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Working with Resources

canab edited this page Oct 1, 2014 · 1 revision

Build FlashExporter

For the further steps you need to compile FlashExporter tool:

Using FlashExporter

FlashExporter should be running when graphics is being edited in Adobe Flash. Once flash file is published to .swf, exporting tool generates all resources from the changed .swf file.

  • 1: Path to the Unity project
  • 2: List of .swf files in a Flash directory
  • 3: List of exported symbols in the selected file
  • 4: Log messages

Resource Bundles

All resources from one .fla file are exported as one resource bundle. Resource bundle is a chunk of resources that can be loaded or unloaded separately from other bundles. Bundles are exported into ProjectRoot/Assets/Resources/FlashBundles/<BundleName>/ directory .

Bundle content:

|- Assets 
   |- Resources
      |- FlashBundles
         |- <BundleName>
         |  |- texture.png.bytes  : texture atlas
         |  |- texture.xml        : texture data
         |  |- timeline.xml       : timeline data
         |- <BundleName>.cs       : generated code for bundle

Requirements for organizing content in .fla files

  • Flash files (.fla, .swf) should be in a "Flash" folder in the root of the unity project directory.
  • All exported symbols should have ActionScript linkage (Symbol Menu -> Properties)

balloon_sprite is a linkage identifier and will be used as identifier for this resource.

  • Naming convention for resource identifier is used to determine how symbol will be exported:
    • Use lowercase first letter to export symbol as bitmap FlashSprite. Graphics from each frame will be converted to bitmap.
    • Use uppercase letter to export symbol as MovieClip. MovieClips should only contain other exported symbols (FlashSprites or other MovieClips).