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ollin edited this page Feb 26, 2017 · 6 revisions


Consumer Driven Contracts hands-on ... and a little bit of theory

Imagine you have a service (the consumer) that uses some JSON data from another service (the producer). You're responsible for implementing the consumer and you want to have another field in your data structure. How do you inform your producer automatically that you need this additional field?

In this workshop, we're implementing this as an example and discuss the ideas behind consumer-driven contracts afterward. If we'll have time we'll split up into separate consumer teams and practice the whole process across different teams.

Participants of this workshop will be using to implement the tests. They will learn how consumer driven contracts help to grow a microservice architecture without breaking expectations of client code. The example is in Java but provides implementations for other languages like Ruby, Go, JavaScript, Swift or .net as well.

About Jan Wloka

Jan Wloka is a software engineer at heart, works at a small software engineering shop called Quatico, and tries to change the world. Every day. Seriously. Find him on Twitter @crashtester.

About Miko Nieminen

Miko Nieminen loves the art of software engineering. Complex and especially distributed systems are his passion. Like Jan, Miko works at Quatico. You can find him on Twitter @miko_nieminen.

About Oliver Nautsch

Oliver Nautsch - Software Crafter - Continuous Delivery Enthusiast - President - ...running... - ollispieps@twitter - helping teams to build better software, faster and with fun.