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Bug Triaging

Luke Karrys edited this page Apr 10, 2022 · 23 revisions


  • 🩻: triage
  • 🚫: close
  • 🏷: label
  • ❓: awaiting more info
  • πŸ“: respond with template
  • πŸš›: transfer

Issue Searches

🩻 Triage-able Issues 🩻

❓ Awaiting Information ❓

🧹 Cleanup 🧹

  • Unlabeled Issues
    • there should be almost none of these but some have fallen through the cracks as we've updated our labelling system. We should make sure these are 🏷 appropriately or closed.

Popular Issues

🩻 Triage Checklist 🩻

  1. β˜‘οΈ Ensure the ticket is a bug, & not a feature question/request/enhancement
  • If so, continue..
  • If not, do one of the following
    • 🏷 + Enhancement, 🏷 - Bug, Needs Triage for small/medium cli enhancements
      • Optionally, 🏷 + Agenda to have it discussed at the next RFC meeting
    • 🚫 Link to for general questions
    • 🚫 Link to npm/feedback for general feedback
    • 🚫 / πŸš› Link or transfer to npm/rfcs for larger structured RFCs
  1. β˜‘οΈ Ensure the ticket is using our issue template
  • If so, continue...
  • If not, use discretion to either:
    • β“πŸ· + Awaiting Information, 🏷 - Bug, Needs Triage and ask for clarity
    • 🚫 discretion respond for clarity (see templates below) & 🚫 close ticket
  1. β˜‘οΈ Ensure bug is unique (ie. search for existing/similar tickets)
  • If so, continue...
  • If not, label + Duplicate, - Needs Triage, link the existing issue (see templates below) & 🚫 close ticket
  1. β˜‘οΈ Ensure bug is not reproducible on the latest version of the npm CLI and is reproducible on reported version
  • If so, continue...
  • If not, ask them to upgrade & 🚫 close ticket
  1. β˜‘οΈ Ensure bug is reproducible on reported system/npm/node configuration:
  • If so, continue...
  • If not, respond with clarifying questions and label accordingly (see templates below)
    • remove Needs Triage & Bug labels
    • add Question label
  1. (Optional) β˜‘οΈ Write a failing test that reproduces bug & submit a PR
  2. β˜‘οΈ Determine & label accordingly (no label is required for low-priority icebox/backlogged bugs)
  3. Move to next issue...

πŸ“ Response Templates πŸ“

More Info

Labels: + Question, - Bug, Needs Triage


If the issue is a question about how to do something with npm, direct them to

**Closing:** this looks to be a question about how to do something with `npm`. For support please post your question to [](


**Closing:** this looks to be similar if not a duplicate of an existing issue, <issue_id>. If you believe your instance is unique, please provide further clarifying details.

Try latest?

<authors_username> can you try replicating this problem on the latest version of `npm`? (ie. `npm i -g npm`)  

Not Using the Issue Template

**Closing:** please use our [issue template]( &/or review our [contributing guidelines](

Triaging third-party libraries bugs

**Closing:** we do not support/triage third-party libraries or tooling bugs; Please file an issue with the relevant project.

Create an RFC

Not a bug:

<authors_username> Thanks for filing this! Since this is working as intended, can you please open an [RFC issue]( with some details on how you could/would like to see this changed?

New idea:

<author_username> Thanks for taking the time to share your idea! While new ideas are always appreciated I would please ask you to open an [issue or discussion in our RFC repo]( instead since that's the right place in order to get more attention from the rest of the team and the community.

npm ERR! cb() never called!

Note: use your discretion, low/no information about the environment/circumstances for when this occurred should be closed with the following:

**Closing:** this error can arise for a number of reasons; Please read [this document]('m-having-the-same-problem!%22) & refile an issue with as much information as possible if you're able to **consistently reproduce** this error.    

If it is an npm install error for a package with a large dependency graph, it's possible it was running on a resource constrained system which produced the error, and the issue can be closed with the following:

**Closing:** We suspect this has to do with a combination of resource constraints within the device/program being used and the large amount of transient dependencies being installed by this command.

We've opened for us to look deeper into this and track the discussion and fixes around it. You can also read [this document]('m-having-the-same-problem!%22) for more information on why this issue might be happening currently and ways to debug it.


**Closing:** this looks to be an issue with the registry which is outside the scope of this repo. For registry support please go to []( If you believe this is a bug with the cli, please provide further clarifying details.


**Closing:** Typically we don't accept typescript definitions into the repos themselves, as we are not willing to maintain them.  If you want, you can request to become a [Definition owner]( for the `@types` scoped module for this package.

Old Issue

If during triage we have commented in an old issue and haven't heard back in at least a week. Note this leaves the door open for them to reopen if it's still an issue

**Closing** due to age.  If this is still a problem please feel free to reopen this issue, or create a new issue w/ steps to reproduce.


npm `v6` is no longer in active development; We will continue to push security releases to `v6` at our team's discretion as-per our [Support Policy](

If your bug is preproducible on `v7`, please re-file this issue using our [new issue template](

If your issue was a feature request, please consider opening a new [RRFC]( or [RFC]( If your issue was a question or other idea that was not CLI-specific, consider opening a discussion on our [feedback repo](