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Piotr Miller edited this page Dec 13, 2022 · 17 revisions

The Executor module displays an icon, and a label, on the basis of a script output, refreshed in user-defined intervals or on a signal. You may assign mouse events to it.


Script output

Output of the "script" command should return 1 or 2 lines.

2 lines long output

By default we expect the icon path in the first line, and some text in the second one, e.g:

$ psuinfo -IM
3.1/21.5 GB

The Executor module will also accept an icon name:

$ /home/piotr/.config/nwg-panel/executors/

1 line long output

We expect either a line of text:

$ psuinfo -CM
3.2/21.5 GB

or an icon path, or icon name.

The "continuous output" feature known from tint2 is not supported.


Executors database is a common file to store your executors in. You may add your executor to it, and then import it to any other panel. Available since v0.5.7.


Also check Some useful executors.

Refreshing executors on RT signals

Starting from v0.7.15 you can give up on the refresh interval (set the value to 0), and force refreshing executors on a signal in range SIGRTMIN - SIGRTMAX:


The example executor below shows the current keyboard layout, and switches layouts on left click. Read comments for details.

#!/usr/bin/env python3

Sway keyboard layout label & switcher, as an executor for nwg-panel
Author: Piotr Miller
License: MIT

0. Save this script as 'keyboard-layout' on your $PATH (e.g. '~/bin/keyboard-layout` or '~/.local/bin/keyboard-layout`).
1. Edit, to enter your `keyboard_id`, preferred `icon` and `sig_num`.
2. In nwg-shell-config create a new executor called "executor-keyboard".
3. Set "Script" to "keyboard-layout".
4. Set "On left click" to "keyboard-layout -s".
5. Set "Interval" to 0.
6. Set "Refresh on signal" to 37 (or whatever else you choose as the `sig_num` below); check the "use signal" box.
7. Add the executor to the panel.

Setting multiple keyboard layouts:
Nwg-shell users: in the config utility set comma-separated keyboard layouts, like e.g. "pl,us".
Others: do the same in your sway config file.

Dependency: `python-i3ipc`

import argparse
import subprocess
import sys

from i3ipc import Connection

# Find your keyboard identifier with `swaymsg -t get_inputs`, paste here.
keyboard_id = "9610:42:SINO_WEALTH_Gaming_KB__Keyboard"

# Place your preferred icon name (or path) here. Leave empty ("") for no icon.
icon = "input-keyboard"

# The number of the signal to refresh the executor label, in range SIGTRMIN - SIGRTMAX (probably 34 - 64).
# You may check available range with `kill -l`.
sig_num = 37

i3 = Connection()

def main():
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
                        help="switches keyboard layout")
    args = parser.parse_args()

    if args.switch:
        i3.command('input "{}" xkb_switch_layout next'.format(keyboard_id))

        # Send refresh signal to nwg-panel
        subprocess.Popen('pkill -{} nwg-panel'.format(sig_num), shell=True,

    # Get keyboard layout name
    layout_name = ""
    inputs = i3.get_inputs()
    for i in inputs:
        if i.identifier == keyboard_id:
            layout_name = i.xkb_active_layout_name

    if icon:
        # Print 2 lines: 1. icon name/path; 2. keyboard layout name.
        print("{}\n{}".format(icon, layout_name))
        # Print the keyboard layout name.

if __name__ == '__main__':
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