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How to Deploy Riva at Scale on AWS with EKS

This is an example of deploying and scaling Riva Speech Skills on Amazon Web Services (AWS) Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) with Traefik-based load balancing. It includes the following steps:

  1. Creating the EKS cluster
  2. Deploying the Riva API service
  3. Deploying the Traefik edge router
  4. Creating the IngressRoute to handle incoming requests
  5. Deploying a sample client
  6. Scaling the cluster


Before continuing, ensure you have:

  • An AWS account with the appropriate user/role privileges to manage EKS
  • The AWS command-line tool, configured for your account
  • Access to NGC and the associated command-line interface
  • Cluster management tools eksctl, helm and kubectl

This sample has been tested on: eksctl (v0.82.0), helm (v3.6.3), kubectl (v1.21.2), and traefik (v2.5.3).

Creating the EKS Cluster

The cluster contains three separate nodegroups:

  • gpu-linux-workers: A GPU-equipped node where the main Riva service runs. g5.2xlarge instances, each using an A10 GPU, provide good value and sufficient capacity for many applications. This nodegroup allows scaling from 1 to 8 nodes.
  • cpu-linux-lb: A general-purpose compute node for the Traefik load balancer, using an m6i.large instance.
  • cpu-linux-clients: Another general-purpose node with an m6i.2xlarge instance, for client applications accessing the Riva service. The node is used for benchmarking in this example, or could also be used for another service such as a node.js application.
  1. Build a configuration that defines each of these nodegroups and save it to a file called eks_launch_conf.yaml.

    kind: ClusterConfig
      name: riva-cluster
      region: us-west-2
      version: "1.21"
      withOIDC: true
      - name: gpu-linux-workers
        labels: { role: workers }
        instanceType: g5.2xlarge
        minSize: 1
        maxSize: 8
        volumeSize: 100
        privateNetworking: true
          allow: true
      - name: cpu-linux-lb
        labels: { role: loadbalancers }
        instanceType: m6i.large
        desiredCapacity: 1
        volumeSize: 100
        privateNetworking: true
          allow: true
      - name: cpu-linux-clients
        labels: { role: clients }
        instanceType: m6i.2xlarge
        desiredCapacity: 1
        volumeSize: 100
        privateNetworking: true
          allow: true
  2. Launch the cluster with the above configuration.

    eksctl create cluster -f eks_launch_conf.yaml

    This may take 30 minutes or more for AWS to provision all the necessary resources. When complete, you should see some changes in your default Kubernetes configuration file.

  3. Verify that the nodes now appear in Kubernetes. If so, the cluster was successfully created.

    cat .kube/config
    kubectl get pods -A
    kubectl get nodes --show-labels
    kubectl get nodes --selector role=workers
    kubectl get nodes --selector role=clients
    kubectl get nodes --selector role=loadbalancers

Deploying the Riva API

The Riva Speech Skills Helm chart is designed to automate deployment to a Kubernetes cluster. After downloading the Helm chart, minor adjustments will adapt the chart to the way Riva will be used in the remainder of this tutorial.

  1. Download and untar the Riva API Helm chart. Replace VERSION_TAG with the specific version needed.

    export NGC_CLI_API_KEY=<your NGC API key>
    export VERSION_TAG="{VersionNum}"
    helm fetch${VERSION_TAG}.tgz --username='$oauthtoken' --password=$NGC_CLI_API_KEY
    tar -xvzf riva-api-${VERSION_TAG}.tgz
  2. In the riva-api folder, modify the following files:

    1. values.yaml

      • In modelRepoGenerator.ngcModelConfigs, comment or uncomment specific models or languages, as needed.
      • Change service.type from LoadBalancer to ClusterIP. This directly exposes the service only to other services within the cluster, such as the proxy service to be installed below.
    2. templates/deployment.yaml

      • Add a node selector constraint to ensure that Riva is only deployed on the correct GPU resources. In spec.template.spec, add:

  3. Enable the cluster to run containers needing NVIDIA GPUs using the nvidia device plugin:

    helm repo add nvdp
    helm repo update
    helm install \
        --generate-name \
        --set failOnInitError=false \
  4. Ensure you are in a working directory with riva-api as a subdirectory, then install the Riva Helm chart. You can explicitly override variables from the values.yaml file, such as the modelRepoGenerator.modelDeployKey settings.

    helm install riva-api riva-api/ \
        --set ngcCredentials.password=`echo -n $NGC_CLI_API_KEY | base64 -w0` \
        --set modelRepoGenerator.modelDeployKey=`echo -n tlt_encode | base64 -w0`
  5. The Helm chart runs two containers in order: a riva-model-init container that downloads and deploys the models, followed by a riva-speech-api container to start the speech service API. Depending on the number of models, the initial model deployment could take an hour or more. To monitor the deployment, use kubectl to describe the riva-api pod and to watch the container logs.

    export pod=`kubectl get pods | cut -d " " -f 1 | grep riva-api`
    kubectl describe pod $pod
    kubectl logs -f $pod -c riva-model-init
    kubectl logs -f $pod -c riva-speech-api

Deploying the Traefik edge router

Now that the Riva service is running, the cluster needs a mechanism to route requests into Riva.

If the service.type is set to LoadBalancer in the values.yaml of the riva-api Helm chart, this would have automatically created an AWS Classic Load Balancer to direct traffic into the Riva service. Instead, the open-source Traefik edge router will serve this purpose.

  1. Download and untar the Traefik Helm chart.

    helm repo add traefik
    helm repo update
    helm fetch traefik/traefik
    tar -zxvf traefik-*.tgz
  2. Modify the traefik/values.yaml file.

    1. Set service.type to LoadBalancer to expose the service on a external IP accessible from outside the cluster. If the service.type is set to ClusterIP, the service will only be exposed on a cluster-internal IP.

    2. Set nodeSelector to { cpu-linux-lb }. Similar to what you did for the Riva API service, this tells the Traefik service to run on the cpu-linux-lb nodegroup.

  3. Deploy the modified traefik Helm chart.

    helm install traefik traefik/

Creating the IngressRoute

An IngressRoute enables the Traefik load balancer to recognize incoming requests and distribute them across multiple riva-api services.

If you deployed the above traefik Helm chart with service.type set to ClusterIP, Kubernetes automatically created a local DNS entry for that service: traefik.default.svc.cluster.local. If you deployed the above traefik Helm chart with service.type set to LoadBalancer, Kubernetes automatically created an external DNS entry for that service which can be obtained from kubectl get svc command, e.g.

The IngressRoute definition below matches these DNS entries and directs requests to the riva-api service. You can modify the entries to support a different DNS arrangement, depending on your requirements.

  1. Create the following riva-ingress.yaml file. You need to replace <local_or_external_IP> with the local or external DNS entry mentioned in the above instruction.

    kind: IngressRoute
      name: riva-ingressroute
        - web
        - match: "Host(`<local_or_external_IP>`)"
          kind: Rule
            - name: riva-api
              port: 50051
              scheme: h2c
  2. Deploy the IngressRoute.

    kubectl apply -f riva-ingress.yaml

The Riva service is now able to serve gRPC requests from within or outside the cluster, depending on the service.type field, at the local or external address as mentioned before. If you are planning to deploy your own client application in the cluster to communicate with Riva, you can send requests to that address. In the next section, you will deploy a Riva sample client and use it to test the deployment.

Deploying a Sample Client

Riva provides a container with a set of pre-built sample clients to test the Riva services. The Riva C++ clients and Riva Python clients are also available on GitHub for those interested in adapting them.

  1. Create the client-deployment.yaml file that defines the deployment and contains the following:

    apiVersion: apps/v1
    kind: Deployment
      name: riva-client
        app: "rivaasrclient"
      replicas: 1
          app: "rivaasrclient"
            app: "rivaasrclient"
          - name: imagepullsecret
          - name: riva-client
            image: "{NgcOrgTeam}/riva-speech:{VersionNum}"
            command: ["/bin/bash"]
            args: ["-c", "while true; do sleep 5; done"]
  2. Deploy the client service.

    kubectl apply -f client-deployment.yaml
  3. Connect to the client pod.

    export cpod=`kubectl get pods | cut -d " " -f 1 | grep riva-client`
    kubectl exec --stdin --tty $cpod /bin/bash
  4. From inside the shell of the client pod, run the sample ASR client on an example .wav file. Specify the <local_or_external_IP> endpoint as mentioned before, with port 80, as the service address.

    riva_streaming_asr_client \
       --audio_file=/opt/riva/wav/en-US_sample.wav \
       --automatic_punctuation=true \

Scaling the cluster

As deployed above, the EKS cluster only provisions a single GPU node, although the given configuration permits up to 8 nodes. While a single GPU can handle a large volume of requests, the cluster can easily be scaled with more nodes.

  1. Scale the GPU nodegroup to the desired number of compute nodes (4 in this case).

    eksctl scale nodegroup \
      --name=gpu-linux-workers \
      --cluster=riva-cluster \
      --nodes=4 \
  2. Scale the riva-api deployment to use the additional nodes.

    kubectl scale deployments/riva-api --replicas=4

As with the original riva-api deployment, each replica pod downloads and initializes the necessary models prior to starting the Riva service.