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File metadata and controls

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Text Analyser Service

The service gets some texts from and analyses them in order to find the most frequent word. The service has the following endpoints:

  • HTTP GET /betvictor/text?p=[number of paragraphs]&l=[length of a paragraph: short/medium/long/verylong]

  • HTTP GET /betvictor/history

HTTP GET /betvictor/text?p=2&l=short

It returns the following response:

Response (JSON):


"freq_word": <most_frequent_word>



"total_processing_time": <total_processing_time>



<most_frequent_word>- the word that was the most frequent in the paragraphs

<avg_paragraph_size> - the average size of a paragraph

<avg_paragraph_processing_time> - the average time spent analyzing a paragraph

<total_processing_time> - total processing time to generate the final response

The responses are sent to a Kafka topic.

HTTP GET /betvictor/history

By this endpoint, the responses of the above endpoint are consumed from the Kafka topic, and stored in an H2 database. Then, the latest 10 messages are got from the database and returned in the response.

Build and Run the Service

Here is a guide to build and run the service:

The project can be built by Maven. Before building it, a kafka topic with "words.processed" name should be created. This should be done as the integration test involves the whole process as well as producing and consuming messages to/from Kafka.

In this project, we use Kafka in a Docker container. The related file is docker-compose.yml, and it can be run by the following command:

docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml up -d

Then, we need to go inside the container in order to run Kafka commands. This is done by the following:

docker exec -it kafka /bin/sh

The related command files are in opt/Kafka_{version}/bin:

cd opt/kafka_2.13-2.8.1/bin

Now you can create a topic by the following command which has 4 partitions: --create --zookeeper zookeeper:2181 --replication-factor 1 --partitions 4 --topic words.processed

After building it by Maven, the service is ready to be run by 2 either ways:

  • Run TextAnalyserApplication class


  • Run it by maven command: mvn spring-boot:run

When the server is up, The endpoints can be called:

GET http://localhost:8080/betvictor/text?p=2&l=short

GET http://localhost:8080/betvictor/history

The related postman collection can be found in postman folder.

An integration test is done by class. First, it calls "GET /betvictor/text?p=1&l=short" endpoint for 11 times. Then, it returns 10 latest messages by calling "GET /betvictor/history".