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The Analyzer back-end can be configured from analysis_module/analyzer/
Parameter | Description | Example |
timestamp_field | Database field to use as the primary timestamp in the analysis. | timestamp_field = 'requestInTs' |
service_call_fields | Database fields that (together) define a service call. | service_call_fields = ["clientMemberClass", "clientMemberCode", "clientXRoadInstance", "clientSubsystemCode", "serviceCode", "serviceVersion", "serviceMemberClass", "serviceMemberCode", "serviceXRoadInstance", "serviceSubsystemCode"] |
relevant_cols_general | Database fields from the clean_data collection that are relevant for the analyzer and appear at the top level of the request. | relevant_cols_general = ["_id", 'totalDuration', 'producerDurationProducerView', 'requestNwDuration', 'responseNwDuration'] |
relevant_cols_nested | Database fields from the clean_data collection that are relevant for the analyzer and are nested inside 'client' and 'producer'. | relevant_cols_nested = ["succeeded", "messageId", timestamp_field] + service_call_fields |
relevant_cols_general_alternative | Database fields from the clean_data collection that are relevant for the analyzer and appear at the top level of the request, but are analogous for 'client' and 'producer' side. For the Analyzer, only one field from each pair is necessary. In other words, if the field exists for the client side, then this value is used, otherwise the value from the producer side is used. In configuration, these fields are presented as triplets, where the first element refers to the general name used in the Analyzer, the second and third value are the alternative fields in the database. |
relevant_cols_general_alternative = [('requestSize', 'clientRequestSize', 'producerRequestSize')] |
<timeunit>_aggregation_time_window | Settings for a given aggregation time window. The following attributes should be speficied: 1) 'agg_window_name' - a name (can be chosen arbitrarily) that will be used to refer to the aggregation window, 2) 'agg_minutes' - number of minutes to use for aggregation, 3) 'pd_timeunit' - used in the pandas.to_timedelta method to refer to the same time period, should be one of (D,h,m,s,ms,us,ns). ( |
hour_aggregation_time_window = {'agg_window_name': 'hour', 'agg_minutes': 60, 'pd_timeunit': 'h'} |
<timeunits>_similarity_time_window | Settings for a given similarity time window. For example, if the aggregation time window is hour, the similarity time window can be hour+weekday, meaning that the aggregated values from a given hour are compared to historic values collected from the same hour on the same weekday. The following attributes should be speficied: 1) 'timeunit_name' - a name (can be chosen arbitrarily) that will be used to refer to the similarity window, 2) 'agg_window' - one of <timeunit>_aggregation_time_window, 3) 'similar_periods' - a list of time periods. A given set of aggregated requests will be compared to the combination of these periods. Each value in the list is used to extract the necessary time component from a pandas.DatetimeIndex object, so each value should be one of (year, month, day, hour, minute, second, microsecond, nanosecond, dayofyear, weekofyear, week, dayofweek, weekday, quarter). ( |
hour_weekday_similarity_time_window = {'timeunit_name': 'hour_weekday', 'agg_window': hour_aggregation_time_window, 'similar_periods': ['hour', 'weekday']} |
time_windows | A dictionary of pairs (anomaly_type, previously defined <timeunit>_aggregation_time_window) for anomaly types that do not require comparison with historic values. The specified time window will be used to aggregate requests for the given anomaly type. | time_windows = { "failed_request_ratio": hour_aggregation_time_window, "duplicate_message_ids": day_aggregation_time_window, "time_sync_errors": hour_aggregation_time_window} |
historic_averages_time_windows | A list of previously defined <timeunits>_similarity_time_windows for anomaly types that require comparison with historic averages. A separate AveragesByTimeperiodModel is constructed for each such similarity time window. | historic_averages_time_windows = [hour_weekday_similarity_time_window, weekday_similarity_time_window] |
historic_averages_thresholds | A dictionary of confidence thresholds used in the AveragesByTimeperiodModel(s). An observation (an aggregation of requests within a given time window) is considered an anomaly if the confidence (estimated by the model) of being an anomaly is larger than this threshold. | historic_averages_thresholds = { 'request_count': 0.95, 'mean_request_size': 0.95, 'mean_response_size': 0.95, 'mean_client_duration': 0.95, 'mean_producer_duration': 0.95} ] |
time_sync_monitored_lower_thresholds | A dictionary of minimum value thresholds used in the TimeSyncModel. If the observed value is smaller than this threshold, an incident is reported. | time_sync_monitored_lower_thresholds = {'requestNwDuration': 0, 'responseNwDuration': 0} |
failed_request_ratio_threshold | Used in the FailedRequestRatioModel. If the ratio of failed requests in a given aggregation window is larger than this threshold, an incident is reported. | failed_request_ratio_threshold = 0.9 |
incident_expiration_time | After this time has passed since the creation of an anomaly (potential incident), the requests involved in these anomalies can be used to update the historic averages models. The time is specified in minutes. It is recommended to keep this parameter the same as the respective parameter in the front-end configuration. | incident_expiration_time = 14400 (anomalies will expire after 10 days) |
training_period_time | After this time has passed since a given service call's first request, the first version of the historic averages model is trained and the first anomalies reported. The time is specified in months. | training_period_time = 3 (training period lasts for 3 months) |
The user interface can be configured from analysis_module/analyzer_ui/gui/
Parameter | Description | Example |
service_call_fields | Database fields that (together) define a service call. | service_call_fields = ["clientMemberClass", "clientMemberCode", "clientXRoadInstance", "clientSubsystemCode", "serviceCode", "serviceVersion", "serviceMemberClass", "serviceMemberCode", "serviceXRoadInstance", "serviceSubsystemCode"] |
new_incident_columns | List of columns that will be shown in the incident table (where new anomalies are presented). Each column is represented by a tuple, containing the following elements: 1) the name of the column (can be chosen arbitrarily) 2) the respective database field in the incident collection, 3) the data type of the column, must be one of (categorical, numeric, date, text), 4) the rounding precision (only relevant if the data type is numeric), 5) the date format to be used (only relevant if the data type is date) |
new_incident_columns = [ ("anomalous_metric", "anomalous_metric", "categorical", None, None), ("anomaly<br>confidence", "anomaly_confidence", "numeric", 2, None), ("period_start_time", "period_start_time", "date", None, "%a, %Y-%m-%d %H:%M"), ("description", "description", "text", None, None), ("request_count", "request_count", "numeric", 0, None)] |
new_incident_order | A list of conditions to use for ordering the incidents table. Each condition contains two elements: 1) database field name, must be one of the database fields defined in new_incident_columns, 2) order direction, must be one of (asc, desc) |
new_incident_order = [["request_count", "desc"]] |
historical_incident_columns | List of columns that will be shown in the history table (where anomalies whose status has already been marked by the user are presented). Each column is represented by a tuple, containing the following elements: 1) the name of the column (can be chosen arbitrarily) 2) the respective database field in the incident collection, 3) the data type of the column, must be one of (categorical, numeric, date, text), 4) the rounding precision (only relevant if the data type is numeric), 5) the date format to be used (only relevant if the data type is date) |
historical_incident_columns = [ ("incident_status", "incident_status", "categorical", None, None), ("incident_update_timestamp", "incident_update_timestamp", "date", None, "%a, %Y-%m-%d %H:%M")] |
historical_incident_order | A list of conditions to use for ordering the history table. Each condition contains two elements: 1) database field name, must be one of the database fields defined in new_incident_columns, 2) order direction, must be one of (asc, desc) |
historical_incident_order = [["incident_update_timestamp", "desc"]] |
relevant_fields_for_example_requests_general | A list of database fields from the clean_data collection, which appear at the top level of the request, to be shown in the example requests table. | relevant_fields_for_example_requests_general = ['totalDuration', 'producerDurationProducerView'] |
relevant_fields_for_example_requests_nested | A list of database fields from the clean_data collection, which are nested inside 'client' and 'producer', to be shown in the example requests table. | relevant_fields_for_example_requests_nested = ['messageId', 'requestInTs', 'succeeded'] |
relevant_fields_for_example_requests_alternative | A list of database fields from the clean_data collection, which appear at the top level of the request but are analogous for 'client' and 'producer' side, to be shown in the example requests table. | relevant_fields_for_example_requests_alternative = [ ('responseSize', 'clientResponseSize', 'producerResponseSize'), ('requestSize', 'clientRequestSize', 'producerRequestSize')] |
example_request_limit | Up to this many "example" requests will be shown for each anomaly. | example_request_limit = 10 |
accepted_date_formats | When filtering anomalies according to a date field, the user input must be in one of these date formats. | accepted_date_formats = ["%a, %Y-%m-%d %H:%M", "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M", "%Y-%m-%d", "%d/%m/%Y %H:%M", "%d/%m/%Y"] |
incident_expiration_time | An anomaly will be shown in the user interface only until this time has passed since the creation of the anomaly. The time is specified in minutes. It is recommended to keep this parameter the same as the respective parameter in the back-end configuration. | incident_expiration_time = 14400 (anomalies will expire after 10 days) |
In order to work properly, both the back-end and front-end of the Analysis module need configurations for accessing the database. These settings are specified separately for Analyzer (analysis_module/analyzer/ and Interface (analysis_module/analyzer_ui/analyzer_ui/
Parameter | Description | Example |
MDB_USER | Username for accessing the database | MDB_USER = "sample_user" |
MDB_PWD | Password for accessing the database | MDB_PWD = "password_for_sample_user" |
MDB_SERVER | Database server location | MDB_SERVER = "opmon" |
MONGODB_URI | Database URI | MONGODB_URI = "mongodb://{0}:{1}@{2}/auth_db".format(MDB_USER, MDB_PWD, MDB_SERVER) |
MONGODB_QD | Query database name | MONGODB_QD = "query_db_sample" |
MONGODB_AD | Analyzer database name | MONGODB_AD = "analyzer_database_sample" |
The Analyzer takes as input data from the Query database (clean_data collection). The results will be written to Analyzer database (a MongoDB instance). Namely, there are four collections in the incident database:
incident: All found anomalies will be saved here, as well as the last status of each anomaly/incident (automatic or marked by the user). incident_timestamps: This collection keeps track of the times when the historic averages model was last updated. Also, the last anomaly-finding times for each anomaly type will be saved here. incident_model: The historic averages models are saved here. service_call_first_timestamps: Timestamps for each service call's first request, first model training, first anomaly finding, and first model retraining.
All found anomalies (potential incidents) are saved in the incident collection. Each entry in this collection contains the following fields:
Field | Description | Possible values and data type |
_id | Automatically generated id for the collection entry. | A MongoDB ObjectId value. |
aggregation_timeunit | The time interval used to aggregate requests for this anomaly. | hour, day (categorical) |
period_start_time | Start time (included) of the aggregation time interval used for this anomaly. | (date) |
period_end_time | End time (excluded) of the aggregation time interval used for this anomaly. | (date) |
request_count | Number of requests in the aggregation time interval. | (numeric) |
request_ids | List of request id-s included in this anomaly. | List of MongoDB ObjectId-s. |
anomalous_metric | The anomaly type | failed_request_ratio, duplicate_message_id, responseNwDuration, requestNwDuration, request_count, mean_request_size, mean_response_size, mean_request_duration, mean_response_duration (categorical) |
monitored_metric_value | The observed value, e.g. the observed mean request size for the mean_request_size anomaly, or the number of duplicated message ids in case of the duplicate_message_id anomaly. | (numeric) |
difference_from_normal | Difference of the observed value and the "normal" value. The "normal" value is: 1) the historic average in case of historic average anomalies, 2) the failed request ratio threshold (the largest allowed value) in case of failed request ratio anomalies, 3) 1 in case of duplicate message id anomalies, 4) 0 in case of time sync anomalies. |
(numeric) |
anomaly_confidence | Confidence of the anomaly, as estimated by the model. The higher the confidence, the more it deviates from the historical values. Anomaly types that do not require comparison with historic values always have a confidence of 1. | Between 0 and 1. (numeric) |
description | Textual description of the anomaly. | (text) |
incident_creation_timestamp | Time when the incident was created. | (date) |
incident_update_timestamp | Time when the incident was last updated. If the status has not yet been marked by the user, this is the same as the incident_creation_timestamp, otherwise the time of the last status update. | (date) |
incident_status | The status of the incident. Can be automatically assigned (new, showed), or marked by the user (incident, viewed, normal). | new, showed, incident, viewed, normal (categorical) |
model_params | If relevant, some parameters of the model that was used to find the anomaly. | For example, the model_params for anomaly type mean_request_size is a dictionary: 'model_params': {'hour': 9, 'metric_mean': 1729.4074074074076, 'metric_std': 42.25904826772402, 'model_timeunit': 'hour_weekday', 'weekday': 1} |
model_version | Version of the model that was used to find the anomaly. | from 0 to any integer (numeric) |
clientMemberClass | The clientMemberClass (part of the service call) whom this anomaly belongs to. | |
clientMemberCode | The clientMemberCode (part of the service call) whom this anomaly belongs to. | |
clientSubsystemCode | The clientSubsystemCode (part of the service call) whom this anomaly belongs to. | |
clientXRoadInstance | The clientXRoadInstance (part of the service call) whom this anomaly belongs to. | |
serviceCode | The serviceCode (part of the service call) whom this anomaly belongs to. | |
serviceMemberClass | The serviceMemberClass (part of the service call) whom this anomaly belongs to. | |
serviceMemberCode | The serviceMemberCode (part of the service call) whom this anomaly belongs to. | |
serviceSubsystemCode | The serviceSubsystemCode (part of the service call) whom this anomaly belongs to. | |
serviceVersion | The serviceVersion (part of the service call) whom this anomaly belongs to. | |
serviceXRoadInstance | The serviceXRoadInstance (part of the service call) whom this anomaly belongs to. |
This collection is used internally, to ensure that the scripts for finding anomalies and for updating the historic averages model take as input data from the right time period. In particular, each request should only be used once by each model in both the anomaly finding and model updating phase. Each entry in this collection contains the following fields:
Field | Description | Possible values |
_id | Automatically generated id for the collection entry. | A MongoDB ObjectId value. |
model | The name of the Analyzer model. | hour_weekday, weekday, failed_request_ratio, duplicate_message_ids, time_sync_errors |
type | Type of the timestamp. | last_fit_timestamp, last_transform_timestamp |
timestamp | The timestamp. | A datetime value. |
This collection saves the historic averages models. The collection is 1) updated when the model is being retrained / updated, and 2) retrieved when anomalies are being found.
Field | Description | Possible values and data type |
_id | Automatically generated id for the collection entry. | A MongoDB ObjectId value. |
clientMemberClass | The clientMemberClass (part of the service call) related to this model row. | |
clientMemberCode | The clientMemberCode (part of the service call) related to this model row. | |
clientSubsystemCode | The clientSubsystemCode (part of the service call) related to this model row. | |
clientXRoadInstance | The clientXRoadInstance (part of the service call) related to this model row. | |
serviceCode | The serviceCode (part of the service call) related to this model row. | |
serviceMemberClass | The serviceMemberClass (part of the service call) related to this model row. | |
serviceMemberCode | The serviceMemberCode (part of the service call) related to this model row. | |
serviceSubsystemCode | The serviceSubsystemCode (part of the service call) related to this model row. | |
serviceVersion | The serviceVersion (part of the service call) related to this model row. | |
serviceXRoadInstance | The serviceXRoadInstance (part of the service call) related to this model row. | |
<metric>_mean | Historic average (mean) of the given metric (request_count, mean_response_size, mean_request_size, mean_client_duration, mean_producer_duration) for the given service call in the given time period. | numeric |
<metric>_std | Standard deviation of the given metric for the given service call in the given time period. | numeric |
<metric>_count | Number of values (from aggregated time periods) that are used to calculate the mean and std. | integer |
<metric>_sum | Sum of the values for the given metric. Necessary for incrementally updating the standard deviation values. | integer |
<metric>_ssq | Sum of squares of the given metric. Necessary for incrementally updating the standard deviation values. | integer |
model_name | Name of the model. | hour_weekday, weekday |
similar_periods | Concatenated values of the "similar" time periods. | E.g. for model "hour_weekday", similar_periods = "12_1" refer to 12 o'clock on Mondays. |
model_creation_timestamp | Creation time of the model (same for all service calls, even if they were added later). | date |
version | Version of the model. Version gets incremented with every update. Only the last version of the model for each model_name is saved. | integer |
This collection is used to keep track of the phases that each service call is in: training, first incidents reported but model not retrained, regular (model retrained).
Field | Description | Possible values and data type |
_id | Automatically generated id for the collection entry. | A MongoDB ObjectId value. |
clientMemberClass | The clientMemberClass (part of the service call). | |
clientMemberCode | The clientMemberCode (part of the service call). | |
clientSubsystemCode | The clientSubsystemCode (part of the service call). | |
clientXRoadInstance | The clientXRoadInstance (part of the service call). | |
serviceCode | The serviceCode (part of the service call). | |
serviceMemberClass | The serviceMemberClass (part of the service call). | |
serviceMemberCode | The serviceMemberCode (part of the service call). | |
serviceSubsystemCode | The serviceSubsystemCode (part of the service call). | |
serviceVersion | The serviceVersion (part of the service call). | |
serviceXRoadInstance | The serviceXRoadInstance (part of the service call). | |
first_request_timestamp | Timestamp of the first request made by the service call. | date |
first_model_train_timestamp | Timestamp of the first model trained for the service call. If the service call is still in the training phase, the timestamp is None. | date |
first_incident_timestamp | Timestamp when the first anomaly-finding phase was performed for the service call. If the service call is still in the training phase, the timestamp is None. | date |
first_model_retrain_timestamp | Timestamp when the second version of the model was trained (after the training period has passed and first incidents have expired). When the service call is still in training phase or the time for expiration of first incidents has not passed, the timestamp is None. If this timestamp is present, the service call has reached the regular analysis phase. | date |