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Proposal for unique types

Niko Matsakis edited this page Nov 22, 2011 · 2 revisions

Unique types

I propose a unique pointer system similar to Haller's work for Scala. Any value with a unique type ~T is always statically guaranteed to be either dead (i.e., will never be used again), inactive (i.e., cannot currently be used), or the only pointer to the given data or to the interior of the given data. Unique types are intended to be used for sending messages but do not have to be general enough to be used everywhere within the system.

The typestate system tracks the state of each local path at each point in the program. A local path is a path a.b...z where a is a local variable and each prefix a, a.b, ..., a...y has either unique or value type. Each local path can either be available, consumed, borrowed, or accessed. The meaning of each category will be explained shortly.

Moves, copies, and swaps

Unique pointers cannot be implicitly copied, which means that they cannot be directly assigned to other locations. There is a unary operator move which can be used to "release" a local path so that it can be assigned elsewhere. After a move the local path and all its prefixes are no longer accessible. The ret statement in a function that returns a unique type also performs an implicit move.

An example showing moves of local paths:

type X = { f: ~F };
fn foo1(x: ~X) {
    bar(x);         // Illegal, implicit move.
    bar(move x);   // Legal
    bar(move x);   // Illegal, already moved.
fn foo2(x: ~X) {
    bar(move x.f); // Legal
    bar(move x);   // Illegal, x.f already moved
fn bar(x: ~X) {...}

It is also possible to swap two locations using the <-> operator. Swaps can be used to extract unique values from mutable fields of unique type.

An example showing swaps:

type X = { f: ~F };
fn foo3(x: ~X, f: ~F) -> ~F {
    f <-> x.f;      // Extract x.f value
    ret f;          // Return the value (implicit move)

Finally, the copy operator can be applied to unique types. The result is a deep copy, as elsewhere.


While unique values cannot be assigned as other values are, they can be borrowed as part of a method call or alt statement. Borrowing creates temporary aliases of the unique pointer for the duration of the statement. Only a local path a...z may be borrowed. While it is borrowed, the path a...z is inaccessible. Furthermore, all prefixes of the path (a, a.b, ..., a...y) are considered to be accessed. Accessed paths may only be used as the prefixes of other borrowed paths. Borrowing is a more general form of the let! constructor from Walder's original work on linear types.

In fact, for alt statements the rules of borrowing and accessing are somewhat more subtle. The expr being matched against is considered borrowed when it is stored into a variable and accessed when it is deconstructed using a pattern. When the variable is deconstructed against a record pattern, the matched values inside the pattern are considered borrowed.

An example showing borrowing in function calls and alt statements:

fn foo() { let x: ~X = { y: ~{...}, z: ~{...} };

 // During the next statement, x is accessed, x.y and x.z are borrowed
 bar(x.y, x.z);

 bar(x, x);   // Illegal: x cannot be borrowed twice
 bar(x, x.y); // Illegal: x cannot be both borrowed and accessed

 // During the alt, x is accessed and x.y is borrowed:
 alt x.y {
   y { 
     alt x { ... } // Illegal, x is already accessed
     alt x.z { ... } // Legal
     bar(y, x.z);    // Legal
     bar(x.y, x.z);  // Illegal: x.y is already borrowed
     bar(x, x.z);    // Illegal: x is accessed, cannot be borrowed

 alt x {
   { y: y, z: z } { // x is accessed, x.y and x.z are borrowed


fn bar(y: &Y, z: &Z) { ... }

Possible change: we might be able to allow values to be borrowed twice, or borrowed and accessed. After all, current rules guarantee that a borrowed value is unique, which is more than we need.

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