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Binary files /dev/null and b/content/docs/ports/sublime-text/development/github-clone.png differ
diff --git a/content/docs/ports/sublime-text/development/index.mdx b/content/docs/ports/sublime-text/development/index.mdx
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index 00000000..fff7c6d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/content/docs/ports/sublime-text/development/index.mdx
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+import Button from "atoms/core/Button";
+import Link from "atoms/core/Link";
+import { Banner, Image, ShrinkedWidth, SpaceBox } from "atoms/core/mdx-elements";
+import { Code } from "atoms/core/html-elements";
+import { ReactComponent as WindowCode } from "assets/images/illustrations/window-code.svg";
+import { ROUTE_DOCS_PORTS_SUBLIME_TEXT_INSTALLATION } from "config/routes/mappings";
+import WIPNotice from "../../../../shared/docs/wip-notice";
+export const frontmatter = {
+ title: "Package Development",
+ subline: "Learn how to customize the theme to fit your needs, preview changes and bundle it as package."
+This page documents how to develop the theme package — from requirements to `.sublime-package` packaging and the development workflow steps.
+# Requirements
+Download and install [Sublime Text] with a minimal version of [3.1.0 Build 3170][sbt-blog-announce-v3.1] (2018-05-07).
+# Setup
+## Download
+Clone the [_Nord Sublime Text_ repository from GitHub][gh-repo] to your [local `Packages/User` directory][sbt-docs-pkgs] located in the [settings data path][sbt-docs-settings].
+git clone https://github.com/arcticicestudio/nord-sublime-text.git
+Package directories take precedence over `.sublime-package` files!>} variant="warn">
+When Nord has also been installed as `.sublime-package` [ZIP][wiki-zip] archive file while a directory with the same name (without `.sublime-package` prefix) is also placed in the package directory, each file within the directory overrides files whose names are equal to files in the packaged theme. See the section about „Overriding Files From a Zipped Package“ in the [official package documentations][sbt-docs-pkgs].
+To get the theme without [Git][], download the repository as [ZIP][wiki-zip] archive file from the GitHub or click on the download button below.
+Afterwards extract the archive to your [local `Packages/User` directory][sbt-docs-pkgs] located in the [settings data path][sbt-docs-settings].
+ GitHub Web UI to download the theme repository as{" "}
+ ZIP file from GitHub.
+Both methods will use the `develop` branch to work with the latest development state.
+# Workflow
+Sublime Text provides auto reload („hot reload“) for themes to immediately see saved changes when editing any of the package's source code files.
+Open the extension by adding the cloned/extracted repository directory as project folder through the „Project: Add Folder“ command or opening the directory directly (_File_ ➜ _Open Folder_) and set _Nord_ as active color theme like documented in the installation & activation guide.
+The theme's source code can now be modified and saved changes will immediately apply to the currently running Sublime Text instance.
+# Packaging
+Sublime Text packages are stored as compressed `.sublime-package` file using the [ZIP][wiki-zip] archive file format. To create Nord as package, either add at least the [`Nord.sublime-color-scheme`][gh-tree-color_scheme] and [`Nord.skins`][gh-tree-skins] files (recommended) or the whole repository to a new ZIP archive file named `Nord.sublime-package`.
+Read the theme documentation about how to install and activate a `.sublime-theme` package file for more details.
+[gh-repo]: https://github.com/arcticicestudio/nord-sublime-text
+[gh-tree-color_scheme]: https://github.com/arcticicestudio/nord-sublime-text/blob/develop/Nord.sublime-color-scheme
+[gh-tree-skins]: https://github.com/arcticicestudio/nord-sublime-text/blob/develop/Nord.skins
+[git]: https://git-scm.com
+[sbt-blog-announce-v3.1]: https://www.sublimetext.com/blog/articles/sublime-text-3-point-1
+[sbt-docs-pkgs]: https://www.sublimetext.com/docs/3/packages.html
+[sbt-docs-settings]: https://www.sublimetext.com/docs/3/settings.html
+[wiki-zip]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zip_(file_format)
diff --git a/content/docs/ports/sublime-text/installation/index.mdx b/content/docs/ports/sublime-text/installation/index.mdx
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index 00000000..0bc7210a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/content/docs/ports/sublime-text/installation/index.mdx
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+import Link from "atoms/core/Link";
+import { Banner, Image, ShrinkedWidth, SpaceBox } from "atoms/core/mdx-elements";
+import { Kbd } from "atoms/core/html-elements";
+import { ReactComponent as Plugin } from "assets/images/illustrations/plugin.svg";
+import WIPNotice from "../../../../shared/docs/wip-notice";
+export const frontmatter = {
+ title: "Installation & Activation",
+ subline: "Get up and running in one command with the package control registry."
+Thanks to the [_package control_ registry][pc-pkg-nord], _Nord Sublime Text_ can be installed with one command.
+Please follow the [official installation instructions][pc-install] to set up _package control_ itself in order to install available packages from the registry.
+Nord requires a minimum Sublime Text version of 3.1.0 Build 3170>}>
+Nord makes use of the new [`.sublime-color-scheme` JSON file format][sbt-docs-color_schemes] that has been introduced in Sublime Text [version 3.1.0 Build 3170][sbt-blog-announce-v3.1] and is therefore the minimum required and supported version. The `.tmTheme` XML file format][sbt-docs-tmtheme] has been officially deprecated by the Sublime Text team and is not supported by Nord anymore.
+Open the _package installation_ view through the [command palette][sbt-udocs-cmdp] via Ctrl/⌘+Shift+p and run the „Package Control: Install Package“ command.
+ The command palette{" "}
+ searching for the „Install Package“ command.
+Search for „Nord“ and press ⏎ _Enter_ to install the theme.
+ The installation view searching for the{" "}
+ Nord package in the package registry.
+### Manual
+A `.sublime-package` file can be installed manually without using the online _package control_ registry by placing the package file in the `Installed Packages` or `Packages/User` directory located in the [settings data path][sbt-docs-settings]. For details about package directory paths on different operating system see the [official package documentations][sbt-docs-pkgs].
+1. Get the theme by either
+ - downloading the `.sublime-package` file of the [latest release version][gh-rel-latest] (recommended).
+ - cloning the [repository from GitHub][gh-repo], packing it as [ZIP][wiki-zip] archive file and renaming the file extension and rename the file extension from `.zip` to `.sublime-package` afterwards.
+ - downloading the [master][gh-dl-master] (stable) or [`develop`][gh-dl-develop] (unstable) repository branch from GitHub as [ZIP][wiki-zip] archive file and rename the file extension from `.zip` to `.sublime-package` afterwards.
+2. Copy the `.sublime-package` file into your package directory (_Preferences_ ➜ _Browse Packages…_) and restart Sublime Text in order to reload all installed packages.
+## Activation
+To activate the _Nord_ color theme, open the [command palette][sbt-udocs-cmdp] via Ctrl/⌘+Shift+p and run the „UI: Select Color Theme“ command or use the _Preferences_ ➜ _Color Theme…_ menu.
+ Opening the color theme picker through the{" "}
+ Command Palette.
+Search for `Nord` and confirm the color theme change with ⏎ _Enter_.
+ Selecting Nord as active color theme.
+Alternatively the color scheme can also be set directly within the [user settings][sbt-docs-settings] that can be opened using the _Preferences_ ➜ _Settings_ menu. Add or modify the `color_scheme` JSON key and set _Nord Sublime Text_ as active color theme:
+"color_scheme": "Packages/User/nord-sublime-text/Nord.sublime-color-scheme"
+[gh-dl-develop]: https://github.com/arcticicestudio/nord-docs/archive/develop.zip
+[gh-dl-master]: https://github.com/arcticicestudio/nord-docs/archive/develop.zip
+[gh-rel-latest]: https://github.com/arcticicestudio/nord-docs/releases/latest
+[gh-repo]: https://github.com/arcticicestudio/nord-sublime-text
+[pc-install]: https://packagecontrol.io/installation
+[pc-pkg-nord]: https://packagecontrol.io/packages/Nord
+[sbt-blog-announce-v3.1]: https://www.sublimetext.com/blog/articles/sublime-text-3-point-1
+[sbt-docs-color_schemes]: https://www.sublimetext.com/docs/3/color_schemes.html
+[sbt-docs-pkgs]: https://www.sublimetext.com/docs/3/packages.html
+[sbt-docs-settings]: https://www.sublimetext.com/docs/3/settings.html
+[sbt-docs-tmtheme]: https://www.sublimetext.com/docs/3/color_schemes_tmtheme.html
+[sbt-udocs-cmdp]: http://docs.sublimetext.info/en/latest/extensibility/command_palette.html
+[wiki-zip]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zip_(file_format)
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index 00000000..63d7524a
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Binary files /dev/null and b/content/docs/ports/sublime-text/installation/ui-package-control-list-installed.png differ