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PyDealer Changelog

Changes -- Will probably break things
Major changes to the package/code.
Features -- May or may not break things
New, added features/functionality.
Refactoring -- Shouldn't break things
Changes/improvements to the code.
Bugfixes -- Won't break things
Smaller bugfixes, fixing broken functionality.
Other -- Won't break things
Any other changes that may be of note, such as updating/modifying of documentation.

v1.4.0 (2015-01-10)



  • PyDealer is now under a GPLv3 license. I know I probably shouldn't be switching licenses suddenly, but the MIT license was just a little too open for my liking. I like open, but I also like to have my rights protected, and to make sure that PyDealer, or anything derived from it, remains open source, literally.
  • Moved all constants, classes, utility functions into their own separate files, because they're easier to manage that way, instead of having everything in one large file.
    • contains the Card class.
    • contains the few constants used by PyDealer.
    • contains the Deck class.
    • contains the Stack class.
    • contains all of the utility functions, which are used by the various methods/functions in the PyDealer package, but can also be used on their own as well though.
  • Changed the values argument name, in the following helper functions, to ranks, because it makes more sense to me.
    • check_sorted
    • sort_card_indices
    • sort_cards
  • All of the sorting methods & functions now sort by DEFAULT_RANKS by default, instead of POKER_RANKS. Deck instances are also built using this order.

  • The attribute name Card.value is now Card.face, because it makes more sense.
  • The Card comparison magic methods now use pydealer.const.DEFAULT_RANKS instead of pydealer.const.POKER_RANKS for comparisons. If a user would rather use some other rank dict, they can use the newly added comparison functions described below, in the features section.

  • Merged the constant NUMBERS with FACES. There was no point in having them separate.
  • The "values" key in DEFAULT_RANKS, and BIG2_RANKS is now named "faces", to match the change of the Card attribute name, described aboved, in the changes section.
  • POKER_RANKS now has a "faces" key, to work with tweaked sorting functions.
  • Removed BLACKJACK_VALS, because it was pretty much useless, not being used for anything, and can be easily reproduced by anyone that needed it.

  • now returns a Stack instance, instead of a list.
  • no longer accepts the arguments rebuild or shuffle. They are now Deck attributes that you can set on instantiation. You may also change them any time afterwards as well.
  • Deck.__init__ now recieves a single **kwargs argument. The accepted arguments are still the same though. The only difference is that when providing cards on instantiation, you have to use the argument cards=<cards>, where <cards> is a list of Card instances, or a Stack/Deck instance.
  • Removed the argument sort from Deck.__init__, and, because decks are built sorted by default now.

  • now returns a Stack instance, instead of a list.
  • Stack.__init__ now recieves a single **kwargs argument. The accepted arguments are still the same. The only difference is that when providing cards, you have to use the argument cards=<cards>, where <cards> is a list of Card instances, or Stack/Deck.
  • Changed the Stack.__eq__ (and Deck.__eq__) magic method, so that it doesn't compare instance type anymore, and so that it takes into account the ordering of the cards as well. This allows you to compare a Stack instance to a Deck instance, and vice versa, or compare a list of Cards instances to a Stack/Deck.
  • Removed the __iter__ method. Was pointless.



  • Added tests (98 of them). You can run all of the tests by running, in the "tests" folder. May try out nose for testing, and Travis CI at a later date.
  • Added documentation. It can be viewed at
  • Sorting now works with Jokers. They will always be at the bottom of the deck after sorting, when using any of the provided rank dicts.

  • Added the comparison methods,, Card.le,, Card.eq,and, in case a user wants more control over which rank dict is used for Card rank/value comparisons. All of the functions accept the arguent ranks, which can be DEFAULT_RANKS, POKER_RANKS, BIG2_RANKS, or any other rank dict matching the pattern of the included rank dicts. The default is DEFAULT_RANKS.

  • Added the constant DEFAULT_RANKS, which is the default sorting order for sorting methods & functions, and freshly built Deck instances. It is a combination of POKER_RANKS and BIG2_RANKS. The order of DEFAULT_RANKS, from least to greatest value, is 2 - 10, Jack, Queen, King, and Ace, for card faces, and Diamonds, Clubs, Hearts, and Spades for card suits.
  • Added the constants TOP and BOTTOM, which are used by the end argument in,, and Stack.add, to respresent the top and bottom of a Stack or Deck instance. They are just ints (0, and 1 respectively).

  • Added the bool argument rebuild to Deck.__init__, to set whether or not the deck will be rebuilt when all of the cards are dealt from it.
    • Added the attribute Deck.rebuild, to keep track of whether or not to rebuild. This way, you don't have to pass the rebuild argument to You can always turn rebuilding off with Deck.rebuild = False (or on with Deck.rebuild = True). It is False by default.
  • Added the bool argument re_shuffle to Deck.__init__, to set whether or not the deck will be shuffled when/if it's rebuilt.
    • Added the attribute Deck.re_shuffle, to keep track of whether or not to shuffle when rebuilding. This way, you don't have to pass the rebuild argument to You can always turn rebuild shuffling off with Deck.re_shuffle = False (or on with Deck.re_shuffle = True). It is False by default.
  • Added the attribute Deck.jokers, which keeps track of whether the deck was built with jokers.
  • Added the attribute Deck.num_jokers which keeps track of how many jokers the deck was built with.
  • Added the function convert, which will take a given Stack instance and return a new Deck instance, with the same cards.
  • Added the argument end to It allows you to specify which end of the Deck to deal from (top or bottom). It accepts either 0 (top) or 1 (bottom).
  • You can now add a list of Card instances, or a Stack/Deck instance to a Deck instance, using the + operand (or +=).

  • Added a Stack class, to represent a generic "card container", used to hold and work with cards (could be used as a hand, or a discard pile, etc.). It is essentially the old Deck class, with a new name, and a number of new methods. The Deck class is now just a subclass of Stack, with a few extra methods, particular to decks.
    • All methods available to the Stack class are also available to the Deck class as well.
  • Added the method Stack.add, to add given card(s) to the stack.
    • Has one argument, end, which can be either 0 (top) or 1 (bottom). end determines which end of the Stack the card(s) get added to.
  • Added the method Stack.sort, to sort a stack in place.
  • Added the method Stack.split, for splitting a stack in half, or at a given indice, and returning the two halves, as separate Stack instances.
  • Added the method Stack.reverse, which reverses the stack in place.
  • Added the method Stack.save_cards, for saving the cards in a stack, in plain text format in a txt file. Card order is maintained.
  • Added the method Stack.open_cards, for opening the cards in plain text files of cards generated by Stack.save_cards or pydealer.utils.save_cards. Card order is maintained.
  • Added the method Stack.empty, which removes all cards from the stack and returns them as a list.
    • Has one argument, return_cards, which accepts a bool value, and determines whether or not the cards are returned.
  • Added the method Stack.random_card for getting a random card from the stack.
    • Has one argument, remove, which accepts a bool value, and determines whether or not to remove the random card from the Stack.
  • Added the method Stack.insert, for inserting a card into the stack at a given indice.
  • Added the method Stack.insert_list, for inserting a list of cards into a stack, at the given indice.
  • Added the method Stack.count, for counting the number of a card that matches a given term.
  • Added the method Stack.count_list, for counting the number of cards that match a given list of terms.
  • Added the argument end to It allows a user to specify which end of the stack to deal from (top or bottom). It accepts either 0 (top) or 1 (bottom).
  • Added the argument limit to Stack.find, Stack.find_list, Stack.get and Stack.get_list. It lets a user specify a limit on how many items to retrieve for each term. For example, if you used Stack.get_list(["A", "2"], limit=1) then Stack.get_list would return only the first Ace, and first 2 that it found, instead of all 4 Aces and all 4 2s. Stack.get_list(["A", "2"], limit=2) would return the first and second Ace and 2 that it found, etc.
  • Added the function convert, which will take a given Deck instance and return a new Stack instance, with the same cards.
  • Added Stack.__ne__, so that != comparisons should work properly now.
  • Fleshed out Stack.__getitem__, so Stack and Deck instances cards can now be accessed, sliced, or reversed like lists, like you might expect.
  • Added the attribute Stack.ranks, which allows you to set the rank dict to use for sorting methods, etc. You can set it on instantiation using the argument ranks=<rank_dict>, or any time afterwards using Stack.ranks = <rank_dict>, where <rank_dict> is the rank dict to use.
  • You can now add a list of Card instances, or a Stack/Deck instance to a Stack instance, using the + operand (or +=).

  • Moved the function check_term to pydealer.utils.
  • Moved the function compare_stacks to pydealer.utils.
  • Moved the function sort_card_indices to pydealer.utils.
  • Moved the function sort_cards to pydealer.utils.
  • Added the function build_cards that builds and returns a list containing a full deck of Card instances (a French deck of 52 cards). I basically moved the meat of out of that method, and into a separate helper function. now calls build_cards. I did this so that users can use the card building function as a standalone function, if they wish.
  • Added the function check_sorted to check whether the given cards (a Stack, Deck, or list of Card instances) are sorted (by default ranks, poker ranks or big two ranks).
  • Added the function find_card, for finding a card with the given term, in the given Stack, Deck, or list of cards.
  • Added the function find_list, for finding cards with the given list of terms, in the given Stack, Deck, or list of cards.
  • Added the function get_card, for getting, and removing a card with the given term, from the given Stack, Deck, or list of cards.
  • Added the function get_list, for getting, and removing cards with the given list of terms, from the given Stack, Deck, or list of cards.
  • Added the function open_cards for opening a plain txt list of cards, generated by save_cards or Stack.save_cards.
  • Added the function random_card, which will return a random card from a given Stack instance, Deck instance, or list of Card instances.
  • Added the function save_cards for saving a hand, deck, or list of cards in plain text, to a txt file. Card order is maintained.



  • All modules now use absolute imports.
  • imports all of the classes, for easier, more convenient access. Users can import any class using from pydealer import <class>, or import pydealer.<class>, instead of from pydealer.<module> import <class>, or import pydealer.<module>.<class>. Users may still do it the longer way though, if that is prefered. Actually, the longer ways are probably the more "proper" ways to do it. Utility functions can be imported using from pydealer.utils import <function> or import pydealer.utils.<function>.

  • The Deck class is now just a subclass of the Stack class, with a few extra methods.

  • Tweaked Stack.get, and Stack.get_list.
    • Changed Stack.get and Stack.get_list so that they don't rely on deque.remove to remove cards from the deck, which was relatively slow. They now just make a new copy of the cards in the deck, minus the gotten cards, using list comprehensions, and assign it to
    • Did away with a slow for loop in Stack.get_list. The loop made repeated calls (once for each term) to Stack.find, and repeated addition to a list. Now makes one call to Stack.find_list, and one list assignment. Now takes about 1/3rd the time.
  • Added the property that, when assigning cards to directly, converts the given list of Card instances, or cards in a Stack/Deck to a deque first.

  • Did away with all of the rank dict checks in sort_card_indices and sort_cards. Should be slightly faster, and more generic now, meaning a user can feed in his own dictionary, as long as it follows the pattern of the included rank dicts.
  • sort_card_indices and sort_cards are now a little more flexible, and can sort by just suit now as well, if provided with a rank dict that only has suit ranks, instead of only being able to sort by either face or face & suit, .



  • Fixed the comparison magic methods in Card, so they now work properly in Python 3.
  • Fixed a bug in the Card.__eq__ magic method (changed an and to an or).
  • Fixed card_abbrev so that it properly abbreviates 10s now.

  • Fixed the division in Stack.split. It now uses floor division (//), so it works with Python 3.



  • Tried to clarify a few docstrings.
  • Got rid of all trailing/extra spaces.
  • Fixed up the readme a bit.
    • Added syntax highlighting to the examples.

  • Added missing argument descriptions to the docstrings of sort_card_indices and sort_cards.

v1.3.0 (2014-07-03)


  • Added a couple of extra arguments to Deck.__init__.
    • Deck.__init__ now takes a list of cards as the first argument, cards, so you can instantiate a deck with a given list of cards.
    • You can now prevent a Deck from building itself automatically, on instantiation, with the bool argument build. If build=False, the Deck skips building.
  • Deck.find, and Deck.get no longer accept lists of terms, and only accept a single term. I have made separate methods for finding/getting lists of terms (see the features section below).
    • These methods also only return lists (empty or otherwise) now.
  • Scrapped Deck.peek, because it was pretty much useless.
  • The abbreviation for jokers is now "JKR", instead of "JK".


  • PyDealer is now hosted on the PyPi! Installing just got that much easier.
  • Deck``s now store their ``Cards in a deque, instead of a list.
  • Added Deck.find_list, and Deck.get_list, for retrieving items matching the terms in a given list.
  • Added a sort kwarg to Deck,, Deck.find, Deck.find_list, Deck.get and Deck.get_list.
    • sort is a boolean argument, which, if True, will sort the newly built Deck, or results by poker rank, otherwise they are built/returned in the order they are created/found. Default is False.
  • Added the global function compare_decks, for checking whether two Deck instances have the same cards (Card suits & values, not Card instances).
  • Added the global functions sort_cards, and sort_card_indices, for sorting given cards, or deck indices by poker ranks.
  • Added the method Deck.set_cards, to set a Deck's contents to a given list of cards at any time. You could just do = deque([Card, Card, ...]) as well. This method just handles the extra step of converting a list to a deque.
  • Deck.shuffle() now takes the argument times, which is the number of times to shuffle.


  • Changed to a deque, instead of a list.
  • Tweaked the item retrieval methods Deck.find, and Deck.find_list, so that they use enumerate in their loops now, instead of getting card indexes using
  • Changed the ordering of the items in FACES, and SUITS, so that Deck instances are sorted by big two ranks by default, when built.


  • Fixed check_term again. Should actually work with 10s now. Really.
  • Added a dirty little try/except fix for the xrange function, because it doesn't exist in Python 3. If xrange can't be found, implying the package is being run under Python 3, then Python 3's range is assigned to the variable xrange, using xrange = range.
  • Changed Deck.find, so that it doesn't return lists with duplicates.


  • Tweaked the function/method docstrings a bit, to try to make them easier to read.
  • Updated the readme.
  • Tweaked the section key at the top of the changelog slightly.

v1.2.2 (2015-06-30)


  • Fixed check_term, so that it works with Python 3.


  • Filled out the docstring for Deck.__init__.
  • Filled out the docstring for Card.__init__.
  • Fixed a few little errors in the readme.

v1.2.1 (2014-06-28)


  • Fixed the methods Deck.find, Deck.get, and Deck.peek, so they don't throw an error when there is nothing to return. They now return None if nothing is found.


  • Changed, so it now imports everything from the module, meaning you can now access the globals constants, and check_term, when importing PyDealer.
  • Stripped the extra "n" at the end of the str representation of a Deck.

v1.2.0 (2014-06-25)


  • Moved the constants Deck.SUITS, Deck.FACES, and Deck.NUMBERS out of Deck and into the global scope. They can now be accessed using SUITS, FACES, and NUMBERS.
  • Moved Deck.check_term out of Deck, and into the global scope. It can now be accessed by calling check_term.


  • Added some magic methods to the Card, and Deck objects.
    • Added to Card:
      • __eq__
      • __gt__
      • __hash__
      • __repr__
      • __str__
    • Added to Deck:
      • __add__
      • __contains__
      • __delitem__
      • __eq__
      • __getitem__
      • __iter__
      • __len__
      • __repr__
      • __setitem__
      • __str__
  • Added a few global constants, for use with some common card games:
    • POKER_RANKS, which is a dict of poker ranks.
      • This is also used by Card.__gt__.
    • BIG2_RANKS, which is a dict of ranks for the game Big Two (Deuces).
    • BLACKJACK_VALS, which is a dict of card values for Black Jack (Twenty One).
  • Deck.peek, in addition to accepting a single deck indice for an argument, can now accept a list of deck indices as well.
  • Deck.get, in addition to accepting card names/values/suits/abbrevs. as an argument, can now accept deck indices as well.


  • Refactored most of the methods in Deck.
    • Refactored
    • Refactored Deck.find.
    • Refactored Deck.get.
  • Refactored the methods in Card.
    • Refactored Card.gen_abbrev.
    • Refactored Card.gen_name.
  • Refactored check_term


  • Fixed Card.gen_abbrev, so it now properly abbreviates 10s.


  • Added argument & return value descriptions to the method & function docstrings.
  • Reformatted the changelog, CHANGES.rst.

v1.1.0 (2014-06-22)


  • Pydealer is now a proper package, that can be installed/uninstalled using PIP.
  • No longer have to call Deck.build_deck after instantiating a deck. It it done on initialization now.
  • Shortened a few method names.
    • Deck.build_deck is now
    • Deck.find_cards is now Deck.find.
    • Deck.get_cards is now Deck.get.


  • Decks can now be built with jokers.
    • This can be done by passing the argument jokers=True to Deck, when instantiating:
      deck = pydealer.Deck(jokers=True)


  • Negligibly optimized a few methods, by replacing some simple loops with list comprehensions.
  • Fixed up the readme. Added simple usage examples.
  • Fixed up the changelog, CHANGES.rst.

v1.0.0 (2014-05-11)

  • Initial release.