In order to train and evaluate a model implemented in this project, you must create a configuration file that define these processes. The configs should follow the form general structure
model { ... }
train_config { ... }
train_input_reader { ... }
eval_config { ... }
eval_input_reader { ... }
The easiest way to get starting with your own configs is to modify the sample config located at configs/sample_icnet_resnet_v1.config
If you wish to train ICNet from the original ResNet50 weights as done by the author of ICNet, you must first download the associated TF Slim ResNet50 model checkpoints and add point to them in your config file.
First download the TF Slim ResNet-50 weights with
tar -zxf resnet_v1_50_2016_08_28.tar.gz -C /tmp
Fine-tuning options are specified in training configs. You must modify two fields within your train_config
. We first specify the fine_tune_checkpoint_type
as classification (instead of segmentation) and enter the the location of the checkpoint in the fine_tune_checkpoint
field. Your config should look like
train_config: {
fine_tune_checkpoint_type: "classification"
fine_tune_checkpoint: "/tmp/resnet_v1_50.ckpt" # resnet50 weights
If you wish to use the supplied Cityscapes checkpoints and fine-tune on your own data, then you must specify the fine_tune_checkpoint_type
field as segmentation. Your config should be in the form
train_config: {
fine_tune_checkpoint_type: "segmentation"
fine_tune_checkpoint: "/tmp/train/model.ckpt-YYYY" # cityscapes weights