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Releases: npruehs/tome-editor

1.1 (Griffin)

14 Jan 18:55
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First minor update.

This release contains mostly usability improvements and bug fixes.


  • Added string replacement maps for export and import templates.
  • Added importing record display names and editor icon field ids.


  • Allow duplicating multiple records at once, automatically assigning IDs for them.
  • Increased size of String field value widgets.

Bug Fixes

  • Correctly sort record tree again after changing any display name.
  • Correctly open file links, even if they don't have a preview image.
  • Revert correct field value, even if record table is sorted differently than model (e.g. because Show Component Names In Record Table is checked).
  • Don't show duplicate custom types (and miss others) if changing the model while sorting the custom type table by any column but the first one.

1.0 (Phoenix)

11 Jun 17:05
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First major release.

This release contains usability improvements and bug fixes, only. It does not add any new features, export placeholders or integrity checks.


  • Assigning pseudo-random integer record ids instead of increasing ones, in order to improve collaboration.


  • Showing record display names instead of ids in field value reference selection dropdowns, and for reference field values in the record table.
  • Sorting record tree and reference dropdowns by record display name.
  • Saving records sorted by ID in order to avoid merge conflicts.
  • Set record tree initial width to 1/5 of window width.
  • Automatically resizing first record table column to fit contents.
  • Disabled Reload Project menu item while no project is loaded.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed multiple crashes that could occur when reference field values were is not set or invalid.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when exporting map values.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when adding a records file referencing a field or another record that does not exist.
  • Fixed multiple issues that could occur when assigning the same id to multiple records, only differing in lower and upper case characters.
  • Correctly prevent creating records with empty ids again.
  • Correctly detect whitespaces at the beginning or end of record ids.
  • No longer showing "prefix will automatically be removed" hint in Edit Field Value window if it isn't.
  • Showing correct question before discarding unsaved changes.
  • Adding the same file multiple times to the same project is no longer allowed.

0.9 (Unicorn)

13 Mar 21:29
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0.9 (Unicorn) Pre-release

Integer IDs and UUIDs release.

The second beta release of Tome greatly improves overall usability of the tool, and increases the range of different types of projects that Tome can be used for.

New Features

  • Integer IDs and UUIDs. When creating new projects, you can now decide whether to use manually chosen string IDs, automatically incremented integer IDs or automatically generated UUIDs for all records.
  • Multi-Editing. You can now edit the field values of multiple records with the same parent at once, and revert or remove multiple records with the same parent at once.
  • File Datatype. The new built-in File datatype allows browsing the file system and storing relative file paths, with or without prefix and/or extension. The record table shows a preview of the selected file, if it's an image, and image file fields can be used as record icons in the record tree.


  • Added placeholder for the MD5 hash of all record data.
  • Added importing of list values, separated by commas.
  • Added integrity checks for components without fields, unused fields, unused types, broken record references and fields that always have their default value.
  • Skipping record rows with empty ids while importing.


  • Asking the user whether to save unsaved changes before creating a new project or opening an existing one.
  • Disabled record context menu actions while no record is selected.
  • Added deselection of records.
  • Added adding new child records.
  • Showing more descriptive error messages if an XLSX sheet could not be found.
  • Automatically focussing line edit for entering names of new components or new derived types.
  • Showing more detailed information on derived types in Custom Types window.
  • Stripping whitespaces when automatically converting display names to ids in New Record window.
  • Sorting type names strictly by name, instead of always showing built-in types first.
  • Added progress bars when running integrity checks.
  • Showing issue counts after running integrity checks.
  • Added option for showing record field values along with their component names, which causes grouping of fields by component.
  • Remembering the location of the last succesfully opened project.
  • Added a menu item for reloading the current project.
  • The record id is no longer automatically updated to reflect the record display name, except when creating new records.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a crash that could occur when renaming a record with children.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when validating a Required Reference Ancestor facet and the reference to validate could not be found.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when importing data with a parent record that didn't exist.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the progress bar not to disappear if any error occurred while importing data from an XLSX file.
  • Fixed a bug that caused CSV and Excel files not to be correctly closed after an import.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented the error list from correctly being filtered by severity.
  • Fixed a bug that occasionally caused lists to be incorrectly sorted.

0.8 (Pegasus)

29 Dec 22:07
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0.8 (Pegasus) Pre-release

Data import release.

The beta release of Tome adds the ability to import data from various sources, as well as the possibility to generate a localization kit.

New Features

  • Undo. All operations can now be un-done and re-done. The title bar shows a small asterisk while there are any unsaved changes, and shows a confirmation dialog when trying to quit with unsaved changes.
  • Data Import. Tome can now import record data from Excel and CSV files and Google Sheets. You can specify the column containing your record IDs, which records to parent newly imported records to, how table columns relate to your Tome fields, and which table rows to ignore, if any.
  • Localization Support. Export templates may now add a separate field value template for localized fields (for exporting localization keys instead of current string values when exporting data). They can also use an option for exporting localized fields only (for exporting localization kits).


  • Added export placeholder for record roots.
  • Record parent placeholders are now available in field value templates as well.


  • Added navigation buttons and hotkeys for returning to previously selected records.
  • Added a context menu to the record tree.
  • Increased width of all progress bar dialogs to always fit its contents.
  • Missing export template files no longer cause loading a project to stop, but log an error instead.


  • Added CSV and XLIFF example localization export templates.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug that caused record reference dropdowns to show record display names instead of ids.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the Windows Explorer or Finder window not to open when selecting Navigate To from the Project Overview window.
  • Fixed a bug that caused another field value delimiter to be added when exporting, even if no more fields were succeeding after the current one (e.g. all following are skipped).
  • Fixed a bug that caused another field value delimiter to be added when exporting, even if the field value string was completely empty.
  • Fixed a bug that caused another record delimiter to be added when exporting, even if the record string was completely empty (e.g. every single field has been skipped).
  • Fixed a bug that caused changes to fields with map types not to be properly reflected by the UI when adding or editing key-value pairs whose keys already existed.
  • Fixed a bug that caused inherited field values not to be properly displayed within a hierarchy of three or more levels.

0.7 (Manticore)

19 Nov 16:59
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0.7 (Manticore) Pre-release

Stability release.

Approaching the first major release, this version addresses many stability and usability issues and provides improved diagnostics tools.

New Features

  • Derived Types. Field definition facets have been moved to custom types, introducing derived types for fields. This allows fields to share common facets (such as a minimum value of zero), and validation of these facets in other custom types such as lists and maps.
  • On-the-fly validation. Field values are automatically validated against all facets while being entered by the user, showing immediate feedback when violating any facet.
  • Progress Bars. Time-consuming operations, such as loading or saving very large projects (> 10,000 records), or renaming, reverting, searching or exporting records in very large projects, cause a progress bar to be displayed now.
  • Log File. All operations are now logged to an output window and a file on disk for easier diagnostics.
  • Issue Reporter. (Windows only) Whenever Tome crashes or the user selects "Report a Bug", he or she is presented with an Issue Reporter window that will automatically create GitHub issues.


  • Added new integrity check for violated facets.
  • Added export placeholders for field component, description and display name.
  • Added export placeholders for application version and export time.
  • Record id and display name placeholders are now available in field value templates as well.
  • Documentation of all available export placeholders has been updated, avoiding confusion about which placeholder is available for which export template file and/or Tome version. See for details.


  • Adding dock widgets for Search Results, Output and Integrity Checks as tabs instead of stacking them on top of each other.
  • Enumeration dropdowns provide allowed values, only.
  • Preventing users from entering record names with leading or trailing whitespaces.
  • Added user settings for expanding the record tree on refresh and running integrity checks after a project was opened.
  • Duplicating a record now correctly retains the record set.


  • Added YAML example export template.
  • Added code generation example project.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a crash that could occur when changing the name of a record within a hierarchy of three or more levels.
  • Fixed a bug that caused project files not to properly save references to export templates.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the field definitions and custom types windows not to properly refresh when opening multiple projects during the same session.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the map item window not to show the correct current key and value.

0.6 (Hydra)

06 Oct 23:12
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0.6 (Hydra) Pre-release

Advanced export release.

This release adds a lot of customizability for exporting data, along with automatically enforced field value constraints and project and user settings.

New Features

  • Field Facets. Specify custom constraints such as the minimum value of an integer, the maximum length of a string, or the required parent of a record reference.
  • Project Overview. Add new or existing files to and/or remove files from the project. Specify which file to add new data to and move data between files.
  • Search. Find records by id or display name.
  • User Settings. Specify whether to show a Description column in the records table or to run integrity checks on save.


  • Added placeholders for list item types and map key and value types in export templates.
  • Added placeholders for specific field values in export templates.
  • Added possibility for ignoring specific records and/or fields in exports.
  • Using $ characters in record names is now prohibited.

See for details.

  • Added read-only records that can't be edited, reverted, removed or reparented.

See for details.


  • Initially selecting all content of Integer, Real and String controls for immediate editing.
  • Added hyperlinks to search results and references to other records.


  • Moved components, custom types and export templates from project file to dedicated files.
  • Added link to Roadmap to Help menu.
  • Added application icon.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a crash that could occur when removing a field while a record inheriting that field is selected.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the field definitions window not to correctly reflect all changes if any components had been removed since the last time the window was shown.
  • Fixed a bug that caused UTF-8 text not to be correctly exported.
  • Fixed a bug that allowed users to create enumerations without specifying a name.
  • Fixed a bug that caused enumerations without any members to appear as if they had a single empty member.
  • Fixed a bug that caused field values in the record table to overlap with column boundaries.
  • Fixed a bug that caused field values in the record table to overlap with color previews.
  • Fixed a bug that occasionally caused the last column of the record not to fill all available space.
  • Fixed a bug that caused huge empty areas in field value windows with small content (e.g. checkbox) after having shown a window with large content (e.g. color picker) before.
  • Fixed a bug that caused sorting field definitions by any column other than id to occasionally make the table show duplicate rows.

0.5 (Dragon)

08 Sep 22:23
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0.5 (Dragon) Pre-release

Usability release.

With Tome starting to be used in production, this release focuses on bringing a lot of usability improvements rather than many new featues.

New Features

  • Maps and Vectors. Custom key-value maps and two- and three-dimensional vectors with integer and floating-point numbers.
  • Find Usages. Added finding usages of custom types, fields and records in your project.
  • Command Line Support. Can start Tome without showing a window and run data exports now.


  • Added new integrity check for unsupported list and map item types.
  • Records without any fields are no longer exported. Consequently, records whose parents don't have any fields will have their parent id reset for the export.
  • Increased decimals for real fields to 4 (were 3).
  • Allowing to specify whether to export roots, inner nodes and/or leafs of the record tree.
  • Adding a new field to an existing component will now automatically cause that field to be added to all records who already have all exisiting fields of that component.
  • Moving a field to a different component will now automatically remove that field from all records who have all other fields of that component.


  • Initially focusing display name field in field definition and record windows.
  • Initially focusing New Enumeration Member window text box.
  • Clearing Enumeration window when creating a new enumeration type, instead of showing contents of last edited enumeration.
  • Moved field definition type above default value in Field Definition window.
  • Set OK button as default in field value window, so users can immediately confirm their changes with Enter.
  • In the record window, users can add all fields of a component by either checking a field or a component checkbox.
  • Added description column to record field table and removed the tooltip.
  • Added record icons, differentiating between records with and without fields.
  • Added sorting field definitions, custom types and errors by arbitrary columns.
  • Added possibility to revert whole records, effectively reverting all of their fields.
  • Added possibility to duplicate records, creating a new record with the same parent and field values.
  • After manually changing a record id, the record id text is no longer linked to the display name text.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug that caused export templates to create superfluous delimiters in the output files.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented users from specifying negative real numbers.
  • Fixed a bug that caused some components and table values of inherited fields to omitted when exporting records.

Upgrading to Tome 0.5

With map support added to Tome, export templates require three new template files for exporting maps. See the Exporting Data manual page for further details.

0.4 (Chimera)

05 Mar 17:51
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0.4 (Chimera) Pre-release

Record hierarchy release.

Records can now be parented to other records, having them inherit all fields of their ancestors along with their values. See the updated wiki for all implications.

New Features

  • Record Hierarchy. Added parenting records to each other in the record tree. Children will automatically inherit all fields of their ancestors, along with their values. Setting a field value of a child record will override the value of its parent.
  • Integrity Checks. Added running integrity checks for discovering broken references and other issues that might arise while refactoring or cleaning up your project.
  • Table Export. Added exporting data as tables, automatically filling up exported records with empty field values for correct visualization of data, e.g. from CSV or HTML. Added example CSV export template to example project.


  • Renaming all references to records or fields when they are renamed.
  • Enforcing unique ids for records.


  • Automatically resizing table columns of record table and field definitions window to always fit all content.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a crash that could occur after removing a field definition while a record referencing that field was currently selected in the record tree.
  • Fixed a bug that would allow to change the id of a field to the id of another one after it has been created.

0.3 (Basilisk)

18 Feb 21:48
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0.3 (Basilisk) Pre-release

List support release.

Application has experienced major refactoring in order to increase stability and performance and to pave the way for future features. We're pretty confident everything's working as expected - if it does not, please open an issue and we'll fix it right away.

New Features

  • Lists. Added full support for list types. Can define lists of arbitrary built-in or custom data types. Added list widget for adding, changing, re-ordering and removing list record values and default values.
  • Recent Projects. Can now open recently opened projects from the File menu.


  • Enforcing unique ids without whitespaces for fields.
  • Storing project data format version number in project file to enable backward compatibility in future releases.


  • Increased overall application performance with large projects by avoiding unnecessary sorting.

Upgrading to Tome 0.3

With list support added to Tome, export templates require three new template files for exporting lists. See the Exporting Data manual page for further details.


19 Jan 23:46
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0.2 Pre-release

First Mac OS X release of Tome. Appearance and behaviour of the whole application has slightly changed to ensure consistency across all platforms. Because this required a complete re-write of the application, some rarely used features have been removed in the process. Feel free to open an issue if you're missing something, and we'll add it back again.

New Features

  • Components. Fields can now be assigned to components. When editing records, all fields of the same components are added or removed at once. Record components can be exported for arbitrary game engines with new export templates.
  • Enumerations. New custom data types can now be added each project, providing the possibility of creating custom enumerations (e.g. mail, cloth, leather as armor type).


  • Added more shortcuts to many menu items.
  • Added a Color field preview to Field Definitions window and Record Table.

Removed Features

  • The Import Field Definitions feature has been temporarily removed, because it didn't meet quality requirements. It will be added again in a later release.
  • Vector datatype has been temporarily removed, because it didn't meet quality requirements. It will be added again in a later release.