All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Post to Telegram Channel and/or Group
- Delay time 0-15 seconds between retweets
- send msg to telegram
- RT level to telegram post
- Post new tweets to telegram group
- Randomization of the user order when tweeting
- Typo in welcome and help DM
- delay between retweets
- print and log error if retweet fails with unkown error
- api_listener_ to webserver_listener
- rts per rt-level didnt work without -a flag
- scp copy on new user to a remote server
- check if a user exists in our db, if not delete DM command and continue with next DM
- "new_user" backup was made before the new user was inserted
- bug in get-bot-info account info
- + to console
- print leaderboard generation runtime
- create backup on every new user account
- get-bot-info: user-list
- text format
- creation of backup file was in load db instead of save db
- hash and keywords dont matter if chars are big or small
- tweepy.error.TweepError: Twitter error response: status code = 503 in row 617
- show retweets in welcome message
- Exception handling get timeline and auth denied
- rt sources: to configure in
- forum link (rule-set) to DMs
- get-info (retweets and rt-level)
- DM text: floblockchain/flo-retweets#1
- renamed get-info to get-bot-info
- unused css code in ./html/css/*
- Typo in DM
- for get-info
- config setting for DM sender name
- show retweets in the help DM answer
- redirect to canceled.html instead of sending an own page
- send DM to sys admins on new user auth
- KeyError oAuthTwitter/verify
- config setting for webserer listener IP and port
- HTML update
- Handling for for status DM on new user auth
Initial release