | Requirement Level |
+| `network.transport` | string | [OSI transport layer](https://osi-model.com/transport-layer/) or [inter-process communication method](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inter-process_communication). [1] | `tcp`; `udp` | Recommended |
+| `network.type` | string | [OSI network layer](https://osi-model.com/network-layer/) or non-OSI equivalent. [2] | `ipv4`; `ipv6` | Recommended |
+| `network.protocol.name` | string | [OSI application layer](https://osi-model.com/application-layer/) or non-OSI equivalent. [3] | `amqp`; `http`; `mqtt` | Recommended |
+| `network.protocol.version` | string | Version of the protocol specified in `network.protocol.name`. [4] | `3.1.1` | Recommended |
+**[1]:** The value SHOULD be normalized to lowercase.
+Consider always setting the transport when setting a port number, since
+a port number is ambiguous without knowing the transport, for example
+different processes could be listening on TCP port 12345 and UDP port 12345.
+**[2]:** The value SHOULD be normalized to lowercase.
+**[3]:** The value SHOULD be normalized to lowercase.
+**[4]:** `network.protocol.version` refers to the version of the protocol used and might be different from the protocol client's version. If the HTTP client used has a version of `0.27.2`, but sends HTTP version `1.1`, this attribute should be set to `1.1`.
+`network.transport` has the following list of well-known values. If one of them applies, then the respective value MUST be used, otherwise a custom value MAY be used.
+| Value | Description |
+| `tcp` | TCP |
+| `udp` | UDP |
+| `pipe` | Named or anonymous pipe. See note below. |
+| `unix` | Unix domain socket |
+`network.type` has the following list of well-known values. If one of them applies, then the respective value MUST be used, otherwise a custom value MAY be used.
+| Value | Description |
+| `ipv4` | IPv4 |
+| `ipv6` | IPv6 |
+#### Network connection and carrier attributes
| Attribute | Type | Description | Examples | Requirement Level |
diff --git a/docs/http/http-metrics.md b/docs/http/http-metrics.md
index 6b10380650..f4fa7a8fc9 100644
--- a/docs/http/http-metrics.md
+++ b/docs/http/http-metrics.md
@@ -80,10 +80,10 @@ of `[ 0.005, 0.01, 0.025, 0.05, 0.075, 0.1, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1, 2.5, 5, 7.5, 10
| `error.type` | string | Describes a class of error the operation ended with. [2] | `timeout`; `name_resolution_error`; `500` | Conditionally Required: If request has ended with an error. |
| `http.request.method` | string | HTTP request method. [3] | `GET`; `POST`; `HEAD` | Required |
| `http.response.status_code` | int | [HTTP response status code](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7231#section-6). | `200` | Conditionally Required: If and only if one was received/sent. |
-| [`network.protocol.name`](../general/attributes.md) | string | [OSI Application Layer](https://osi-model.com/application-layer/) or non-OSI equivalent. The value SHOULD be normalized to lowercase. | `amqp`; `http`; `mqtt` | Recommended |
-| [`network.protocol.version`](../general/attributes.md) | string | Version of the application layer protocol used. See note below. [4] | `3.1.1` | Recommended |
-| [`server.address`](../general/attributes.md) | string | Name of the local HTTP server that received the request. [5] | `example.com` | Opt-In |
-| [`server.port`](../general/attributes.md) | int | Port of the local HTTP server that received the request. [6] | `80`; `8080`; `443` | Opt-In |
+| [`network.protocol.name`](../general/attributes.md) | string | [OSI application layer](https://osi-model.com/application-layer/) or non-OSI equivalent. [4] | `amqp`; `http`; `mqtt` | Recommended |
+| [`network.protocol.version`](../general/attributes.md) | string | Version of the protocol specified in `network.protocol.name`. [5] | `3.1.1` | Recommended |
+| [`server.address`](../general/attributes.md) | string | Name of the local HTTP server that received the request. [6] | `example.com` | Opt-In |
+| [`server.port`](../general/attributes.md) | int | Port of the local HTTP server that received the request. [7] | `80`; `8080`; `443` | Opt-In |
| [`url.scheme`](../url/url.md) | string | The [URI scheme](https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc3986#section-3.1) component identifying the used protocol. | `http`; `https` | Required |
**[1]:** MUST NOT be populated when this is not supported by the HTTP server framework as the route attribute should have low-cardinality and the URI path can NOT substitute it.
@@ -120,9 +120,11 @@ HTTP method names are case-sensitive and `http.request.method` attribute value M
Instrumentations for specific web frameworks that consider HTTP methods to be case insensitive, SHOULD populate a canonical equivalent.
Tracing instrumentations that do so, MUST also set `http.request.method_original` to the original value.
-**[4]:** `network.protocol.version` refers to the version of the protocol used and might be different from the protocol client's version. If the HTTP client used has a version of `0.27.2`, but sends HTTP version `1.1`, this attribute should be set to `1.1`.
+**[4]:** The value SHOULD be normalized to lowercase.
-**[5]:** Determined by using the first of the following that applies
+**[5]:** `network.protocol.version` refers to the version of the protocol used and might be different from the protocol client's version. If the HTTP client used has a version of `0.27.2`, but sends HTTP version `1.1`, this attribute should be set to `1.1`.
+**[6]:** Determined by using the first of the following that applies
- The [primary server name](/docs/http/http-spans.md#http-server-definitions) of the matched virtual host. MUST only
include host identifier.
@@ -132,7 +134,7 @@ Tracing instrumentations that do so, MUST also set `http.request.method_original
SHOULD NOT be set if only IP address is available and capturing name would require a reverse DNS lookup.
-**[6]:** Determined by using the first of the following that applies
+**[7]:** Determined by using the first of the following that applies
- Port identifier of the [primary server host](/docs/http/http-spans.md#http-server-definitions) of the matched virtual host.
- Port identifier of the [request target](https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc9110.html#target.resource)
@@ -250,10 +252,10 @@ This metric is optional.
| `error.type` | string | Describes a class of error the operation ended with. [2] | `timeout`; `name_resolution_error`; `500` | Conditionally Required: If request has ended with an error. |
| `http.request.method` | string | HTTP request method. [3] | `GET`; `POST`; `HEAD` | Required |
| `http.response.status_code` | int | [HTTP response status code](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7231#section-6). | `200` | Conditionally Required: If and only if one was received/sent. |
-| [`network.protocol.name`](../general/attributes.md) | string | [OSI Application Layer](https://osi-model.com/application-layer/) or non-OSI equivalent. The value SHOULD be normalized to lowercase. | `amqp`; `http`; `mqtt` | Recommended |
-| [`network.protocol.version`](../general/attributes.md) | string | Version of the application layer protocol used. See note below. [4] | `3.1.1` | Recommended |
-| [`server.address`](../general/attributes.md) | string | Name of the local HTTP server that received the request. [5] | `example.com` | Opt-In |
-| [`server.port`](../general/attributes.md) | int | Port of the local HTTP server that received the request. [6] | `80`; `8080`; `443` | Opt-In |
+| [`network.protocol.name`](../general/attributes.md) | string | [OSI application layer](https://osi-model.com/application-layer/) or non-OSI equivalent. [4] | `amqp`; `http`; `mqtt` | Recommended |
+| [`network.protocol.version`](../general/attributes.md) | string | Version of the protocol specified in `network.protocol.name`. [5] | `3.1.1` | Recommended |
+| [`server.address`](../general/attributes.md) | string | Name of the local HTTP server that received the request. [6] | `example.com` | Opt-In |
+| [`server.port`](../general/attributes.md) | int | Port of the local HTTP server that received the request. [7] | `80`; `8080`; `443` | Opt-In |
| [`url.scheme`](../url/url.md) | string | The [URI scheme](https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc3986#section-3.1) component identifying the used protocol. | `http`; `https` | Required |
**[1]:** MUST NOT be populated when this is not supported by the HTTP server framework as the route attribute should have low-cardinality and the URI path can NOT substitute it.
@@ -290,9 +292,11 @@ HTTP method names are case-sensitive and `http.request.method` attribute value M
Instrumentations for specific web frameworks that consider HTTP methods to be case insensitive, SHOULD populate a canonical equivalent.
Tracing instrumentations that do so, MUST also set `http.request.method_original` to the original value.
-**[4]:** `network.protocol.version` refers to the version of the protocol used and might be different from the protocol client's version. If the HTTP client used has a version of `0.27.2`, but sends HTTP version `1.1`, this attribute should be set to `1.1`.
+**[4]:** The value SHOULD be normalized to lowercase.
-**[5]:** Determined by using the first of the following that applies
+**[5]:** `network.protocol.version` refers to the version of the protocol used and might be different from the protocol client's version. If the HTTP client used has a version of `0.27.2`, but sends HTTP version `1.1`, this attribute should be set to `1.1`.
+**[6]:** Determined by using the first of the following that applies
- The [primary server name](/docs/http/http-spans.md#http-server-definitions) of the matched virtual host. MUST only
include host identifier.
@@ -302,7 +306,7 @@ Tracing instrumentations that do so, MUST also set `http.request.method_original
SHOULD NOT be set if only IP address is available and capturing name would require a reverse DNS lookup.
-**[6]:** Determined by using the first of the following that applies
+**[7]:** Determined by using the first of the following that applies
- Port identifier of the [primary server host](/docs/http/http-spans.md#http-server-definitions) of the matched virtual host.
- Port identifier of the [request target](https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc9110.html#target.resource)
@@ -352,10 +356,10 @@ This metric is optional.
| `error.type` | string | Describes a class of error the operation ended with. [2] | `timeout`; `name_resolution_error`; `500` | Conditionally Required: If request has ended with an error. |
| `http.request.method` | string | HTTP request method. [3] | `GET`; `POST`; `HEAD` | Required |
| `http.response.status_code` | int | [HTTP response status code](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7231#section-6). | `200` | Conditionally Required: If and only if one was received/sent. |
-| [`network.protocol.name`](../general/attributes.md) | string | [OSI Application Layer](https://osi-model.com/application-layer/) or non-OSI equivalent. The value SHOULD be normalized to lowercase. | `amqp`; `http`; `mqtt` | Recommended |
-| [`network.protocol.version`](../general/attributes.md) | string | Version of the application layer protocol used. See note below. [4] | `3.1.1` | Recommended |
-| [`server.address`](../general/attributes.md) | string | Name of the local HTTP server that received the request. [5] | `example.com` | Opt-In |
-| [`server.port`](../general/attributes.md) | int | Port of the local HTTP server that received the request. [6] | `80`; `8080`; `443` | Opt-In |
+| [`network.protocol.name`](../general/attributes.md) | string | [OSI application layer](https://osi-model.com/application-layer/) or non-OSI equivalent. [4] | `amqp`; `http`; `mqtt` | Recommended |
+| [`network.protocol.version`](../general/attributes.md) | string | Version of the protocol specified in `network.protocol.name`. [5] | `3.1.1` | Recommended |
+| [`server.address`](../general/attributes.md) | string | Name of the local HTTP server that received the request. [6] | `example.com` | Opt-In |
+| [`server.port`](../general/attributes.md) | int | Port of the local HTTP server that received the request. [7] | `80`; `8080`; `443` | Opt-In |
| [`url.scheme`](../url/url.md) | string | The [URI scheme](https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc3986#section-3.1) component identifying the used protocol. | `http`; `https` | Required |
**[1]:** MUST NOT be populated when this is not supported by the HTTP server framework as the route attribute should have low-cardinality and the URI path can NOT substitute it.
@@ -392,9 +396,11 @@ HTTP method names are case-sensitive and `http.request.method` attribute value M
Instrumentations for specific web frameworks that consider HTTP methods to be case insensitive, SHOULD populate a canonical equivalent.
Tracing instrumentations that do so, MUST also set `http.request.method_original` to the original value.
-**[4]:** `network.protocol.version` refers to the version of the protocol used and might be different from the protocol client's version. If the HTTP client used has a version of `0.27.2`, but sends HTTP version `1.1`, this attribute should be set to `1.1`.
+**[4]:** The value SHOULD be normalized to lowercase.
-**[5]:** Determined by using the first of the following that applies
+**[5]:** `network.protocol.version` refers to the version of the protocol used and might be different from the protocol client's version. If the HTTP client used has a version of `0.27.2`, but sends HTTP version `1.1`, this attribute should be set to `1.1`.
+**[6]:** Determined by using the first of the following that applies
- The [primary server name](/docs/http/http-spans.md#http-server-definitions) of the matched virtual host. MUST only
include host identifier.
@@ -404,7 +410,7 @@ Tracing instrumentations that do so, MUST also set `http.request.method_original
SHOULD NOT be set if only IP address is available and capturing name would require a reverse DNS lookup.
-**[6]:** Determined by using the first of the following that applies
+**[7]:** Determined by using the first of the following that applies
- Port identifier of the [primary server host](/docs/http/http-spans.md#http-server-definitions) of the matched virtual host.
- Port identifier of the [request target](https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc9110.html#target.resource)
@@ -459,11 +465,11 @@ of `[ 0.005, 0.01, 0.025, 0.05, 0.075, 0.1, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1, 2.5, 5, 7.5, 10
| `error.type` | string | Describes a class of error the operation ended with. [1] | `timeout`; `name_resolution_error`; `500` | Conditionally Required: If request has ended with an error. |
| `http.request.method` | string | HTTP request method. [2] | `GET`; `POST`; `HEAD` | Required |
| `http.response.status_code` | int | [HTTP response status code](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7231#section-6). | `200` | Conditionally Required: If and only if one was received/sent. |
-| [`network.protocol.name`](../general/attributes.md) | string | [OSI Application Layer](https://osi-model.com/application-layer/) or non-OSI equivalent. The value SHOULD be normalized to lowercase. | `amqp`; `http`; `mqtt` | Recommended |
-| [`network.protocol.version`](../general/attributes.md) | string | Version of the application layer protocol used. See note below. [3] | `3.1.1` | Recommended |
-| [`server.address`](../general/attributes.md) | string | Host identifier of the ["URI origin"](https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc9110.html#name-uri-origin) HTTP request is sent to. [4] | `example.com` | Required |
-| [`server.port`](../general/attributes.md) | int | Port identifier of the ["URI origin"](https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc9110.html#name-uri-origin) HTTP request is sent to. [5] | `80`; `8080`; `443` | Conditionally Required: [6] |
-| [`server.socket.address`](../general/attributes.md) | string | Server address of the socket connection - IP address or Unix domain socket name. [7] | `` | Recommended: If different than `server.address`. |
+| [`network.protocol.name`](../general/attributes.md) | string | [OSI application layer](https://osi-model.com/application-layer/) or non-OSI equivalent. [3] | `amqp`; `http`; `mqtt` | Recommended |
+| [`network.protocol.version`](../general/attributes.md) | string | Version of the protocol specified in `network.protocol.name`. [4] | `3.1.1` | Recommended |
+| [`server.address`](../general/attributes.md) | string | Host identifier of the ["URI origin"](https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc9110.html#name-uri-origin) HTTP request is sent to. [5] | `example.com` | Required |
+| [`server.port`](../general/attributes.md) | int | Port identifier of the ["URI origin"](https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc9110.html#name-uri-origin) HTTP request is sent to. [6] | `80`; `8080`; `443` | Conditionally Required: [7] |
+| [`url.scheme`](../url/url.md) | string | The [URI scheme](https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc3986#section-3.1) component identifying the used protocol. | `https`; `ftp`; `telnet` | Required |
**[1]:** If the request fails with an error before response status code was sent or received,
`error.type` SHOULD be set to exception type or a component-specific low cardinality error code.
@@ -496,9 +502,11 @@ HTTP method names are case-sensitive and `http.request.method` attribute value M
Instrumentations for specific web frameworks that consider HTTP methods to be case insensitive, SHOULD populate a canonical equivalent.
Tracing instrumentations that do so, MUST also set `http.request.method_original` to the original value.
-**[3]:** `network.protocol.version` refers to the version of the protocol used and might be different from the protocol client's version. If the HTTP client used has a version of `0.27.2`, but sends HTTP version `1.1`, this attribute should be set to `1.1`.
+**[3]:** The value SHOULD be normalized to lowercase.
+**[4]:** `network.protocol.version` refers to the version of the protocol used and might be different from the protocol client's version. If the HTTP client used has a version of `0.27.2`, but sends HTTP version `1.1`, this attribute should be set to `1.1`.
-**[4]:** Determined by using the first of the following that applies
+**[5]:** Determined by using the first of the following that applies
- Host identifier of the [request target](https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc9110.html#target.resource)
if it's sent in absolute-form
@@ -506,12 +514,9 @@ Tracing instrumentations that do so, MUST also set `http.request.method_original
SHOULD NOT be set if capturing it would require an extra DNS lookup.
-**[5]:** When [request target](https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc9110.html#target.resource) is absolute URI, `server.port` MUST match URI port identifier, otherwise it MUST match `Host` header port identifier.
+**[6]:** When [request target](https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc9110.html#target.resource) is absolute URI, `server.port` MUST match URI port identifier, otherwise it MUST match `Host` header port identifier.
-**[6]:** If not default (`80` for `http` scheme, `443` for `https`).
-**[7]:** When observed from the client side, this SHOULD represent the immediate server peer address.
-When observed from the server side, this SHOULD represent the physical server address.
+**[7]:** If not default (`80` for `http` scheme, `443` for `https`).
`error.type` has the following list of well-known values. If one of them applies, then the respective value MUST be used, otherwise a custom value MAY be used.
@@ -555,11 +560,11 @@ This metric is optional.
| `error.type` | string | Describes a class of error the operation ended with. [1] | `timeout`; `name_resolution_error`; `500` | Conditionally Required: If request has ended with an error. |
| `http.request.method` | string | HTTP request method. [2] | `GET`; `POST`; `HEAD` | Required |
| `http.response.status_code` | int | [HTTP response status code](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7231#section-6). | `200` | Conditionally Required: If and only if one was received/sent. |
-| [`network.protocol.name`](../general/attributes.md) | string | [OSI Application Layer](https://osi-model.com/application-layer/) or non-OSI equivalent. The value SHOULD be normalized to lowercase. | `amqp`; `http`; `mqtt` | Recommended |
-| [`network.protocol.version`](../general/attributes.md) | string | Version of the application layer protocol used. See note below. [3] | `3.1.1` | Recommended |
-| [`server.address`](../general/attributes.md) | string | Host identifier of the ["URI origin"](https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc9110.html#name-uri-origin) HTTP request is sent to. [4] | `example.com` | Required |
-| [`server.port`](../general/attributes.md) | int | Port identifier of the ["URI origin"](https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc9110.html#name-uri-origin) HTTP request is sent to. [5] | `80`; `8080`; `443` | Conditionally Required: [6] |
-| [`server.socket.address`](../general/attributes.md) | string | Server address of the socket connection - IP address or Unix domain socket name. [7] | `` | Recommended: If different than `server.address`. |
+| [`network.protocol.name`](../general/attributes.md) | string | [OSI application layer](https://osi-model.com/application-layer/) or non-OSI equivalent. [3] | `amqp`; `http`; `mqtt` | Recommended |
+| [`network.protocol.version`](../general/attributes.md) | string | Version of the protocol specified in `network.protocol.name`. [4] | `3.1.1` | Recommended |
+| [`server.address`](../general/attributes.md) | string | Host identifier of the ["URI origin"](https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc9110.html#name-uri-origin) HTTP request is sent to. [5] | `example.com` | Required |
+| [`server.port`](../general/attributes.md) | int | Port identifier of the ["URI origin"](https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc9110.html#name-uri-origin) HTTP request is sent to. [6] | `80`; `8080`; `443` | Conditionally Required: [7] |
+| [`url.scheme`](../url/url.md) | string | The [URI scheme](https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc3986#section-3.1) component identifying the used protocol. | `https`; `ftp`; `telnet` | Required |
**[1]:** If the request fails with an error before response status code was sent or received,
`error.type` SHOULD be set to exception type or a component-specific low cardinality error code.
@@ -592,9 +597,11 @@ HTTP method names are case-sensitive and `http.request.method` attribute value M
Instrumentations for specific web frameworks that consider HTTP methods to be case insensitive, SHOULD populate a canonical equivalent.
Tracing instrumentations that do so, MUST also set `http.request.method_original` to the original value.
-**[3]:** `network.protocol.version` refers to the version of the protocol used and might be different from the protocol client's version. If the HTTP client used has a version of `0.27.2`, but sends HTTP version `1.1`, this attribute should be set to `1.1`.
+**[3]:** The value SHOULD be normalized to lowercase.
-**[4]:** Determined by using the first of the following that applies
+**[4]:** `network.protocol.version` refers to the version of the protocol used and might be different from the protocol client's version. If the HTTP client used has a version of `0.27.2`, but sends HTTP version `1.1`, this attribute should be set to `1.1`.
+**[5]:** Determined by using the first of the following that applies
- Host identifier of the [request target](https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc9110.html#target.resource)
if it's sent in absolute-form
@@ -602,12 +609,9 @@ Tracing instrumentations that do so, MUST also set `http.request.method_original
SHOULD NOT be set if capturing it would require an extra DNS lookup.
-**[5]:** When [request target](https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc9110.html#target.resource) is absolute URI, `server.port` MUST match URI port identifier, otherwise it MUST match `Host` header port identifier.
-**[6]:** If not default (`80` for `http` scheme, `443` for `https`).
+**[6]:** When [request target](https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc9110.html#target.resource) is absolute URI, `server.port` MUST match URI port identifier, otherwise it MUST match `Host` header port identifier.
-**[7]:** When observed from the client side, this SHOULD represent the immediate server peer address.
-When observed from the server side, this SHOULD represent the physical server address.
+**[7]:** If not default (`80` for `http` scheme, `443` for `https`).
`error.type` has the following list of well-known values. If one of them applies, then the respective value MUST be used, otherwise a custom value MAY be used.
@@ -651,11 +655,11 @@ This metric is optional.
| `error.type` | string | Describes a class of error the operation ended with. [1] | `timeout`; `name_resolution_error`; `500` | Conditionally Required: If request has ended with an error. |
| `http.request.method` | string | HTTP request method. [2] | `GET`; `POST`; `HEAD` | Required |
| `http.response.status_code` | int | [HTTP response status code](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7231#section-6). | `200` | Conditionally Required: If and only if one was received/sent. |
-| [`network.protocol.name`](../general/attributes.md) | string | [OSI Application Layer](https://osi-model.com/application-layer/) or non-OSI equivalent. The value SHOULD be normalized to lowercase. | `amqp`; `http`; `mqtt` | Recommended |
-| [`network.protocol.version`](../general/attributes.md) | string | Version of the application layer protocol used. See note below. [3] | `3.1.1` | Recommended |
-| [`server.address`](../general/attributes.md) | string | Host identifier of the ["URI origin"](https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc9110.html#name-uri-origin) HTTP request is sent to. [4] | `example.com` | Required |
-| [`server.port`](../general/attributes.md) | int | Port identifier of the ["URI origin"](https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc9110.html#name-uri-origin) HTTP request is sent to. [5] | `80`; `8080`; `443` | Conditionally Required: [6] |
-| [`server.socket.address`](../general/attributes.md) | string | Server address of the socket connection - IP address or Unix domain socket name. [7] | `` | Recommended: If different than `server.address`. |
+| [`network.protocol.name`](../general/attributes.md) | string | [OSI application layer](https://osi-model.com/application-layer/) or non-OSI equivalent. [3] | `amqp`; `http`; `mqtt` | Recommended |
+| [`network.protocol.version`](../general/attributes.md) | string | Version of the protocol specified in `network.protocol.name`. [4] | `3.1.1` | Recommended |
+| [`server.address`](../general/attributes.md) | string | Host identifier of the ["URI origin"](https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc9110.html#name-uri-origin) HTTP request is sent to. [5] | `example.com` | Required |
+| [`server.port`](../general/attributes.md) | int | Port identifier of the ["URI origin"](https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc9110.html#name-uri-origin) HTTP request is sent to. [6] | `80`; `8080`; `443` | Conditionally Required: [7] |
+| [`url.scheme`](../url/url.md) | string | The [URI scheme](https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc3986#section-3.1) component identifying the used protocol. | `https`; `ftp`; `telnet` | Required |
**[1]:** If the request fails with an error before response status code was sent or received,
`error.type` SHOULD be set to exception type or a component-specific low cardinality error code.
@@ -688,9 +692,11 @@ HTTP method names are case-sensitive and `http.request.method` attribute value M
Instrumentations for specific web frameworks that consider HTTP methods to be case insensitive, SHOULD populate a canonical equivalent.
Tracing instrumentations that do so, MUST also set `http.request.method_original` to the original value.
-**[3]:** `network.protocol.version` refers to the version of the protocol used and might be different from the protocol client's version. If the HTTP client used has a version of `0.27.2`, but sends HTTP version `1.1`, this attribute should be set to `1.1`.
+**[3]:** The value SHOULD be normalized to lowercase.
+**[4]:** `network.protocol.version` refers to the version of the protocol used and might be different from the protocol client's version. If the HTTP client used has a version of `0.27.2`, but sends HTTP version `1.1`, this attribute should be set to `1.1`.
-**[4]:** Determined by using the first of the following that applies
+**[5]:** Determined by using the first of the following that applies
- Host identifier of the [request target](https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc9110.html#target.resource)
if it's sent in absolute-form
@@ -698,12 +704,9 @@ Tracing instrumentations that do so, MUST also set `http.request.method_original
SHOULD NOT be set if capturing it would require an extra DNS lookup.
-**[5]:** When [request target](https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc9110.html#target.resource) is absolute URI, `server.port` MUST match URI port identifier, otherwise it MUST match `Host` header port identifier.
-**[6]:** If not default (`80` for `http` scheme, `443` for `https`).
+**[6]:** When [request target](https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc9110.html#target.resource) is absolute URI, `server.port` MUST match URI port identifier, otherwise it MUST match `Host` header port identifier.
-**[7]:** When observed from the client side, this SHOULD represent the immediate server peer address.
-When observed from the server side, this SHOULD represent the physical server address.
+**[7]:** If not default (`80` for `http` scheme, `443` for `https`).
`error.type` has the following list of well-known values. If one of them applies, then the respective value MUST be used, otherwise a custom value MAY be used.
diff --git a/docs/http/http-spans.md b/docs/http/http-spans.md
index ee2128f460..929b81c027 100644
--- a/docs/http/http-spans.md
+++ b/docs/http/http-spans.md
@@ -123,10 +123,10 @@ sections below.
| `http.response.header.` | string[] | HTTP response headers, `` being the normalized HTTP Header name (lowercase, with `-` characters replaced by `_`), the value being the header values. [3] | `http.response.header.content_type=["application/json"]`; `http.response.header.my_custom_header=["abc", "def"]` | Opt-In |
| `error.type` | string | Describes a class of error the operation ended with. [4] | `timeout`; `name_resolution_error`; `500` | Conditionally Required: If request has ended with an error. |
| `http.request.method` | string | HTTP request method. [5] | `GET`; `POST`; `HEAD` | Required |
-| [`network.protocol.name`](../general/attributes.md) | string | [OSI Application Layer](https://osi-model.com/application-layer/) or non-OSI equivalent. The value SHOULD be normalized to lowercase. | `http`; `spdy` | Recommended: if not default (`http`). |
-| [`network.protocol.version`](../general/attributes.md) | string | Version of the application layer protocol used. See note below. [6] | `1.0`; `1.1`; `2`; `3` | Recommended |
-| [`network.transport`](../general/attributes.md) | string | [OSI Transport Layer](https://osi-model.com/transport-layer/) or [Inter-process Communication method](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inter-process_communication). The value SHOULD be normalized to lowercase. | `tcp`; `udp` | Conditionally Required: [7] |
-| [`network.type`](../general/attributes.md) | string | [OSI Network Layer](https://osi-model.com/network-layer/) or non-OSI equivalent. The value SHOULD be normalized to lowercase. | `ipv4`; `ipv6` | Recommended |
+| [`network.protocol.name`](../general/attributes.md) | string | [OSI application layer](https://osi-model.com/application-layer/) or non-OSI equivalent. [6] | `http`; `spdy` | Recommended: if not default (`http`). |
+| [`network.protocol.version`](../general/attributes.md) | string | Version of the protocol specified in `network.protocol.name`. [7] | `1.0`; `1.1`; `2`; `3` | Recommended |
+| [`network.transport`](../general/attributes.md) | string | [OSI transport layer](https://osi-model.com/transport-layer/) or [inter-process communication method](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inter-process_communication). [8] | `tcp`; `udp` | Conditionally Required: [9] |
+| [`network.type`](../general/attributes.md) | string | [OSI network layer](https://osi-model.com/network-layer/) or non-OSI equivalent. [10] | `ipv4`; `ipv6` | Recommended |
| `user_agent.original` | string | Value of the [HTTP User-Agent](https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc9110.html#field.user-agent) header sent by the client. | `CERN-LineMode/2.15 libwww/2.17b3` | Recommended |
**[1]:** If and only if it's different than `http.request.method`.
@@ -170,9 +170,19 @@ HTTP method names are case-sensitive and `http.request.method` attribute value M
Instrumentations for specific web frameworks that consider HTTP methods to be case insensitive, SHOULD populate a canonical equivalent.
Tracing instrumentations that do so, MUST also set `http.request.method_original` to the original value.
-**[6]:** `network.protocol.version` refers to the version of the protocol used and might be different from the protocol client's version. If the HTTP client used has a version of `0.27.2`, but sends HTTP version `1.1`, this attribute should be set to `1.1`.
+**[6]:** The value SHOULD be normalized to lowercase.
-**[7]:** If not default (`tcp` for `HTTP/1.1` and `HTTP/2`, `udp` for `HTTP/3`).
+**[7]:** `network.protocol.version` refers to the version of the protocol used and might be different from the protocol client's version. If the HTTP client used has a version of `0.27.2`, but sends HTTP version `1.1`, this attribute should be set to `1.1`.
+**[8]:** The value SHOULD be normalized to lowercase.
+Consider always setting the transport when setting a port number, since
+a port number is ambiguous without knowing the transport, for example
+different processes could be listening on TCP port 12345 and UDP port 12345.
+**[9]:** If not default (`tcp` for `HTTP/1.1` and `HTTP/2`, `udp` for `HTTP/3`).
+**[10]:** The value SHOULD be normalized to lowercase.
Following attributes MUST be provided **at span creation time** (when provided at all), so they can be considered for sampling decisions:
diff --git a/docs/messaging/messaging-spans.md b/docs/messaging/messaging-spans.md
index 6135222dc0..b1505e49d7 100644
--- a/docs/messaging/messaging-spans.md
+++ b/docs/messaging/messaging-spans.md
@@ -229,14 +229,14 @@ The following operations related to messages are defined for these semantic conv
| `messaging.message.conversation_id` | string | The [conversation ID](#conversations) identifying the conversation to which the message belongs, represented as a string. Sometimes called "Correlation ID". | `MyConversationId` | Recommended: [12] |
| `messaging.message.envelope.size` | int | The size of the message body and metadata in bytes. [13] | `2738` | Recommended: [14] |
| `messaging.message.id` | string | A value used by the messaging system as an identifier for the message, represented as a string. | `452a7c7c7c7048c2f887f61572b18fc2` | Recommended: [15] |
-| [`network.protocol.name`](../general/attributes.md) | string | [OSI Application Layer](https://osi-model.com/application-layer/) or non-OSI equivalent. The value SHOULD be normalized to lowercase. | `amqp`; `mqtt` | Recommended |
-| [`network.protocol.version`](../general/attributes.md) | string | Version of the application layer protocol used. See note below. [16] | `3.1.1` | Recommended |
-| [`network.transport`](../general/attributes.md) | string | [OSI Transport Layer](https://osi-model.com/transport-layer/) or [Inter-process Communication method](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inter-process_communication). The value SHOULD be normalized to lowercase. | `tcp`; `udp` | Recommended |
-| [`network.type`](../general/attributes.md) | string | [OSI Network Layer](https://osi-model.com/network-layer/) or non-OSI equivalent. The value SHOULD be normalized to lowercase. | `ipv4`; `ipv6` | Recommended |
-| [`server.address`](../general/attributes.md) | string | Server address - domain name if available without reverse DNS lookup, otherwise IP address or Unix domain socket name. [17] | `example.com` | Conditionally Required: If available. |
-| [`server.socket.address`](../general/attributes.md) | string | Server address of the socket connection - IP address or Unix domain socket name. [18] | `` | Recommended: If different than `server.address`. |
-| [`server.socket.domain`](../general/attributes.md) | string | Immediate server peer's domain name if available without reverse DNS lookup [19] | `proxy.example.com` | Recommended: [20] |
-| [`server.socket.port`](../general/attributes.md) | int | Server port number of the socket connection. [21] | `16456` | Recommended: If different than `server.port`. |
+| [`network.protocol.name`](../general/attributes.md) | string | [OSI application layer](https://osi-model.com/application-layer/) or non-OSI equivalent. [16] | `amqp`; `mqtt` | Recommended |
+| [`network.protocol.version`](../general/attributes.md) | string | Version of the protocol specified in `network.protocol.name`. [17] | `3.1.1` | Recommended |
+| [`network.transport`](../general/attributes.md) | string | [OSI transport layer](https://osi-model.com/transport-layer/) or [inter-process communication method](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inter-process_communication). [18] | `tcp`; `udp` | Recommended |
+| [`network.type`](../general/attributes.md) | string | [OSI network layer](https://osi-model.com/network-layer/) or non-OSI equivalent. [19] | `ipv4`; `ipv6` | Recommended |
+| [`server.address`](../general/attributes.md) | string | Server address - domain name if available without reverse DNS lookup, otherwise IP address or Unix domain socket name. [20] | `example.com` | Conditionally Required: If available. |
+| [`server.socket.address`](../general/attributes.md) | string | Server address of the socket connection - IP address or Unix domain socket name. [21] | `` | Recommended: If different than `server.address`. |
+| [`server.socket.domain`](../general/attributes.md) | string | Immediate server peer's domain name if available without reverse DNS lookup [22] | `proxy.example.com` | Recommended: [23] |
+| [`server.socket.port`](../general/attributes.md) | int | Server port number of the socket connection. [24] | `16456` | Recommended: If different than `server.port`. |
**[1]:** If a custom value is used, it MUST be of low cardinality.
@@ -271,18 +271,28 @@ size should be used.
**[15]:** Only for spans that represent an operation on a single message.
-**[16]:** `network.protocol.version` refers to the version of the protocol used and might be different from the protocol client's version. If the HTTP client used has a version of `0.27.2`, but sends HTTP version `1.1`, this attribute should be set to `1.1`.
+**[16]:** The value SHOULD be normalized to lowercase.
-**[17]:** This should be the IP/hostname of the broker (or other network-level peer) this specific message is sent to/received from.
+**[17]:** `network.protocol.version` refers to the version of the protocol used and might be different from the protocol client's version. If the HTTP client used has a version of `0.27.2`, but sends HTTP version `1.1`, this attribute should be set to `1.1`.
-**[18]:** When observed from the client side, this SHOULD represent the immediate server peer address.
+**[18]:** The value SHOULD be normalized to lowercase.
+Consider always setting the transport when setting a port number, since
+a port number is ambiguous without knowing the transport, for example
+different processes could be listening on TCP port 12345 and UDP port 12345.
+**[19]:** The value SHOULD be normalized to lowercase.
+**[20]:** This should be the IP/hostname of the broker (or other network-level peer) this specific message is sent to/received from.
+**[21]:** When observed from the client side, this SHOULD represent the immediate server peer address.
When observed from the server side, this SHOULD represent the physical server address.
-**[19]:** Typically observed from the client side, and represents a proxy or other intermediary domain name.
+**[22]:** Typically observed from the client side, and represents a proxy or other intermediary domain name.
-**[20]:** If different than `server.address` and if `server.socket.address` is set.
+**[23]:** If different than `server.address` and if `server.socket.address` is set.
-**[21]:** When observed from the client side, this SHOULD represent the immediate server peer port.
+**[24]:** When observed from the client side, this SHOULD represent the immediate server peer port.
When observed from the server side, this SHOULD represent the physical server port.
`messaging.operation` has the following list of well-known values. If one of them applies, then the respective value MUST be used, otherwise a custom value MAY be used.
diff --git a/docs/resource/host.md b/docs/resource/host.md
index 150755dc19..7469f8f40f 100644
--- a/docs/resource/host.md
+++ b/docs/resource/host.md
@@ -6,6 +6,9 @@
**Description:** A host is defined as a computing instance. For example, physical servers, virtual machines, switches or disk array.
+The `host.*` namespace SHOULD be exclusively used to capture resource attributes.
+To report host metrics, the `system.*` namespace SHOULD be used.
| Attribute | Type | Description | Examples | Requirement Level |
diff --git a/docs/rpc/rpc-metrics.md b/docs/rpc/rpc-metrics.md
index d51e609be6..ac07909f79 100644
--- a/docs/rpc/rpc-metrics.md
+++ b/docs/rpc/rpc-metrics.md
@@ -217,39 +217,49 @@ This metric is [recommended][MetricRecommended].
Below is a table of attributes that SHOULD be included on client and server RPC
| Attribute | Type | Description | Examples | Requirement Level |
+| [`network.transport`](../general/attributes.md) | string | [OSI transport layer](https://osi-model.com/transport-layer/) or [inter-process communication method](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inter-process_communication). [1] | `tcp`; `udp` | Recommended |
+| [`network.type`](../general/attributes.md) | string | [OSI network layer](https://osi-model.com/network-layer/) or non-OSI equivalent. [2] | `ipv4`; `ipv6` | Recommended |
+| [`rpc.method`](rpc-spans.md) | string | The name of the (logical) method being called, must be equal to the $method part in the span name. [3] | `exampleMethod` | Recommended |
+| [`rpc.service`](rpc-spans.md) | string | The full (logical) name of the service being called, including its package name, if applicable. [4] | `myservice.EchoService` | Recommended |
| [`rpc.system`](rpc-spans.md) | string | A string identifying the remoting system. See below for a list of well-known identifiers. | `grpc` | Required |
-| [`rpc.service`](rpc-spans.md) | string | The full (logical) name of the service being called, including its package name, if applicable. [1] | `myservice.EchoService` | Recommended |
-| [`rpc.method`](rpc-spans.md) | string | The name of the (logical) method being called, must be equal to the $method part in the span name. [2] | `exampleMethod` | Recommended |
-| [`network.transport`](../general/attributes.md) | string | [OSI Transport Layer](https://osi-model.com/transport-layer/) or [Inter-process Communication method](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inter-process_communication). The value SHOULD be normalized to lowercase. | `tcp`; `udp` | Recommended |
-| [`network.type`](../general/attributes.md) | string | [OSI Network Layer](https://osi-model.com/network-layer/) or non-OSI equivalent. The value SHOULD be normalized to lowercase. | `ipv4`; `ipv6` | Recommended |
-| [`server.address`](../general/attributes.md) | string | RPC server [host name](https://grpc.github.io/grpc/core/md_doc_naming.html). [3] | `example.com` | Required |
-| [`server.port`](../general/attributes.md) | int | Server port number [4] | `80`; `8080`; `443` | Conditionally Required: See below |
-| [`server.socket.address`](../general/attributes.md) | string | Server address of the socket connection - IP address or Unix domain socket name. [5] | `` | See below |
-| [`server.socket.port`](../general/attributes.md) | int | Server port number of the socket connection. [6] | `16456` | Recommended: [7] |
+| [`server.address`](../general/attributes.md) | string | Server address - domain name if available without reverse DNS lookup, otherwise IP address or Unix domain socket name. [5] | `example.com` | Recommended |
+| [`server.port`](../general/attributes.md) | int | Server port number [6] | `80`; `8080`; `443` | Recommended |
-**[1]:** This is the logical name of the service from the RPC interface perspective, which can be different from the name of any implementing class. The `code.namespace` attribute may be used to store the latter (despite the attribute name, it may include a class name; e.g., class with method actually executing the call on the server side, RPC client stub class on the client side).
+**[1]:** The value SHOULD be normalized to lowercase.
-**[2]:** This is the logical name of the method from the RPC interface perspective, which can be different from the name of any implementing method/function. The `code.function` attribute may be used to store the latter (e.g., method actually executing the call on the server side, RPC client stub method on the client side).
+Consider always setting the transport when setting a port number, since
+a port number is ambiguous without knowing the transport, for example
+different processes could be listening on TCP port 12345 and UDP port 12345.
-**[3]:** May contain server IP address, DNS name, or local socket name. When host component is an IP address, instrumentations SHOULD NOT do a reverse proxy lookup to obtain DNS name and SHOULD set `server.address` to the IP address provided in the host component.
+**[2]:** The value SHOULD be normalized to lowercase.
-**[4]:** When observed from the client side, and when communicating through an intermediary, `server.port` SHOULD represent the server port behind any intermediaries (e.g. proxies) if it's available.
+**[3]:** This is the logical name of the method from the RPC interface perspective, which can be different from the name of any implementing method/function. The `code.function` attribute may be used to store the latter (e.g., method actually executing the call on the server side, RPC client stub method on the client side).
-**[5]:** When observed from the client side, this SHOULD represent the immediate server peer address.
-When observed from the server side, this SHOULD represent the physical server address.
+**[4]:** This is the logical name of the service from the RPC interface perspective, which can be different from the name of any implementing class. The `code.namespace` attribute may be used to store the latter (despite the attribute name, it may include a class name; e.g., class with method actually executing the call on the server side, RPC client stub class on the client side).
-**[6]:** When observed from the client side, this SHOULD represent the immediate server peer port.
-When observed from the server side, this SHOULD represent the physical server port.
+**[5]:** When observed from the client side, and when communicating through an intermediary, `server.address` SHOULD represent
+the server address behind any intermediaries (e.g. proxies) if it's available.
-**[7]:** If different than `server.port` and if `server.socket.address` is set.
+**[6]:** When observed from the client side, and when communicating through an intermediary, `server.port` SHOULD represent the server port behind any intermediaries (e.g. proxies) if it's available.
-**Additional attribute requirements:** At least one of the following sets of attributes is required:
+`network.transport` has the following list of well-known values. If one of them applies, then the respective value MUST be used, otherwise a custom value MAY be used.
-* [`server.socket.address`](../general/attributes.md)
-* [`server.address`](../general/attributes.md)
+| Value | Description |
+| `tcp` | TCP |
+| `udp` | UDP |
+| `pipe` | Named or anonymous pipe. See note below. |
+| `unix` | Unix domain socket |
+`network.type` has the following list of well-known values. If one of them applies, then the respective value MUST be used, otherwise a custom value MAY be used.
+| Value | Description |
+| `ipv4` | IPv4 |
+| `ipv6` | IPv6 |
`rpc.system` has the following list of well-known values. If one of them applies, then the respective value MUST be used, otherwise a custom value MAY be used.
diff --git a/docs/rpc/rpc-spans.md b/docs/rpc/rpc-spans.md
index 7ef19bc619..d45cf2c6ea 100644
--- a/docs/rpc/rpc-spans.md
+++ b/docs/rpc/rpc-spans.md
@@ -88,28 +88,36 @@ Examples of span names:
| `rpc.system` | string | A string identifying the remoting system. See below for a list of well-known identifiers. | `grpc` | Required |
| `rpc.service` | string | The full (logical) name of the service being called, including its package name, if applicable. [1] | `myservice.EchoService` | Recommended |
| `rpc.method` | string | The name of the (logical) method being called, must be equal to the $method part in the span name. [2] | `exampleMethod` | Recommended |
-| [`network.transport`](../general/attributes.md) | string | [OSI Transport Layer](https://osi-model.com/transport-layer/) or [Inter-process Communication method](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inter-process_communication). The value SHOULD be normalized to lowercase. | `tcp`; `udp` | Recommended |
-| [`network.type`](../general/attributes.md) | string | [OSI Network Layer](https://osi-model.com/network-layer/) or non-OSI equivalent. The value SHOULD be normalized to lowercase. | `ipv4`; `ipv6` | Recommended |
-| [`server.address`](../general/attributes.md) | string | RPC server [host name](https://grpc.github.io/grpc/core/md_doc_naming.html). [3] | `example.com` | Required |
-| [`server.port`](../general/attributes.md) | int | Server port number [4] | `80`; `8080`; `443` | Conditionally Required: See below |
-| [`server.socket.address`](../general/attributes.md) | string | Server address of the socket connection - IP address or Unix domain socket name. [5] | `` | See below |
-| [`server.socket.port`](../general/attributes.md) | int | Server port number of the socket connection. [6] | `16456` | Recommended: [7] |
+| [`network.transport`](../general/attributes.md) | string | [OSI transport layer](https://osi-model.com/transport-layer/) or [inter-process communication method](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inter-process_communication). [3] | `tcp`; `udp` | Recommended |
+| [`network.type`](../general/attributes.md) | string | [OSI network layer](https://osi-model.com/network-layer/) or non-OSI equivalent. [4] | `ipv4`; `ipv6` | Recommended |
+| [`server.address`](../general/attributes.md) | string | RPC server [host name](https://grpc.github.io/grpc/core/md_doc_naming.html). [5] | `example.com` | Required |
+| [`server.port`](../general/attributes.md) | int | Server port number [6] | `80`; `8080`; `443` | Conditionally Required: See below |
+| [`server.socket.address`](../general/attributes.md) | string | Server address of the socket connection - IP address or Unix domain socket name. [7] | `` | See below |
+| [`server.socket.port`](../general/attributes.md) | int | Server port number of the socket connection. [8] | `16456` | Recommended: [9] |
**[1]:** This is the logical name of the service from the RPC interface perspective, which can be different from the name of any implementing class. The `code.namespace` attribute may be used to store the latter (despite the attribute name, it may include a class name; e.g., class with method actually executing the call on the server side, RPC client stub class on the client side).
**[2]:** This is the logical name of the method from the RPC interface perspective, which can be different from the name of any implementing method/function. The `code.function` attribute may be used to store the latter (e.g., method actually executing the call on the server side, RPC client stub method on the client side).
-**[3]:** May contain server IP address, DNS name, or local socket name. When host component is an IP address, instrumentations SHOULD NOT do a reverse proxy lookup to obtain DNS name and SHOULD set `server.address` to the IP address provided in the host component.
+**[3]:** The value SHOULD be normalized to lowercase.
-**[4]:** When observed from the client side, and when communicating through an intermediary, `server.port` SHOULD represent the server port behind any intermediaries (e.g. proxies) if it's available.
+Consider always setting the transport when setting a port number, since
+a port number is ambiguous without knowing the transport, for example
+different processes could be listening on TCP port 12345 and UDP port 12345.
-**[5]:** When observed from the client side, this SHOULD represent the immediate server peer address.
+**[4]:** The value SHOULD be normalized to lowercase.
+**[5]:** May contain server IP address, DNS name, or local socket name. When host component is an IP address, instrumentations SHOULD NOT do a reverse proxy lookup to obtain DNS name and SHOULD set `server.address` to the IP address provided in the host component.
+**[6]:** When observed from the client side, and when communicating through an intermediary, `server.port` SHOULD represent the server port behind any intermediaries (e.g. proxies) if it's available.
+**[7]:** When observed from the client side, this SHOULD represent the immediate server peer address.
When observed from the server side, this SHOULD represent the physical server address.
-**[6]:** When observed from the client side, this SHOULD represent the immediate server peer port.
+**[8]:** When observed from the client side, this SHOULD represent the immediate server peer port.
When observed from the server side, this SHOULD represent the physical server port.
-**[7]:** If different than `server.port` and if `server.socket.address` is set.
+**[9]:** If different than `server.port` and if `server.socket.address` is set.
**Additional attribute requirements:** At least one of the following sets of attributes is required:
@@ -165,8 +173,8 @@ Generally, a user SHOULD NOT set `peer.service` to a fully qualified RPC service
| [`client.port`](../general/attributes.md) | int | Client port number. [2] | `65123` | Recommended |
| [`client.socket.address`](../general/attributes.md) | string | Client address of the socket connection - IP address or Unix domain socket name. [3] | `/tmp/my.sock`; `` | Recommended: If different than `client.address`. |
| [`client.socket.port`](../general/attributes.md) | int | Client port number of the socket connection. [4] | `35555` | Recommended: If different than `client.port`. |
-| [`network.transport`](../general/attributes.md) | string | [OSI Transport Layer](https://osi-model.com/transport-layer/) or [Inter-process Communication method](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inter-process_communication). The value SHOULD be normalized to lowercase. | `tcp`; `udp` | Recommended |
-| [`network.type`](../general/attributes.md) | string | [OSI Network Layer](https://osi-model.com/network-layer/) or non-OSI equivalent. The value SHOULD be normalized to lowercase. | `ipv4`; `ipv6` | Recommended |
+| [`network.transport`](../general/attributes.md) | string | [OSI transport layer](https://osi-model.com/transport-layer/) or [inter-process communication method](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inter-process_communication). [5] | `tcp`; `udp` | Recommended |
+| [`network.type`](../general/attributes.md) | string | [OSI network layer](https://osi-model.com/network-layer/) or non-OSI equivalent. [6] | `ipv4`; `ipv6` | Recommended |
**[1]:** When observed from the server side, and when communicating through an intermediary, `client.address` SHOULD represent the client address behind any intermediaries (e.g. proxies) if it's available.
@@ -177,6 +185,14 @@ When observed from the client side, this SHOULD represent the physical client ad
**[4]:** When observed from the server side, this SHOULD represent the immediate client peer port.
When observed from the client side, this SHOULD represent the physical client port.
+**[5]:** The value SHOULD be normalized to lowercase.
+Consider always setting the transport when setting a port number, since
+a port number is ambiguous without knowing the transport, for example
+different processes could be listening on TCP port 12345 and UDP port 12345.
+**[6]:** The value SHOULD be normalized to lowercase.
### Events
diff --git a/docs/system/system-metrics.md b/docs/system/system-metrics.md
index 37b14608a1..a06d5b9664 100644
--- a/docs/system/system-metrics.md
+++ b/docs/system/system-metrics.md
@@ -11,6 +11,12 @@ metrics in OpenTelemetry. Consider the [general metric semantic
conventions](/docs/general/metrics.md#general-metric-semantic-conventions) when creating
instruments not explicitly defined in the specification.
+The `system.*` namespace SHOULD be exclusively used to report hosts' metrics.
+The `system.*` namespace SHOULD only be used when the metrics are collected from within the target system. (physical servers, virtual machines etc).
+Metrics collected from technology-specific, well-defined APIs (e.g. Kubelet's API or container runtimes)
+should be reported under their respective namespace (e.g. k8s.*, container.*).
+Resource attributes related to a host, SHOULD be reported under the `host.*` namespace.
@@ -637,10 +643,16 @@ This metric is [recommended][MetricRecommended].
| Attribute | Type | Description | Examples | Requirement Level |
-| [`network.transport`](../general/attributes.md) | string | [OSI Transport Layer](https://osi-model.com/transport-layer/) or [Inter-process Communication method](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inter-process_communication). The value SHOULD be normalized to lowercase. | `tcp`; `udp` | Recommended |
+| [`network.transport`](../general/attributes.md) | string | [OSI transport layer](https://osi-model.com/transport-layer/) or [inter-process communication method](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inter-process_communication). [1] | `tcp`; `udp` | Recommended |
| `system.device` | string | The device identifier | `(identifier)` | Recommended |
| `system.network.state` | string | A stateless protocol MUST NOT set this attribute | `close_wait` | Recommended |
+**[1]:** The value SHOULD be normalized to lowercase.
+Consider always setting the transport when setting a port number, since
+a port number is ambiguous without knowing the transport, for example
+different processes could be listening on TCP port 12345 and UDP port 12345.
`network.transport` has the following list of well-known values. If one of them applies, then the respective value MUST be used, otherwise a custom value MAY be used.
| Value | Description |
diff --git a/model/metrics/http.yaml b/model/metrics/http.yaml
index 53ad230d28..8e6f350929 100644
--- a/model/metrics/http.yaml
+++ b/model/metrics/http.yaml
@@ -66,7 +66,6 @@ groups:
- ref: http.response.status_code
- ref: network.protocol.name
- ref: network.protocol.version
- - ref: server.socket.address
- ref: error.type
conditionally_required: If request has ended with an error.
@@ -87,6 +86,8 @@ groups:
additional filters are applied.
If the request has completed successfully, instrumentations SHOULD NOT set `error.type`.
+ - ref: url.scheme
+ requirement_level: required
- id: metric.http.server.request.duration
type: metric
diff --git a/model/metrics/rpc-metrics.yaml b/model/metrics/rpc-metrics.yaml
index 237107e6d8..43186b0765 100644
--- a/model/metrics/rpc-metrics.yaml
+++ b/model/metrics/rpc-metrics.yaml
@@ -13,8 +13,6 @@ groups:
- ref: network.type
- ref: server.address
- ref: server.port
- - ref: server.socket.address
- - ref: server.socket.port
# RPC Server metrics
- id: metric.rpc.server.duration
diff --git a/model/network.yaml b/model/network.yaml
index fa83e62099..2b969ea36e 100644
--- a/model/network.yaml
+++ b/model/network.yaml
@@ -22,9 +22,14 @@ groups:
value: 'unix'
brief: "Unix domain socket"
brief: >
- [OSI Transport Layer](https://osi-model.com/transport-layer/) or
- [Inter-process Communication method](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inter-process_communication).
+ [OSI transport layer](https://osi-model.com/transport-layer/) or
+ [inter-process communication method](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inter-process_communication).
+ note: |
The value SHOULD be normalized to lowercase.
+ Consider always setting the transport when setting a port number, since
+ a port number is ambiguous without knowing the transport, for example
+ different processes could be listening on TCP port 12345 and UDP port 12345.
examples: ['tcp', 'udp']
- id: type
@@ -36,19 +41,17 @@ groups:
- id: ipv6
value: 'ipv6'
brief: "IPv6"
- brief: >
- [OSI Network Layer](https://osi-model.com/network-layer/) or non-OSI equivalent.
- The value SHOULD be normalized to lowercase.
+ brief: '[OSI network layer](https://osi-model.com/network-layer/) or non-OSI equivalent.'
+ note: The value SHOULD be normalized to lowercase.
examples: ['ipv4', 'ipv6']
- id: protocol.name
type: string
- brief: >
- [OSI Application Layer](https://osi-model.com/application-layer/) or non-OSI equivalent.
- The value SHOULD be normalized to lowercase.
+ brief: '[OSI application layer](https://osi-model.com/application-layer/) or non-OSI equivalent.'
+ note: The value SHOULD be normalized to lowercase.
examples: ['amqp', 'http', 'mqtt']
- id: protocol.version
type: string
- brief: 'Version of the application layer protocol used. See note below.'
+ brief: Version of the protocol specified in `network.protocol.name`.
examples: '3.1.1'
note: >
`network.protocol.version` refers to the version of the protocol used and might be