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This is a container image to package a Matrix widget.

The container has the following features:

  • Based on the official nginx image in the alpine variant.
  • Prepared for Single Page Applications (including history API).
  • Sane Cache-Control defaults.
  • Sane Content-Security-Policy defaults.
  • Injects a NONCE into the index.html file.
  • Injects REACT_APP_* environment variables into the index.html file.
  • Uses a non privileged user (runAsNonRoot: true).
  • Supports read-only file systems (docker run --read-only ... or readOnlyRootFilesystem: true).
  • Exposes the application on port 8080.
  • Allows for IPv4-only deployments.



  1. Add <!--#echo var="__INJECT_SCRIPT_TAG__" encoding="none"--> before the </head> tag in your index.html:

        <!-- ... -->
    +     <!--#echo var="__INJECT_SCRIPT_TAG__" encoding="none"-->
        <!-- ... -->
  2. Depending on the libraries in use it may be necessary to pass the CSP nonce to them. See the example widget's index page.

  3. Create a new Dockerfile in your repository:

    # Use the latest version of the base image
    LABEL \
       org.opencontainers.image.created=$BUILD_DATE \
       org.opencontainers.image.title="<your widget name>" \
       org.opencontainers.image.description="<your description>" \
       org.opencontainers.image.url="<org>/<repo>" \
       org.opencontainers.image.revision=$VCS_REF \
       org.opencontainers.image.source="<org>/<repo>" \
       org.opencontainers.image.vendor="<your company>" \
    # Add your build output to the `/usr/share/nginx/html/`.
    # This example assumes `build/`, but it can differ in your environment
    ADD build /usr/share/nginx/html/

Build your image

  1. Create a production build of your widget: yarn build.

  2. Build (docker build .).

    The project CI should provide variables for BUILD_DATE, VCS_REF (=commit sha), and VERSION during build time. Example: Export them as environment variables and call docker build --build-arg BUILD_DATE --build-arg VCS_REF --build-arg VERSION .

  3. Run the image 🎉.

Security notes

This container does not terminate SSL. It is assumed that SSL termination is done by the infrastructure running the container, e.g. with a reverse-proxy.

For security reasons it is recommended to set the Strict-Transport-Security header there, e.g. Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=15552000. This tells clients to always use HTTPS (see MDN description for details).


The image uses the following caching strategy:

Uniquely Named Files: All files that have a unique content hash in it's name (example: [name].[contenthash].js) should be located in the static/ or assets/ folder and are cached by the browser.

Mutable Files: Files like index.html, manifest.json, or translation files will change on every image update and might reference uniquely named files. They should always be refreshed. We use a public, max-age=0, must-revalidate configuration, so the browser will always try to revalidate if the files are still fresh on each load.

Environment Configuration

The image makes selected environment variables that are provided in the deployment of the container (for example in Kubernetes) available to the widget. They are available in the window.__ENVIRONMENT__ variable as a base64 encoded JSON file (example: eyJSRUFDVF9BUFBfRVhBTVBMRSI6ICJteS12YWx1ZSJ9 === base64({"REACT_APP_EXAMPLE": "my-value"})).

Content-Security-Policy for dynamic code

In addition to the environment variables, the image provides the $cspNonce to the module that is unique per request. It is supported by a number of different libraries (example: styled-components) and can also be provided to Webpack. The nonce can be read from the window.NONCE variable.

Custom Content-Security-Policy

The default Content-Security-Policy can be replaced if needed. Simply replace the /etc/nginx/conf.d/custom/content-security-policy.conf file when building your container image or in the deployment. Note that the $__STYLE_CSP_NONCE__ will be used to add the unique nonce to each request.

It is also possible to extend the existing CSP with additional values: The values of the CSP_FONT_SRC, CSP_STYLE_SRC, CSP_SCRIPT_SRC, CSP_IMG_SRC, CSP_CONNECT_SRC environment variables will be appended to the respecting policy. Environment variable references can be added as string, e.g. export CSP_IMG_SRC='${REACT_APP_HOME_SERVER_URL}'. Note that it is not possible to remove existing entries without replacing the content-security-policy.conf file.

Custom listen directive

By default, the container will be built with nginx configured to accept both IPv6 and IPv4 network requests.

If you need to change this, for example to set up an IPv4-only deployment, you can replace the /etc/nginx/conf.d/custom/listen.conf file within the container at build time or by mounting an alternative configuration file.

We provide an IPv4-only example in the files/listen.ipv4.conf file.

Custom mime.types

The default mime.types can also be replaced.

Provide an alternative /etc/nginx/conf.d/custom/mimetypes.conf file when building the container or in your deployment.

Additional custom configurations

As the sections above show, you can use the /etc/nginx/conf.d/custom/ folder to add any additional custom configuration that might be required for your deployment. All nginx configuration directives that are specified within files placed in this folder will be added to the widget server block.