This standard provides strict code style checking for whitespace, commenting style and PHPDoc. It is PSR-2 compatible, enforces good programming and documentation practices.
Ever wanted to standardize your team's code style? This is a PSR-2 compliant code:
namespace Project\MyClass ;
use Foo;
* this class has method
class MyClass
public function foo($param)
$a = $param * 2;
return $a+1;
No more code like this!
After Ongr Strict Standard validation:
1 | ERROR | [ ] There must be one blank line after the php open tag
| | and no whitespaces
2 | ERROR | [x] Space found before semicolon; expected "MyClass;"
| | but found "MyClass ;"
10 | ERROR | [ ] Class name doesn't match filename; expected "class
| | testas"
11 | ERROR | [ ] Expected no blank lines after an opening brace, 1
| | found
13 | ERROR | [ ] Missing function doc comment
15 | ERROR | [x] Expected 1 space after "*"; 2 found
16 | ERROR | [ ] Missing blank line before return statement
16 | ERROR | [x] Expected 1 space before "+"; 0 found
16 | ERROR | [x] Expected 1 space after "+"; 0 found
18 | ERROR | [x] Expected no blank lines before closing function
| | brace; 1 found
Time: 68ms; Memory: 5.75Mb
- Standardizes whitespace almost everywhere. E.g. between methods, spaces around operators, indentation of statements, etc.
- Required class short description everywhere except for PHPUnit testing classes.
- Required method short descriptions except for setters / getters and some magic methods.
- Comments start with capital letter and ends with appropriate punctuation. This suggests proper documentation and reduces laziness.
- Short array syntax is required.
- Require type hinting in PHPDoc for all parameters. Require @return and @throws tags where necessary.
- Code must not be aligned in assignments and array definitions.
- Strings should be "double quoted" only with a reason ($variable interpolation inside, etc.)
- PHP >=5.4
- CodeSniffer 2.x
Our work is based solely on Squiz Labs Squiz coding standard and opensky Symfony2 coding standard.
"require-dev": {
"ongr/ongr-strict-standard": "2.*",
"squizlabs/php_codesniffer": "2.*"
Or optionally you can install globally to all projects at ~/.composer/composer.json.
Then: composer global update.
Warning: if you are planing on developing, then sources should be located in Ongr directory.
For example, when cloning add target directory:
git clone<username>/ongr-strict-standard.git ONGR
vendor/bin/phpcs -p --standard=/home/<user>/.composer/vendor/ongr/ongr-strict-standard/Ongr --ignore=vendor/,Tests/app/,Resources/public/ ./
Note: Do not use ~ for HOME parameter, as PHPCS will not expand it.
Note: IDEs also support running Code Sniffer and adding error annotations directly on editor's source code (e.g. PHPStorm). Please see your IDE's documentation on how to add standard from custom directory.
Configure PHPCS:
Configure this standard:
- Go to Settings > Inspections > PHP > PHP Code Sniffer Validation.
- Mark checkbox ON for "PHP Code Sniffer Validation".
- Select Custom standard.
- Locate vendor/ongr/ongr-strict-standard/Ongr standard directory, press OK.
Code should be validated automatically on each PHP file edit.
This bundle is under the MIT license. Please, see the complete license
in the bundle LICENSE