kurento 客户端 C#实现
Kurento is an open source software project providing a platform suitable for creating modular applications with advanced real-time communication capabilities. For knowing more about Kurento, please visit the Kurento project website: https://www.kurento.org.
- KMSCreator
- 根据kurento 提供的 kms-core,kms-elements,kms-filters 生成C# 的Kurento客户端
- Kurento.NET
- kurento的C# 客户端库
- KurentoDemo
- 几个简单的使用kurento 的列子
- NuGet 引用
Install-Package Kurento.NET
- 使用
var client = new KurentoClient("ws://your kurento ip:8888/kurento", logger);
var pipeline = client.Create(new MediaPipeline());
var webRtcEndPoint = client.Create(new WebRtcEndpoint(pipeline));