- Ctrl-C better handler -> skip current, exit ?
- Improve wordlist quality:
- passwords
- Feature: Do not re-run checks already done
- info --services -> categories supported with nb of commands for each service
- Code quality: enum with auto numbering (aenum?)
- info --checks-categories
- argcomplete
- Code quality: Document code with rst docstrings:
- param types https://www.jetbrains.com/help/pycharm/using-docstrings-to-specify-types.html
- return type :
return: the message id rtype: int
- filter on nmap results to add
- option --disable-banner-grab for multiple targets
- option --disable-port-check
- --userlist --passlist
- Db> context-specific options
- run command in new window/new tab
- SmartModule HTTP: post-check method "cmseek_detect_cms"
- Weblogic CVE-2018-2628 https://github.com/tdy218/ysoserial-cve-2018-2628
- https://github.com/chadillac/mdns_recon
- nfsshell (sudo apt-get install libreadline-dev ; make)
- https://github.com/hegusung/RPCScan.git
- auxiliary/scanner/* wordpress ...
- https://github.com/1N3/BlackWidow
- For all bruteforce with 'auth_status': NO_AUTH -> create command with username known
Not sure: * Yasuo ?? https://github.com/0xsauby/yasuo (for ssh ?) * https://www.magereport.com * https://github.com/AlisamTechnology/PRESTA-modules-shell-exploit/blob/master/PRESTA-shell-exploit.pl * https://github.com/breenmachine/JavaUnserializeExploits * arachni * https://github.com/DanMcInerney/pentest-machine
- Java-RMI -> handle case windows ping -n
- Better exploit for MS17-010 (support for more win versions, only Win7 and 2008 R2 for now)
- Script for vuln lookup based on banner (vulners, exploit-db...)
- MongoDB