Extends: EventTarget
The WebSocket object provides a way to manage a WebSocket connection to a server, allowing bidirectional communication. The API follows the WebSocket spec and RFC 6455.
- url
URL | string
- protocol
string | string[] | WebSocketInit
(optional) - Subprotocol(s) to request the server use, or aDispatcher
This example will not work in browsers or other platforms that don't allow passing an object.
import { WebSocket, ProxyAgent } from 'undici'
const proxyAgent = new ProxyAgent('my.proxy.server')
const ws = new WebSocket('wss://echo.websocket.events', {
dispatcher: proxyAgent,
protocols: ['echo', 'chat']
If you do not need a custom Dispatcher, it's recommended to use the following pattern:
import { WebSocket } from 'undici'
const ws = new WebSocket('wss://echo.websocket.events', ['echo', 'chat'])
⚠️ Warning: the WebSocketStream API has not been finalized and is likely to change.
See MDN for more information.
- url
URL | string
- options
const stream = new WebSocketStream('https://echo.websocket.org/')
const { readable, writable } = await stream.opened
async function read () {
/** @type {ReadableStreamReader} */
const reader = readable.getReader()
while (true) {
const { done, value } = await reader.read()
if (done) break
// do something with value
async function write () {
/** @type {WritableStreamDefaultWriter} */
const writer = writable.getWriter()
writer.write('Hello, world!')
setInterval(() => write(), 5000)