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522 lines (358 loc) · 12.3 KB

Fantomas: How to use

Using the command line tool

For the overview how to use the tool, you can type the command

Fantomas --help

You have to specify an input path and optionally an output path. The output path is prompted by --out e.g.

Fantomas ../../../../tests/stackexchange/array.fs --out ../../../../tests/stackexchange_output/array.fs 

Both paths have to be files or folders at the same time. If they are folders, the structure of input folder will be reflected in the output one. The tool will explore the input folder recursively if you set --recurse option (see Options section). If you omit the output path, Fantomas will overwrite the input files.



traverse the input folder recursively (if it is really a folder) to get all F# source files.


force writing original contents to output files. This is helpful if the tool fails on some unknown F# constructs.


read input from standard input. This option is convenient to use with piping

type input.fs | Fantomas --stdin --out output.fs

write formatted source code to standard output e.g.

Fantomas input.fs --stdout

this option to be used with --stdin to specify that we are formatting F# signatures e.g.

type input.fsi | Fantomas --fsi --stdin --stdout


--indent <number>

number has to be between 1 and 10.

This preference sets the indentation (default = 4). The common values are 2 and 4. The same indentation is ensured to be consistent in a source file. To illustrate, here is a code fragment with --indent 2:

let inline selectRandom(f : _[]) = 
  let r = random 1.0
  let rec find = 
    | 0 -> fst f.[0]
    | n when r < snd f.[n] -> fst f.[n]
    | n -> find(n - 1)
  find <| f.Length - 1
--pageWidth <number>

number has to be an integer greater or equal to 60. This preference sets the column where we break F# constructs into new lines. The default value is 120. To see its effects, please take a look at some output files with --pageWidth 90 preference.


add semicolons at the end of lines e.g.

let saturn = 
  { X = 8.343366718;
    Y = 4.124798564;
    Z = -0.4035234171;
    VX = -0.002767425107 * daysPerYear;
    VY = 0.004998528012 * daysPerYear;
    VZ = 2.304172976e-05 * daysPerYear;
    Mass = 0.0002858859807 * solarMass }


let saturn = 
  { X = 8.343366718
    Y = 4.124798564
    Z = -0.4035234171
    VX = -0.002767425107 * daysPerYear
    VY = 0.004998528012 * daysPerYear
    VZ = 2.304172976e-05 * daysPerYear
    Mass = 0.0002858859807 * solarMass }

This option has been split into multiple settings. These can be configured by passing a fantomas-config.json path to the --config flag.


default false

Will add a whitespace before () argument when the function name starts with an uppercase character. e.g.

let value = MyFunction()
let value = person.ToString()


let value = MyFunction ()
let value = person.ToString ()

Will add a whitespace before () argument when the function name starts with a lowercase character. e.g.

default false

let value = myFunction()


let value = myFunction ()

default false

Will add a whitespace before an argument wrapped with parentheses when the function name starts with an uppercase character. e.g.

let value = MyFunction(a+b)


let value = MyFunction (a + b)

default true

Will add a whitespace before an argument wrapped with parentheses when the function name starts with an lowercase character. e.g.

let value = myFunction(a+b)


let value = myFunction (a+b)

To remove the space, set "SpaceBeforeParenthesesArgumentInLowercaseFunctionCall" to false.


default false

Will add a whitespace before a () parameter in a function definition that starts with an uppercase letter. e.g.

let Value() = x


let Value () = x

default false

Will add a whitespace before a () parameter in a function definition that starts with an lowercase letter. e.g.

let value() = x


let value () = x

default false

Will add a whitespace before a parameters wrapped with parentheses that starts with an uppercase letter. e.g.

let Value(a:int) = x


let Value (a:int) = x

default true

Will add a whitespace before a parameters wrapped with parentheses that starts with an uppercase letter. e.g.

let value(a:int) = x


let value (a:int) = x

To remove the space, set "SpaceBeforeParenthesesInLowercaseFunctionDefinition" to false.


default false

Will add a whitespace before an empty constructor of class definition that starts with an uppercase letter. e.g.

type Person() =
    class end


type Person () =

default false

Will add a whitespace before an empty constructor of class definition that starts with a lowercase letter. e.g.

type t() =


type t () =

default false

Will add a whitespace before an non-empty constructor of class definition that starts with an uppercase letter. e.g.

type Animal(length:int) =
    class end


type Animal (length: int) =

default false

Will add a whitespace before an non-empty constructor of class definition that starts with a lowercase letter. e.g.

type animal(length:int) =
    class end


type animal (length:int) =
    class end

if being set, there is a space before : e.g.

type Planet = 
  { mutable X: float
    mutable Y: float
    mutable Z: float
    mutable VX: float
    mutable VY: float
    mutable VZ: float
    Mass: float }


type Planet = 
  { mutable X : float
    mutable Y : float
    mutable Z : float
    mutable VX : float
    mutable VY : float
    mutable VZ : float
    Mass : float }

is useful if you would like to save spaces in tuples, arguments, etc. To illustrate, (1, 2, 3) is rewritten to (1,2,3).


saves spaces on records, arrays, lists, etc. Now

let planets = [|sun; jupiter; saturn; uranus; neptune|]


let planets = [|sun;jupiter;saturn;uranus;neptune|]

if being set, with blocks will be indented like in the following example:

    if System.DateTime.Now.Second % 3 = 0 
	then raise(new System.Exception())
    else raise(new System.ApplicationException())
    | :? System.ApplicationException -> 
        printfn "A second that was not a multiple of 3"    
    | _ -> 
        printfn "A second that was a multiple of 3"

saves spaces around delimiters of records, arrays, lists e.g.

let planets = [| sun; jupiter; saturn; uranus; neptune |]


let planets = [|sun; jupiter; saturn; uranus; neptune|]

if being set, all open statements in a block will be sorted in the lexicographical order.


if being set, pretty printing is only done via ASTs. Compiler directives, inline comments and block comments will be ignored.


if being set, newlines found in the source text will be kept in certain conditions.

let a =

will remain the same, the newline after the = was detected and preserved.

let config =

will remain the same, the newline before the . was detected and preserved.

match meh with
| Foo ->
  printfn "foo"
| Bar ->
  printfn "bar"

will remain the same, the newline after -> was detected and preserved.

--maxIfThenElseShortWidth <number>

number if being set, controls when if/then/else expressions will be formatted as single line or as multiple lines.

Fantomas tries to follow the F# style guide as close as possible when formatting if expressions.

The style guide says:

If either cond, e1 or e2 are longer, but not multi-line:

if cond
then e1
else e2

But what exactly is longer right? By default Fantomas will use 40 width to determine if the expression needs to be formatted to the example above or remain as a oneliner (if cond then e1 else e2).

So if either cond, e1 or e2 is longer than maxIfThenElseShortWidth but not multiline, it will format on three lines. See unit tests for more examples.

That said, most of the preferences are very simple. But they demonstrate the flexibility of Fantomas on a set of configurations. More preferences will be added depending on use cases.

--config <Path to file or folder>

Use a JSON configuration file based on a schema to set the formatting options.

A default configuration file would look like

  "SpaceBeforeParenthesesArgumentInLowercaseFunctionCall":true ,
  "SpaceBeforeParenthesesInLowercaseFunctionDefinition":true ,
  "SpaceAfterComma":true ,
  "SpaceAfterSemicolon":true ,
  "SpaceAroundDelimiter":true ,

However, a configuration file overwrites options from the default configuration.

The argument passed after --config can be a file named fantomas-config.json or a folder. In both cases a Fantomas will try and locate fantomas-config.json in all the parent folders. The found configuration files are then being applied to to the default configuration from top to bottom.



Formatting with dotnet fantomas MyFile.fs --config "C:\Temp\MyProject" will first apply the settings in C:\Temp\fantomas-config.json and then those of C:\Temp\MyProject\fantomas-config.json.

If the --config is used in combination with other settings, the configuration is applied first and then the other arguments.

Warnings will be given if settings in the configuration no longer apply for the current version of Fantomas.

Using the API

See CodeFormatter.fsi to view the API of Fantomas.