DynamoDB is an Amazon Web Services (AWS) database system that can be integrated easily with build.security as a data source for implementing your authorization policies. Based on the policies defined in build.security and the information provided by the data source, the PDP can determine the authorization decision.
To create a DynamoDB data source in the control plane:
- Click the NEW DATA SOURCE button on the data source screen. The New Data Source panel will open on the right.
- In the Name field, enter the name of the new data source.
- In the Description field, enter a description (optional).
- In the Type area, select DynamoDB.
- In the AWS Region field, you can either select a region or leave the default value of "Auto discovery," allowing build.security to automatically determine the relevant region.
- In the Access Key Environment Variable field, enter the environmental variable that will hold the access key for the DynamoDB data source, or leave it blank for auto-discovery.
- In the Secret Access Key Environment Variable field, enter the environment variable that iwll hold the secret access key, or leave it blank for auto-discovery. After creating the Dynamo data source, you will need to declare this variable to deploy the PDP.
- In the Consistent Read field, choose whether to enable consistent read. When enabled, the DynamoDB will return a response with the most up-to-date data. The default value is disabled. To read more about this DynamoDB feature, see AWS documentation on Read Consistency.
- In the Cache TTL field, enter the amount of time the cache memory of queries retrieved from the databases to the PDP will be cached and available for the PDP. Acceptable values (in seconds) is 0-600.
- Click SAVE to create the new data source.
The new DynamoDB data source will now appear in the list of existing data sources on the data source screen.