diff --git a/CONTRIBUTING.md b/CONTRIBUTING.md index 92561c0270f..182abb69a5a 100644 --- a/CONTRIBUTING.md +++ b/CONTRIBUTING.md @@ -266,3 +266,41 @@ owner should bring it to the [OpenTelemetry Specification SIG meeting](https://github.com/open-telemetry/community#cross-language-specification). [nvm]: https://github.com/nvm-sh/nvm/blob/master/README.md#installing-and-updating + +## Releasing + +Release Procedure: + +1. Prepare a [draft release here](https://github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-specification/releases). + Don't publish it yet. +2. Create a PR with updated [CHANGELOG.md](CHANGELOG.md). The CHANGELOG.md must have a + heading with the new version number. Ensure that no CHANGELOG entries are missing or + ended up in the wrong section (e.g., in the last released version rather than Unreleased). + The PR will fail the `schemas-check` Github action (all other actions must pass). + This is expected and will be fixed in the next steps. Have this PR reviewed and approved + and ready to be merged. While it is being reviewed you can work on step 3-4 in parallel. +3. Prepare the schema file for the upcoming release. The schema file should be placed + in the `schemas` directory. If no changes to semantic conventions happened + since the last release which require a corresponding section in the schema file then + simply copy the previous schema file, rename it to the new version and add a section + with the new version number to the file. See for example the schema file for [1.9.0]( + https://github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-specification/blob/main/schemas/1.9.0) + that has no changes from 1.8.0. + The schema file may already exist if there were changes done to semantic conventions + and the schema file was created with corresponding changes. +4. Create and merge the PR with the new schema file. Note the commit hash after merging. + If the schema file for the new release version previously existed then no new PR is + necessary, just note that latest commit hash of this repository. +5. Once CHANGELOG.md PR is approved and ready to be merged we are ready to make the release. + Update the [opentelemetry.io](https://github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry.io) + repository: the [opentelemetry-specification]( + https://github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry.io/tree/main/content-modules) + submodule points to this repository. Create a PR and update the submodule to point to + the commit hash from step 4. Merge this PR. This should update the + [https://opentelemetry.io/](https://opentelemetry.io/) website and the new schema file + should be downloadable at `https://opentelemetry.io/schemas/`. +6. Re-trigger the `schema-checks` Github action on the PR that updates the CHANGELOG.md. + The action should pass now. Merge the PR. +7. Add the changelog entries from `CHANGELOG.md` to the description of the previously + created [draft release here]( + https://github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-specification/releases) and publish it. diff --git a/internal/tools/schema_check.sh b/internal/tools/schema_check.sh index bbe0219770e..52063d3dd59 100755 --- a/internal/tools/schema_check.sh +++ b/internal/tools/schema_check.sh @@ -31,6 +31,13 @@ grep -o -e '## v[1-9].*\s' $root_dir/CHANGELOG.md | grep -o '[1-9].*' | while re echo "FAILED: $file does not exist. The schema file must exist because the version is declared in CHANGELOG.md." exit 3 fi + + curl --no-progress-meter https://opentelemetry.io/schemas/$ver > verify$ver + + diff verify$ver $file && echo "Published schema at https://opentelemetry.io/schemas/$ver is correct" \ + || (echo "Published schema at https://opentelemetry.io/schemas/$ver is incorrect!" && exit 3) + + rm verify$ver done # Now check the content of all schema files in the ../shemas directory.