GitHub webhook events toolset for Node.js
helps to handle webhook events received from GitHub.
GitHub webhooks can be registered in multiple ways
- In repository or organization settings on
- Using the REST API for repositories or organizations
- By creating a GitHub App.
Note that while setting a secret is optional on GitHub, it is required to be set in order to use @octokit/webhooks
. Content Type must be set to application/json
, application/x-www-form-urlencoded
is not supported.
// install with: npm install @octokit/webhooks
const { Webhooks } = require("@octokit/webhooks");
const webhooks = new Webhooks({
secret: "mysecret",
webhooks.on("*", ({ id, name, payload }) => {
console.log(name, "event received");
// can now receive webhook events at port 3000
You can receive webhooks on your local machine or even browser using EventSource and
Go to and Start a new channel. Then copy the "Webhook Proxy URL" and
- enter it in the GitHub App’s "Webhook URL" input
- pass it to the EventSource constructor, see below
const webhookProxyUrl = ""; // replace with your own Webhook Proxy URL
const source = new EventSource(webhookProxyUrl);
source.onmessage = (event) => {
const webhookEvent = JSON.parse(;
id: webhookEvent["x-request-id"],
name: webhookEvent["x-github-event"],
signature: webhookEvent["x-hub-signature"],
payload: webhookEvent.body,
is a native browser API and can be polyfilled for browsers that don’t support it. In node, you can use the eventsource
package: install with npm install eventsource
, then const EventSource = require('eventsource')
- Constructor
- webhooks.sign()
- webhooks.verify()
- webhooks.verifyAndReceive()
- webhooks.receive()
- webhooks.on()
- webhooks.removeListener()
- webhooks.middleware()
- Webhook events
- Special events
new WebhooksApi({secret[, path, transform]})
Required. Secret as configured in GitHub Settings. |
Only relevant for webhooks.middleware .
Custom path to match requests against. Defaults to / .
Only relevant for webhooks.on .
Transform emitted event before calling handlers. Can be asynchronous.
Returns the webhooks
Required. Webhook request payload as received from GitHub |
Returns a signature
string. Throws error if eventPayload
is not passed.
Can also be used standalone.
webhooks.verify(eventPayload, signature);
Required. Webhook event request payload as received from GitHub. |
Signature string as calculated by webhooks.sign() .
Returns true
or false
. Throws error if eventPayload
or signature
not passed.
Can also be used standalone.
webhooks.verifyAndReceive({ id, name, payload, signature });
Unique webhook event request id |
Name of the event. (Event names are set as X-GitHub-Event header
in the webhook event request.)
Required. Webhook event request payload as received from GitHub. |
Signature string as calculated by webhooks.sign() .
Returns a promise.
Verifies event using webhooks.verify(), then handles the event using webhooks.receive().
Additionally, if verification fails, rejects the returned promise and emits an error
const { Webhooks } = require("@octokit/webhooks");
const webhooks = new Webhooks({
secret: "mysecret",
eventHandler.on("error", handleSignatureVerificationError);
// put this inside your webhooks route handler
id: request.headers["x-github-delivery"],
name: request.headers["x-github-event"],
payload: request.body,
signature: request.headers["x-hub-signature"],
webhooks.receive({ id, name, payload });
Unique webhook event request id |
Name of the event. (Event names are set as X-GitHub-Event header
in the webhook event request.)
Required. Webhook event request payload as received from GitHub. |
Returns a promise. Runs all handlers set with webhooks.on()
in parallel and waits for them to finish. If one of the handlers rejects or throws an error, then webhooks.receive()
rejects. The returned error has an .errors
property which holds an array of all errors caught from the handlers. If no errors occur, webhooks.receive()
resolves without passing any value.
The .receive()
method belongs to the event-handler
module which can be used standalone.
webhooks.on(eventName, handler);
webhooks.on(eventNames, handler);
Required. Name of the event. One of GitHub's supported event names. |
Required. Array of event names. |
Method to be run each time the event with the passed name is received.
the handler function can be an async function, throw an error or
return a Promise. The handler is called with an event object: {id, name, payload} .
The .on()
method belongs to the event-handler
module which can be used standalone.
webhooks.removeListener(eventName, handler);
webhooks.removeListener(eventNames, handler);
Required. Name of the event. One of GitHub’s supported event names. |
Required. Array of event names. |
Method which was previously passed to webhooks.on() . If the same handler was registered multiple times for the same event, only the most recent handler gets removed.
The .removeListener()
method belongs to the event-handler
module which can be used standalone.
webhooks.middleware(request, response[, next])
Required. A Node.js http.ClientRequest. |
Required. A Node.js http.ServerResponse. |
Optional function which invokes the next middleware, as used by Connect and Express. |
Returns a requestListener
(or middleware) method which can be directly passed to http.createServer()
, Express and other compatible Node.js server frameworks.
Can also be used standalone.
See the full list of event types with example payloads.
If there are actions for a webhook, events are emitted for both, the webhook name as well as a combination of the webhook name and the action, e.g. installation
and installation.created
Event | Actions |
check_run | completed created requested_action rerequested |
check_suite | completed requested rerequested |
commit_comment | created |
content_reference | created |
create | |
delete | |
deploy_key | created deleted |
deployment | created |
deployment_status | created |
fork | |
github_app_authorization | revoked |
gollum | |
installation | created deleted new_permissions_accepted suspend unsuspend |
installation_repositories | added removed |
issue_comment | created deleted edited |
issues | assigned closed deleted demilestoned edited labeled locked milestoned opened pinned reopened transferred unassigned unlabeled unlocked unpinned |
label | created deleted edited |
marketplace_purchase | cancelled changed pending_change pending_change_cancelled purchased |
member | added edited removed |
membership | added removed |
meta | deleted |
milestone | closed created deleted edited opened |
organization | deleted member_added member_invited member_removed renamed |
org_block | blocked unblocked |
package | published updated |
page_build | |
ping | |
project_card | converted created deleted edited moved |
project_column | created deleted edited moved |
project | closed created deleted edited reopened |
public | |
pull_request | assigned closed edited labeled locked merged opened ready_for_review reopened review_request_removed review_requested synchronize unassigned unlabeled unlocked |
pull_request_review | dismissed edited submitted |
pull_request_review_comment | created deleted edited |
push | |
release | created deleted edited prereleased published released unpublished |
repository_dispatch | on-demand-test |
repository | archived created deleted edited privatized publicized renamed transferred unarchived |
repository_import | |
repository_vulnerability_alert | create dismiss resolve |
security_advisory | performed published updated |
sponsorship | cancelled created edited pending_cancellation pending_tier_change tier_changed |
star | created deleted |
status | |
team | added_to_repository created deleted edited removed_from_repository |
team_add | |
watch | started |
workflow_dispatch | |
workflow_run | action |
Besides the webhook events, there are special events emitted by @octokit/webhooks
The *
event is emitted for all webhook events listed above.
webhooks.on("*", (event) => {
console.log(`"${}" event received"`);
If a webhook event handler throws an error or returns a promise that rejects, an error
event is triggered. You can subscribe to this event for logging or reporting events. The passed error
object has a .event
property which has all information on the event:
: The unique webhook event request idname
: The name of the eventpayload
: The event request payload
webhooks.on("error", (error) => {
console.log(`Error occured in "${} handler: ${error.stack}"`);
Asynchronous error
event handler are not blocking the .receive()
method from completing.
exports 3 types that can be used independent from the code.
Note that changes to the exported types are not considered breaking changes, as the changes will not impact production code, but only fail locally or during CI at build time.
The WebhookEvent
type is an object with the properties id
, name
, and payload
. name
must be one of the known event names. The type for payload
be set using an optional type parameter, e.g. WebhookEvent<MyPayloadType>
The EventNames
type is a module containing types for all known event names and event/action combinations. For example, EventNames.CheckRunEvent
is a string enum for "check_run" | "check_run.completed" | "check_run.created" | "check_run.requested_action" | "check_run.rerequested"
is an enum of all event/action combinations. EventNames.StringNames
is an enum for the known event names only.
The EventPayloads
type exports payload types for all known evens. For example EventPayloads.WebhookPayloadCheckRun
exports the payload type for the check_run