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Test Result XML Format

Charlie Poole edited this page Jan 31, 2016 · 10 revisions

##<test-run> The required root element for any NUnit 3.0 test result file.

  • Containing Elements: None
  • Contained Elements: <environment>, <command-line>, <settings>, <filter>, <test-suite>
  • Attributes:
    • id The unique ID of this test. For the test-run, it is hard-coded as "2".
    • testcasecount The number of test cases contained in this test run.
    • result The basic result of the test. May be Passed, Failed, Inconclusive or Skipped.
    • total The total number of test cases executed in the run. This may be less than the testcasecont due to filtering of tests.
    • passed The number of test cases that passed.
    • failed The number of test cases that failed.
    • inconclusive The number of test cases that were inconclusive.
    • skipped The number of test cases that were skipped.
    • asserts The number of asserts executed in the test run.
    • start-time The UTC time that the test run started.
    • end-time The UTC time that the test run ended.
    • duration The duration of the test run in seconds, expressed as a real number.

##<environment> Describes the environment in which the test is being run.

Issue: Some of the attributes should probably be on the assembly-level test-suite element.

  • Containing Elements: <test-run>
  • Contained Elements: None
  • Attributes:
    • nunit-version The version of the NUnit test engine in use.
    • clr-version The runtime version, taken from Environment.Version.
    • os-version A text string describing the operating system, taken from Environment.OsVersion.
    • platform The platform id, taken from Environment.OsVersion.Platform.
    • cwd The current working directory path, taken from Environment.CurrentDirectory.
    • machine-name The machine name, taken from Environment.MachineName.
    • user The user id, taken from Environment.UserName.
    • user-domain The user domain, taken from Environment.UserDomainName.
    • culture The current culture, taken from CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.
    • uiculture The current UI culture, taken from CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture.
    • os-architecture The architecture, taken from GetProcessorArchitecture().

##<command-line> Holds a CDATA section containing the text of the command used to run the tests.

  • Containing Elements: <test-run>
  • Contained Elements: None
  • Attributes: None

##<settings> Settings used by the engine for this run. These are taken from the supplied settings in the TestPackage supplemented by default settings created by the engine itself.

Issue: Some settings don't appear at the top level, but only on subpackages. Should we include these settings on the assembly-level test-suite element?

##<filter> The XML representation of the filter used to execute tests. This element is also used as a fragment in passing the filter to a runner and by the NUnit 3.0 framework and driver.

##<or> Represents a composite filter that contains other filters. At least one of the contained filters must pass in order for this filter to pass.

##<and> Represents a composite filter that contains other filters. All of the contained filters must pass in order for this filter to pass.

##<not> Represents a composite filter that contains wraps a single base filters. The base filter must fail in order for this filter to pass.

##<id> Represents a filter that examines the test id, which is generated by NUnit.


  • Containing Elements: <filter>, <or>, <and>, <not>
  • Contained Elements: None
  • Attributes:
    • re Set to '1' to indicate that a regular expression comparison is to be used.


  • Containing Elements: <filter>, <or>, <and>, <not>
  • Contained Elements: None
  • Attributes:
    • re Set to '1' to indicate that a regular expression comparison is to be used.


  • Containing Elements: <filter>, <or>, <and>, <not>
  • Contained Elements: None
  • Attributes:
    • re Set to '1' to indicate that a regular expression comparison is to be used.


  • Containing Elements: <filter>, <or>, <and>, <not>
  • Contained Elements: None
  • Attributes:
    • name The name of the property to filter on.
    • re Set to '1' to indicate that a regular expression comparison is to be used.


##<setting> A single setting

  • Containing Elements: <settings>
  • Contained Elements: None
  • Attributes:
    • name The name of the setting.
    • value The value assigned to the setting.


  • Containing Elements: <test-run>, <test-suite>
  • Contained Elements: <properties>, <reason>, <failure>, <output>, <test-suite>, <test-case>
  • Attributes
    • type The type of suite represented by this element. Currently supported types are Assembly, TestSuite, TestFixture,
    • id The unique id of this test. Coded as "mmm-nnn" where the part before the hyphen represents the assembly and the part after it represents a test in that assembly. Currently, mmm and nnn are ints, but that is merely an accident of the implementation and should not be relied on.
    • name The display name of the test as generated by NUnit.
    • fullname The full name of the test as generated by NUnit.
    • classname The full name of the class (fixture) representing this test. Only present if type is equal to "TestFixture".
    • testcasecount The number of test cases contained, directly or indirectly, in this suite.
    • runstate An indicator of whether the suite is runnable. Value may be NotRunnable, Runnable, Explicit, Skipped or Ignored. NotRunnable means there is an error in how the test is expressed in code, for example, the signature may be wrong. Explicit, Skipped and Ignored are set by attributes on the test.
    • result The basic result of the test. May be Passed, Failed, Inconclusive or Skipped.
    • label Additional labeling information about the result. In principle, this may be any string value and is combined with the result to give a more precise reason for failure. Currently, NUnit may use the following labels in combination with the Failure result: Error, Cancelled or Invalid. It may use the following labels in combination with a Skipped result: Ignored or Explicit. Additional values may be added in future releases or supplied by extensions, so code that processes a result file should be prepared to deal with any label or none at all.
    • site Optional element indicating where a failure occured. Values are Test, SetUp, TearDown, Parent or Child. Default is Test and the attribute does not normally appear in that case.
    • start-time The UTC time that the suite started.
    • end-time The UTC time that the suite ended.
    • duration The duration of the suite in seconds, expressed as a real number.
    • total The total number of test cases executed under this suite.
    • passed The number of test cases that passed.
    • failed The number of test cases that failed.
    • inconclusive The number of test cases that were inconclusive.
    • skipped The number of test cases that were skipped.
    • asserts The number of asserts executed by the suite, including any nested suites or test cases. Since asserts may be executed in OneTimeSetUp and in ActionAttributes, this number can be greater than the total of the asserts for the test cases.


  • Containing Elements: <test-suite>
  • Contained Elements: <properties>, <reason>, <failure>, <output>
  • Attributes
    • id The unique id of this test. Coded as "mmm-nnn" where the part before the hyphen represents the assembly and the part after it represents a test in that assembly. Currently, mmm and nnn are ints, but that is merely an accident of the implementation and should not be relied on.
    • name The display name of the test as generated by NUnit or, in the case of some parameterized tests, specified by the user.
    • fullname The full name of the test as generated by NUnit.
    • methodname The name of the method representing the test case.
    • classname The full name of the class in which this test case appears.
    • runstate An indicator of whether the suite is runnable. Value may be NotRunnable, Runnable, Explicit, Skipped or Ignored. NotRunnable means there is an error in how the test is expressed in code, for example, the signature may be wrong. Explicit, Skipped and Ignored are set by attributes on the test.
    • seed The seed used to generate random arguments and other values for this test.
    • result The basic result of the test. May be Passed, Failed, Inconclusive or Skipped.
    • label Additional labeling information about the result. In principle, this may be any string value and is combined with the result to give a more precise reason for failure. Currently, NUnit may use the following labels in combination with the Failure result: Error, Cancelled or Invalid. It may use the following labels in combination with a Skipped result: Ignored or Explicit. Additional values may be added in future releases or supplied by extensions, so code that processes a result file should be prepared to deal with any label or none at all.
    • site Optional element indicating where a failure occured. Values are Test, SetUp, TearDown, Parent or Child. Default is Test and the attribute does not normally appear in that case.
    • start-time The UTC time that the test started.
    • end-time The UTC time that the test ended.
    • duration The duration of the test in seconds, expressed as a real number.
    • asserts The number of asserts executed by the test.

##<properties> Optional element containing any properties assigned to the test case or suite.

##<property> A single property

  • Containing Elements: <properties>
  • Contained Elements: None
  • Attributes
    • name The name of the property
    • value The value of the property

##<reason> Optional element that may appear on tests or suites that were not executed. Contains a message giving the reason for skipping the test.

##<failure> Optional element that appears on all tests or suites with a result of 'Failed'. Contains the error message and optionally a stack trace.

##<message> Optional element with a CDATA section containing a message relating to the test's result.

  • Containing ELements: <failure>, <reason>
  • Contained Elements: None
  • **Attributes: None

##<stack-trace> Optional element with a CDATA section containing a stack-trace of the location where a test failed.

  • Containing Elements: <failure>
  • Contained Elements: None
  • **Attributes: None

##<output> Optional element that appears on tests or suites that produce text output. The output may be intercepted from writes to the console or captured directly when the test writes to the TestContext. It is contained in a CDATA section.

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