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Survey Manipulation

joshuaselsky edited this page Mar 20, 2012 · 44 revisions

What does it do?

Allows survey responses for a particular campaign to be uploaded to the system. The content type must be multipart/form-data. Images may be attached with a content type of image/jpeg.



Access Rules

Campaign participants may upload surveys if the campaign in question is running.

Input Parameters

  • (r) client = A string representing the client.
  • (r) campaign_urn = A campaign URN.
  • (r) campaign_creation_timestamp = The creation timestamp of the campaign.
  • (r) user = The username of the participant taking the survey.
  • (r) password = The hashed password of the participant taking the survey.
  • (r) surveys = A JSON array of data packets (See below for specification.)
  • 0...n image attachments for the survey dependent on how many images are present in the data payload. Each image must be represented as an attached file where the filename must refer to a UUID contained the survey data JSON

Example POST

POST /app/survey/upload HTTP/1.1
 Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_6_8) AppleWebKit/535.7 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/16.0.912.77 Safari/535.7
 Content-Length: byte-length-of-content
 Content-Type: multipart/form-data, Boundary=AAABBB

   content-disposition: form-data; name="campaign_urn"

   content-disposition: form-data; name="campaign_creation_timestamp"

   00:00:01 01-01-01
   content-disposition: form-data; name="client"

   content-disposition: form-data; name="user"

   content-disposition: form-data; name="password"

   content-disposition: form-data; name="surveys"

   ... JSON data ...
   content-disposition: attachment; name="f1718569-2d54-4706-b3ac-2e6d63ad023b"
   content-type: image/jpeg
   content-transfer-encoding: binary
   ... contents of jpeg ...

Survey Response JSON Format

Each campaign running in an ohmage application represents a grouping of surveys. Each survey upload is represented by a JSON object that must adhere to the following specification. TODO: link to campaign docs

All fields are required.

JSON Key Usage/Description
survey_key A UUID unique to this survey response.
time An int specifying the survey completion time by the number of milliseconds since the UNIX epoch.
timezone The timezone ID for the timezone of the device when this survey was taken.
location_status A string describing location status. Must be one of: unavailable, valid, inaccurate, stale. If the status is unavailable, it is an error to send a location object.
location A JSON object for housing location data.
latitude A double representing latitude.
longitude A double representing longitude.
provider A non-empty string representing the location provider. (e.g., GPS or network).
accuracy A float representing accuracy in meters from actual location.
time A long value representing the milliseconds since the UNIX epoch at which time this location value was collected.
timezone The timezone ID for the timezone of the device when this location value was collected.
survey_id A string defining a survey in the campaign's associated configuration file at the XPath /surveys/survey/id
survey_launch_context A JSON object with variable properties that describes the survey's launch context.
launch_time The milliseconds since the UNIX epoch when this survey was started.
launch_timezone The timezone of the device when this survey was started.
active_triggers A JSONArray of the names of the triggers (reminders) that were active when the survey was launched. If no reminders were active (i.e., the survey was launched manually), this must be an empty JSON array.
responses A JSON array composed of JSON object prompt responses and/or JSON object repeatable set responses.
Repeatable Set: A JSON object with the following elements.
repeatable_set_id A string id for a repeatable set of prompts.
skipped A boolean string which identifies that the extra iterations of the repeatable set were skipped (the end user refused to answer another iteration instead of just stopping normally).
not_displayed A boolean string. If true, identifies that the repeatable set was not displayed to the end user. If true, the responses element must be an empty array.
responses An array of objects representing the prompt responses in this repeatable set.
Single Prompt Response: A JSON object with the following elements.
prompt_id A string id for a prompt.
value The data type of this value is dependent on the prompt type.

Data Type Examples

Prompt Type Constraints Example
number or hours_before_now An integer within a range. `"value":1
text Free-form text. `"value":"I just tweeted that I updated my Facebook status."
multi_choice A JSON array of items where each item is an integer key from a table of key-value pairs representing the choices. `"value":[0,1,2]
multi_choice_custom A JSON array of label values chosen by the user. `"value":["apple","banana"]
single_choice An item that is an integer key from a table of key-value pairs representing the choices `"value":1
single_choice_custom The label value of the item the user chose. `"value":"spork"
photo A UUID for uniquely labeling the upload of the binary data. `"value":"fb788b16-34f4-4bdb-886a-e76926399adc"

An Example Survey Response

        "location": {
        "survey_launch_context": {
        "responses": [
                "value":"I sat on the 405 for an hour in practically stopped traffic."

Prompt Response When a User Skips a Prompt

When the user intentionally skips a question (i.e., by pressing "Skip"), the response must be set to the special string SKIPPED. Whether a prompt is skippable or not depends on its configuration.


Prompt Response When a Prompt Is Conditionally Not Displayed

When a prompt is not displayed because of a condition evaluating to false, the string NOT_DISPLAYED must be sent as the response.


Output Format


    "result" : "success"


See the error page for a description of error codes and their associated descriptions.

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What does it do?

Allows reading of survey responses with a variety of output formats and many different ways of controlling the items present in the response.



Access Rules

Operation Participant Author Analyst Supervisor
Read Their Own Private or Shared Survey Responses anytime N/A N/A N/A
Read Someone Else's Shared Survey Responses never anytime if the campaign is shared anytime
Read Someone Else's Private Survey Responses never never never anytime

Input Parameters

Supports Token-Based Authentication ...

  • (r) auth_token = A valid authentication token from user/auth_token. May also be set using the Set-Cookie header.

... or User-Password Authentication

  • (r) user = A username of the user attempting to login
  • (r) password = A password for the above user.

Additional Parameters

  • (r) campaign_urn = A valid campaign URN for the currently logged in user.
  • (r) client = The name of the software client accessing the API.
  • (r) column_list = One or more of the URNs in the table belown in a comma-separated list or urn:ohmage:special:all.
  • (o) end_date = Must be present if start_date is present; allows querying against a date range
  • (r) output_format = One of json-rows, json-columns, or csv.
  • (o) pretty_print = A boolean that if true will indent JSON output.
  • (o) prompt_id_list = Optional, but must be present if survey_id_list is not present. A comma separated list of prompt ids which must exist in the campaign being queried. urn:ohamge:special:all is also allowed.
  • (o) privacy_state = If present, must be one of "private" or "shared". The output is dependent on the access-control rules governing the role of the logged-in user.
  • (o) sort_order = Controls the SQL ORDER BY clause: a comma separated list containing user, timestamp, survey in any order.
  • (o) start_date = Optional, but must be present if end_date is present: allows querying against a date range.
  • (o) suppress_metadata = A boolean [true|false] to control whether the metadata section of the output will be returned.
  • (o) survey_id_list = Optional, but must be present if prompt_id_list is not present. A comma separated list of survey ids which must exist in the campaign being queried. urn:ohamge:special:all is also allowed.
  • (r) user_list = A comma separated list of usernames that must be valid for the campaign being queried. urn:ohmage:special:all is also allowed.
  • (o) return_id = A boolean indicating whether to return the primary key of the survey for client update/delete purposes. This parameter is only available for json-rows output.
  • (o) collapse = A boolean indicating whether to collapse duplicate results: this is most useful when asking the API to provide specific columns e.g., when you only want the a list of unique users to be returned. This will result in a new key in each "row" for json-rows and a new "column" in json-columns and csv output. The new "key" will be "count" and the new "column" will be "urn:ohmage:context:count".
  • (o) num_to_skip = The number of survey responses to skip in reverse chronological order in which they were taken.
  • (o) num_to_process = The number of survey responses to process after the skipping those to be skipped via 'num_survey_responses_to_skip'.
  • (o) survey_response_id_list = A comma-separated list of survey response IDs. The results will only be of survey responses whose ID is in this list.

Notes on Input Parameters

  • csv output is returned as an attached file
  • column_list must a comma-separated list with a maximum length of 10 column URNs or urn:ohmage:special:all may be used to retrieve all columns. For row-based output, this parameter contains the attributes that appear with each "record" in the output.
  • both start_date and end_date must be ISO 8601 formatted date values. Both start_date and end_date are optional, but if one is present, the other must also be present. The server will return data for all dates if neither is present.
  • For output_format=csv, pretty_print is ignored.
  • Both prompt_id_list and survey_id_list are optional, but at least one of them must be present. The maximum number of prompts or surveys is ten. If you want all of the prompts or surveys in a particular campaign, use urn:ohmage:special:all.
  • suppress_metadata will cause the metadata section of the output not to be returned. This parameter is ignored for JSON output.

URNs for column_list Parameter

URN Description/Notes
urn:ohmage:user:id The user's username in the system.
urn:ohmage:context:client The "client" parameter set on the request for a survey upload. Client here refers to software client as opposed to user.
urn:ohmage:context:location:timezone The timezone of the device when the location object was generated.
urn:ohmage:context:timezone The timezone sent with a survey upload.
urn:ohmage:context:utc_timestamp The epoch millis sent with the survey uploaded converted to a human-readable datetime
urn:ohmage:context:launch_context_short The survey_launch_context sent with a survey upload. The short version contains the launch time and launch timezone.
urn:ohmage:context:launch_context_long The survey_launch_context sent with a survey upload. The long version contains all reminder information that was uploaded with the survey is returned.
urn:ohmage:context:location:status One of unavailable, valid, stale, inaccurate.
urn:ohmage:context:location:latitude If the location_status, is unavailable, this value will be null or the empty string for csv output, otherwise it will be a double representing the latitude.
urn:ohmage:context:location:longitude If the location_status, is unavailable, this value will be null or the empty string for csv output, otherwise it will be a double representing the longitude.
urn:ohmage:context:location:timestamp The epoch milliseconds representing when the location was generated. If the location_status, is unavailable, this value will be null or the empty string for csv output.
urn:ohmage:context:location:accuracy The location accuracy in meters. If the location_status is unavailable, this value will be null or the empty string for csv output.
urn:ohmage:context:location:provider The location provider (e.g., GPS or network). If the location_status is unavailable, this value will be null or the empty string for csv output.
urn:ohmage:repeatable_set:id The repeatable set id, if one exists.
urn:ohmage:repeatable_set:iteration The repeatable set iteration, if one exists.
urn:ohmage:survey:id The survey id of the uploaded survey. Also the same value as the survey id from the associated campaign configuration.
urn:ohmage:survey:id The survey id of the uploaded survey. Also the same value as the survey id from the associated campaign configuration.
urn:ohmage:survey:title The survey title retrieved from the associated campaign configuration.
urn:ohmage:survey:description The survey description retrieved from the associated campaign configuration.
urn:ohmage:survey:privacy_state The survey's privacy state: private or shared.
urn:ohmage:prompt:response The user's prompt response. This value may be a number, a string, a JSON Array, or a JSON Object, depending on its prompt type When this URN is present in the column list passed to the API, the server will generate a unique column for each prompt in the query output. The label on the prompt column will be urn:ohmage:prompt:promptId where promptId is the actual id of the prompt in its associated configuration file.
urn:ohmage:context:epoch_millis The milliseconds since the UNIX epoch at which time this survey was completed.
urn:ohmage:special:all A special value that tells this API to return all items for a specific parameter e.g., all users would be user_list=urn:special:ohmage:all. This value is supported for user_list, prompt_id_list, survey_id_list, and column_list.


To do paging, you will need to use the num_survey_responses_to_skip, which will skip responses immediately after aggregating the data beginning with the first record, and num_survey_responses_to_process parameters, which will process this number of records starting after the records to be skipped have been. The responses are aggregated in descending chronological order, so the first survey response to be skipped will be the most recently generated survey response.

For example, if there are 100 records that would be returned, the number of records per page are 10, and the user wants to view the third page, you should pass 20 for num_survey_responses_to_skip and 10 for num_survey_responses_to_process. This will return survey responses 21 through 30.

The numbers do not need to coincide in any way. You may skip 13 and process 43. Also, you may skip and/or process more records than would be returned. If there are only 50 records, you may skip and/or process 100. If you skip more records than would be returned, you will be returned no survey responses. If you attempt to process more than would be returned, it will begin after the number skipped, if any remain, and process until the end of the list and stop.

Example POST

POST /app/survey_response/read HTTP/1.1
 User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; U; Android 1.0; en-us; ...) ...
 Content-Length: byte-length of content
 Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded

Output Format -- JSON Columns

The column output is defined by two sections.


  • campaign_name = An echo of the campaign provided to the API
  • campaign_version = An echo of the campaign version provided to the API (to be discontinued)
  • number_of_prompts = The number of prompt responses in the output
  • number_of_surveys = The number of survey responses in the output
  • items = An array of the included column names
  • total_num_results = The total number of results that match the given criteria outside of paging. While the page may only contain X results, this value will indicate the total number of results, which must be greater than or equal to X.


  • An array of objects where each object is labelled by column name (from the items array in the metadata section) and contains an array of values specific to that column. For prompt responses, the values array is accompanied by a context object with the relevant prompt metadata.


    "result": "success",
    "metadata": {
    "data": {
           "context": {
               "unit":"food unit",
          "context": {
              "unit":"food unit",
          "context": {
          "values": [
          "values": [ "MST", "CST", "EST" ]
          "values":[ 43.106, 5.674, -9.7096 ]
          "values": [ -84.603, -84.765, 51.579 ]

Output Format -- JSON Rows

    "data": [
        "client": "android",
        "latitude": null,
        "launch_context_long": {
            "active_triggers": [],
            "launch_time": 2390983229,
         "launch_context_short": {"launch_time":2390983229, "launch_timezone":"America/LosAngeles"},
         "location_accuracy": null,
         "location_provider": null,
         "location_status": "unavailable",
         "location_timestamp": null,
         "longitude": null,
         "privacy_state": "private",
         "repeatable_set_id": null,
         "repeatable_set_iteration": null,
         "responses": {
             "ActivityBeforeSleep": {
                 "prompt_choice_glossary": {
                     "0": {"label": "Homework"},
                     "1": {"label": "Internet"},
                     "2": {"label": "Games"},
                     "3": {"label": "TV"},
                     "4": {"label": "Socializing"},
                     "5": {"label": "Social-networking"},
                     "6": {"label": "Chores"},
                     "7": {"label": "Reading"},
                     "8": {"label": "Other"}
                 "prompt_display_type": "category",
                 "prompt_response": 3,
                 "prompt_text": "What were you doing during the hour before going to bed?",
                 "prompt_type": "single_choice",
                 "prompt_unit": "Activity",
             "HoursOfSleep": {
                 "prompt_display_type": "measurement",
                 "prompt_response": 8,
                 "prompt_text": "How many hours of sleep did you get?",
                 "prompt_type": "number",
                 "prompt_unit": "Hours",
             "PhoneInterruption": {
                 "prompt_choice_glossary": {
                     "0": {
                         "label": "No",
                         "value": "0"
                     "1": {
                         "label": "Yes",
                         "value": "1"
                 "prompt_display_type": "category",
                 "prompt_response": 0,
                 "prompt_text": "If you woke up during the night, was it because of phone calls/text messages?",
                 "prompt_type": "single_choice",
                 "prompt_unit": "Unit",
             "SleepQuality": {
                 "prompt_choice_glossary": {
                     "0": {
                         "label": "Very bad",
                         "value": "-2"
                     "1": {
                         "label": "Bad",
                         "value": "-1"
                     "2": {
                         "label": "Ok",
                         "value": "0"
                     "3": {
                         "label": "Good",
                         "value": "1"
                     "4": {
                         "label": "Very good",
                         "value": "2"
                 "prompt_display_type": "category",
                 "prompt_response": 3,
                 "prompt_text": "How would you rate your sleep quality?",
                 "prompt_type": "single_choice",
                 "prompt_unit": "Level",
             "SleepTime": {
                 "prompt_choice_glossary": {
                     "0": {"label": "Before 9 pm"},
                     "1": {"label": "9:00-9:30 pm"},
                     "10": {"label": "1:30-2:00 am"},
                     "11": {"label": "After 2:00 am"},
                     "2": {"label": "9:30-10:00 pm"},
                     "3": {"label": "10:00-10:30 pm"},
                     "4": {"label": "10:30-11:00 pm"},
                     "5": {"label": "11:00-11:30 pm"},
                     "6": {"label": "11:30 pm-12:00 am"},
                     "7": {"label": "12:00-12:30 am"},
                     "8": {"label": "12:30-1:00 am"},
                     "9": {"label": "1:00-1:30 am"}
                 "prompt_display_type": "event",
                 "prompt_response": 3,
                 "prompt_text": "What time did you go to bed last night?",
                 "prompt_type": "single_choice",
                 "prompt_unit": "Time",
             "TimesWakeup": {
                 "prompt_choice_glossary": {
                     "0": {
                         "label": "0",
                         "value": "0"
                     "1": {
                         "label": "1",
                         "value": "1"
                     "2": {
                         "label": "2",
                         "value": "2"
                     "3": {
                         "label": "3 or more",
                         "value": "3"
                 "prompt_display_type": "category",
                 "prompt_response": 1,
                 "prompt_text": "How many times did you wake up during the night?",
                 "prompt_type": "single_choice",
                 "prompt_unit": "Times",
             "WakeupTime": {
                 "prompt_choice_glossary": {
                     "0": {"label": "Before 5:00 am"},
                     "1": {"label": "5:00-5:30 am"},
                     "10": {"label": "9:30-10:00 am"},
                     "11": {"label": "10:00-10:30 am"},
                     "12": {"label": "10:30-11:00 am"},
                     "13": {"label": "11:00-11:30 am"},
                     "14": {"label": "11:30 am-12:00 pm"},
                     "15": {"label": "After 12:00 pm"},
                     "2": {"label": "5:30-6:00 am"},
                     "3": {"label": "6:00-6:30 am"},
                     "4": {"label": "6:30-7:00 am"},
                     "5": {"label": "7:00-7:30 am"},
                     "6": {"label": "7:30-8:00 am"},
                     "7": {"label": "8:00-8:30 am"},
                     "8": {"label": "8:00-9:00 am"},
                     "9": {"label": "9:00-9:30 am"}
                 "prompt_display_type": "event",
                 "prompt_response": 2,
                 "prompt_text": "What time did you wake up this morning?",
                 "prompt_type": "single_choice",
                 "prompt_unit": "Time",
             "timeToFallAsleep": {
                 "prompt_choice_glossary": {
                     "0": {"label": "Shorter"},
                     "1": {"label": "Normal"},
                     "2": {"label": "Longer"}
                 "prompt_display_type": "category",
                 "prompt_response": 0,
                 "prompt_text": "Compared to normal, how long did it take you to fall asleep?",
                 "prompt_type": "single_choice",
                 "prompt_unit": "Time",
         "survey_description": "Observe and collect sleep pattern",
         "survey_id": "SleepPattern",
         "survey_title": "Sleep Pattern",
         "time": 239892893289
         "timezone": "America/Los_Angeles",
         "user": "hollywood.bbf",
         "utc_timestamp": "2011-06-01 15:57:32"
     "result": "success"

Output Format -- CSV

This example query

curl -v -d "auth_token=928368c8-b78f-49eb-a214-d98165df01a1

leads to the following output.

##begin metadata
#     {"result":"success";"total_num_results":87;"campaign_urn":"urn:campaign:ca:lausd:Addams_HS:CS101:Fall:2011:Sleep";"number_of_prompts":80;"number_of_surveys":16}
    ## end metadata
## begin prompt contexts
 #{"HowTired":{"unit":null;"display_label":"Tiredness Level";"prompt_type":"single_choice";"choice_glossary":[{"2":{"value":"1";"label":"Less tired"}};{"1":{"value":"0";"label":"Normal"}};{"0":{"value":"-1";"label":"More tired"}}]}}
 #{"PhoneInterruption":{"unit":null;"display_label":"Phone/SMS Sleep Interruption";"prompt_type":"single_choice";"choice_glossary":[{"1":{"value":"1";"label":"Yes"}};{"0":{"value":"0";"label":"No"}}]}}
 #{"timeToFallAsleep":{"unit":null;"display_label":"Time to Sleep";"prompt_type":"single_choice";"choice_glossary":[{"2":{"label":"Longer"}};{"1":{"label":"Normal"}};{"0":{"label":"Shorter"}}]}}
 #{"WakeupTime":{"unit":null;"display_label":"Wakeup time";"prompt_type":"single_choice";"choice_glossary":[{"15":{"label":"After 12:00 pm"}};{"13":{"label":"11:00-11:30 am"}};{"14":{"label":"11:30 am-12:00 pm"}};{"11":{"label":"10:00-10:30 am"}};{"12":{"label":"10:30-11:00 am"}};{"3":{"label":"6:00-6:30 am"}};{"2":{"label":"5:30-6:00 am"}};{"1":{"label":"5:00-5:30 am"}};{"10":{"label":"9:30-10:00 am"}};{"0":{"label":"Before 5:00 am"}};{"7":{"label":"8:00-8:30 am"}};{"6":{"label":"7:30-8:00 am"}};{"5":{"label":"7:00-7:30 am"}};{"4":{"label":"6:30-7:00 am"}};{"9":{"label":"9:00-9:30 am"}};{"8":{"label":"8:00-9:00 am"}}]}}
 #{"SleepTime":{"unit":null;"display_label":"Sleep time";"prompt_type":"single_choice";"choice_glossary":[{"3":{"label":"10:00-10:30 pm"}};{"2":{"label":"9:30-10:00 pm"}};{"10":{"label":"1:30-2:00 am"}};{"1":{"label":"9:00-9:30 pm"}};{"0":{"label":"Before 9 pm"}};{"7":{"label":"12:00-12:30 am"}};{"6":{"label":"11:30 pm-12:00 am"}};{"5":{"label":"11:00-11:30 pm"}};{"4":{"label":"10:30-11:00 pm"}};{"9":{"label":"1:00-1:30 am"}};{"8":{"label":"12:30-1:00 am"}};{"11":{"label":"After 2:00 am"}}]}}
 #{"SleepQuality":{"unit":null;"display_label":"Sleep quality";"prompt_type":"single_choice";"choice_glossary":[{"3":{"value":"1";"label":"Good"}};{"2":{"value":"0";"label":"Ok"}};{"1":{"value":"-1";"label":"Bad"}};{"0":{"value":"-2";"label":"Very bad"}};{"4":{"value":"2";"label":"Very good"}}]}}
 #{"TimesWakeup":{"unit":null;"display_label":"Times wakeup";"prompt_type":"single_choice";"choice_glossary":[{"3":{"value":"3";"label":"3 or more"}};{"2":{"value":"2";"label":"2"}};{"1":{"value":"1";"label":"1"}};{"0":{"value":"0";"label":"0"}}]}}
 #{"Concentration":{"unit":null;"display_label":"Concentration Level";"prompt_type":"single_choice";"choice_glossary":[{"2":{"value":"1";"label":"More clear"}};{"1":{"value":"0";"label":"Normal"}};{"0":{"value":"-1";"label":"Less clear"}}]}}
 #{"HoursOfSleep":{"unit":null;"display_label":"Number hours of sleep";"prompt_type":"number";"choice_glossary":null}}
 #{"ActivityBeforeSleep":{"unit":null;"display_label":"Activity before Sleep";"prompt_type":"single_choice";"choice_glossary":[{"3":{"label":"TV"}};{"2":{"label":"Games"}};{"1":{"label":"Internet"}};{"0":{"label":"Homework"}};{"7":{"label":"Reading"}};{"6":{"label":"Chores"}};{"5":{"label":"Social-networking"}};{"4":{"label":"Socializing"}};{"8":{"label":"Other"}}]}}
## end prompt contexts
## begin data
  1,null,null,null,-1,null,SleepImpact,null,null,null,Sleep Impact,null
  null,1,8,2,null,0,SleepPattern,19,7,-2,Sleep Pattern,1
  -1,null,null,null,0,null,SleepImpact,null,null,null,Sleep Impact,null
  null,1,3,0,null,2,SleepPattern,12,6,0,Sleep Pattern,8
  -1,null,null,null,-1,null,SleepImpact,null,null,null,Sleep Impact,null
  null,1,1,3,null,1,SleepPattern,3,5,1,Sleep Pattern,0
  1,null,null,null,1,null,SleepImpact,null,null,null,Sleep Impact,null
  null,1,15,1,null,0,SleepPattern,12,0,2,Sleep Pattern,5
  -1,null,null,null,-1,null,SleepImpact,null,null,null,Sleep Impact,null
  null,1,15,1,null,0,SleepPattern,1,7,-2,Sleep Pattern,7
  1,null,null,null,1,null,SleepImpact,null,null,null,Sleep Impact,null
  null,0,1,3,null,1,SleepPattern,10,7,1,Sleep Pattern,1
  -1,null,null,null,0,null,SleepImpact,null,null,null,Sleep Impact,null
  null,0,3,3,null,0,SleepPattern,24,6,2,Sleep Pattern,4
  1,null,null,null,1,null,SleepImpact,null,null,null,Sleep Impact,null
  null,1,5,2,null,2,SleepPattern,3,11,-2,Sleep Pattern,8
## end data


See the error page for a description of error codes and their associated descriptions.

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What does it do?

Allows users with the appropriate permissions to change the privacy state of survey responses.



Access Rules

Campaign participants may update the privacy state of their own survey responses. Campaign supervisors may update the privacy state on someone else's survey responses.

Input Parameters

  • (r) auth_token = A valid authentication token from user/auth_token.
  • (r) client = A string representing the client.
  • (r) campaign_urn = The campaign URN to which the survey response belongs.
  • (r) survey_key = An id returned from survey_response/read when the return id parameter is set to true.
  • (r) privacy_state = Must be one of shared or private.

Example POST

POST /app/survey_response/update HTTP/1.1
 Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_6_8) AppleWebKit/535.7 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/16.0.912.77 Safari/535.7
 Content-Length: byte-length-of-content
 Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded


Output Format


    "result" : "success"


See the error page for a description of error codes and their associated descriptions.

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What does it do?

Allows users with the appropriate permissions to delete survey responses.



Access Rules

Campaign participants may delete their own survey responses. Campaign supervisors may delete someone else's survey responses.

Input Parameters

  • (r) auth_token = A valid authentication token from user/auth_token.
  • (r) client = A string representing the client.
  • (r) campaign_urn = The campaign URN to which the survey response belongs.
  • (r) survey_key = An id returned from survey_response/read when the return id parameter is set to true.

Example POST

POST /app/survey_response/delete HTTP/1.1
 Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_6_8) AppleWebKit/535.7 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/16.0.912.77 Safari/535.7
 Content-Length: byte-length-of-content
 Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded


Output Format


    "result" : "success"


See the error page for a description of error codes and their associated descriptions.

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What does it do?

Allows users with the appropriate permissions to read aggregate data about survey responses. The API takes an id parameter that tells the system which function to perform on the data.



Access Rules

See the access rules for survey_response/read above.

Input Parameters

Supports Token-Based Authentication ...

  • (r) auth_token = A valid authentication token from user/auth_token. May also be set using the Set-Cookie header.

... or User-Password Authentication

  • (r) user = A username of the user attempting to login
  • (r) password = A password for the above user.

Additional Parameters

  • (r) client = A string representing the client.
  • (r) campaign_urn = The campaign URN against which the survey response aggregation should be performed.
  • (r) id = Function id. The currently supported id is privacy_state.
  • (o) privacy_state_item_list = A comma-separated list containing date or survey in any order.

Example POST

POST /app/survey_response/function/read HTTP/1.1
 Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_6_8) AppleWebKit/535.7 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/16.0.912.77 Safari/535.7
 Content-Length: byte-length-of-content
 Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded


Output Format


    "result" : "success"
    "data" : <The data based on the function id.>


See the error page for a description of error codes and their associated descriptions.

privacy_state Function Example

Returns the count of the privacy states of every survey response in a campaign.

When this function is called, a second parameter is allowed, privacy_state_item_list.

  • This will subdivide the results based on each item in the list.
  • It is optional and, if omitted or empty, will return only the counts for each privacy state.
  • The value should be a comma-separated string whose values may be any combination of the following:
Subdivides the counts by the date on which they occurred.
Adds a new key in the output, "date", which is a long value and indicates the milliseconds since the epoch up to midnight of the day on which these survey responses were aggregated.
Subdivides the counts by the ID of the survey for which they pertain.
Adds a new key in the output, "survey_id", whose value is the ID of the survey from which these survey responses were aggregated.

The result is a JSONObject.

  • The keys are the privacy states.
  • The value for each key is a JSON Array of JSON Objects, where each JSON Object describes the aggregation for this privacy state. The JSON Object's keys may be:
(r) count
The count of survey responses that match at least the privacy state as well as any other values based on which privacy_state_item_list items.
(o) date
The milliseconds since the epoch for midnight of the day on which these records pertain.
(o) survey_id
The unique identifier for the survey from which these survey responses were generated.

For example, if no privacy_state_item_list was given or was empty, an example result would be:


This means that there were a total of 7 survey responses for the given campaign and that 3 of them are private and 4 of them are shared.

As another example, if "survey_id" was given for the privacy_state_item_list, an example result would be:


This means that there were, again, a total of 7 survey responses for the given campaign and that 3 of them are private and 4 of them are shared. Also, 2 of them are from survey "survey1" and 5 of them are from survey "survey2".

As a final example, if both "survey_id" and "date" were given for the privacy_state_item_list, an example result would be:


This means that there were, again, a total of 7 survey responses for the given campaign and that 3 of them are private and 4 of them are shared. Also, again, 2 of them are from survey "survey1" and 5 of them are from survey "survey2". We can also see that several of them were taken on the same day, but because their privacy state and/or survey ID are different they aren't put in the same bucket.

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