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+| Title | ES Module Interoperability |
+| Author | @bmeck |
+| Status | DRAFT |
+| Date | 2017-03-01 |
+**NOTE:** `DRAFT` status does not mean ESM will be implemented in Node
+core. Instead that this is the standard, should Node core decide to implement
+ESM. At which time this draft would be moved to `ACCEPTED`.
+* `ESM` - Ecma262 Modules (ES Modules)
+* `CJS` - Node Modules (a CommonJS variant)
+The intent of this standard is to:
+* implement interoperability for ESM and Node's existing CJS module system
+## 1. Purpose
+1. Allow a common module syntax for Browser and Server.
+2. Allow a common set of context variables for Browser and Server.
+## 2. Related
+[ECMA262](https://tc39.github.io/ecma262/) discusses the syntax and semantics of
+related syntax, and introduces ESM.
+[Dynamic Import](https://github.com/tc39/proposal-dynamic-import) introduces
+`import()` which will be available in all parsing goals.
+### 2.1. Types
+* **[ModuleRecord]
+ - Defines the list of imports via `[[ImportEntry]]`.
+ - Defines the list of exports via `[[ExportEntry]]`.
+* **[ModuleNamespace]
+ - Represents a read-only static set of bindings to a module's exports.
+### 2.2. Operations
+* **[ParseModule](https://tc39.github.io/ecma262/#sec-parsemodule)**
+ - Creates a [SourceTextModuleRecord]
+ (https://tc39.github.io/ecma262/#sec-source-text-module-records) from
+ source code.
+* **[HostResolveImportedModule]
+ - A hook for when an import is exactly performed. This returns a
+ `ModuleRecord`. Used as a means to grab modules from Node's loader/cache.
+## 3. Semantics
+### 3.1. Async loading
+ESM imports will be loaded asynchronously. This matches browser behavior.
+This means:
+* If a new `import` is queued up, it will never evaluate synchronously.
+* Between module evaluation within the same graph there may be other work done.
+Order of module evaluation within a module graph will always be preserved.
+* Multiple module graphs could be loading at the same time concurrently.
+### 3.2. Determining if source is an ES Module
+A new file type will be recognised, `.mjs`, for ES modules. This file type will
+be registered with IANA as an official file type, see
+[TC39 issue](https://github.com/tc39/ecma262/issues/322). There are no known
+issues with browsers since they
+[do not determine MIME type using file extensions](https://mimesniff.spec.whatwg.org/#interpreting-the-resource-metadata).
+The `.mjs` file extension will not be loadable via `require()`. This means that,
+once the Node resolution algorithm reaches file expansion, the path for
+path + `.mjs` would throw an error. In order to support loading ESM in CJS files
+please use `import()`.
+### 3.3. ES Import Path Resolution
+ES `import` statements will perform non-exact searches on relative or
+absolute paths, like `require()`. This means that file extensions, and
+index files will be searched. However, ESM import specifier resolution will be
+done using URLs which match closer to the browser. Unlike browsers, only the
+`file:` protocol will be supported until network and security issues can be
+researched for other protocols.
+With `import` being URL based encoding and decoding will automatically be
+performed. This may affect file paths containing any of the following
+characters: `:`,`?`,`#`, or `%`. Details of the parsing algorithm are at the
+[WHATWG URL Spec](https://url.spec.whatwg.org/).
+* paths with `:` face multiple variations of path mutation
+* paths with `%` in their path segments would be decoded
+* paths with `?`, or `#` in their paths would face truncation of pathname
+All behavior differing from the
+[`type=module` path resolution algorithm](https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/webappapis.html#resolve-a-module-specifier)
+will be places in locations that would throw errors in the browser.
+#### 3.3.1. Algorithms
+##### HostResolveImportedModule Search
+* The CLI has a location URL of the process working directory.
+* Paths are resolved to realpaths normally *after* all these steps.
+1. Apply the URL parser to `specifier`. If the result is not failure,
+return the result.
+2. If `specifier` does start with the character U+002F SOLIDUS (`/`), the
+two-character sequence U+002E FULL STOP, U+002F SOLIDUS (`./`), or the
+three-character sequence U+002E FULL STOP, U+002E FULL STOP,
+U+002F SOLIDUS (`../`)
+ 1. Let `specifier` be the result of applying the URL parser to `specifier`
+ with importing location's URL as the base URL.
+ 2. Return the result of applying the path search algorithm to `specifier`.
+3. Return the result of applying the module search algorithm to `specifier`.
+##### Path Search
+1. If it does not throw an error, return the result of applying the file search
+algorithm to `specifier`.
+2. If it does not throw an error, return the result of applying the directory
+search algorithm to `specifier`.
+3. Throw an error.
+##### File Search
+1. If the resource for `specifier` exists, return `specifier`.
+2. For each file extension `[".mjs", ".js", ".json", ".node"]`
+ 1. Let `searchable` be a new URL from `specifier`.
+ 2. Append the file extension to the pathname of `searchable`.
+ 3. If the resource for `searchable` exists, return `searchable`.
+3. Throw an error.
+##### Package Main Search
+1. If it does not throw an error, return the result of applying the file search
+algorithm to `specifier`.
+2. If it does not throw an error, return the result of applying the index
+search algorithm to `specifier`.
+3. Throw an error.
+##### Index Search
+1. Let `searchable` be a new URL from `specifier`.
+2. If `searchable` does not have a trailing `/` in its pathname append one.
+3. Let `searchable` be the result of applying the URL parser to `./index` with
+`specifier` as the base URL.
+4. If it does not throw an error, return the result of applying the file search
+algorithm to `searchable`.
+5. Throw an error.
+##### Directory Search
+1. Let `dir` be a new URL from `specifier`.
+2. If `dir` does not have a trailing `/` in its pathname append one.
+3. Let `searchable` be the result of applying the URL parser to `./package.json`
+with `dir` as the base URL.
+4. If the resource for `searchable` exists and it contains a "main" field.
+ 1. Let `main` be the result of applying the URL parser to the `main` field
+ with `dir` as the base URL.
+ 2. If it does not throw an error, return the result of applying the package
+ main search algorithm to `main`.
+5. If it does not throw an error, return the result of applying the index
+search algorithm to `dir`.
+6. Throw an error.
+##### Module Search
+1. Let `package` be a new URL from the directory containing the importing
+location. If `package` is the same as the importing location, throw an error.
+2. If `package` does not have a trailing `/` in its pathname append one.
+3. Let `searchable` be the result of applying the URL parser to
+`./node_modules/${specifier}` with `package` as the base URL.
+4. If it does not throw an error, return the result of applying the file search
+algorithm to `searchable`.
+5. If it does not throw an error, return the result of applying the directory
+search algorithm to `searchable`.
+6. Let `parent` be the result of applying the URL parser to `../` with
+`package` as the base URL.
+7. If it does not throw an error, return the result of applying the module
+search algorithm to `specifier` with an importing location of `parent`.
+8. Throw an error.
+##### Examples
+import 'file:///etc/config/app.json';
+Parseable with the URL parser. No searching.
+import './foo';
+import './foo?search';
+import './foo#hash';
+import '../bar';
+import '/baz';
+Applies the URL parser to the specifiers with a base url of the importing
+location. Then performs the path search algorithm.
+import 'baz';
+import 'abc/123';
+Performs the module search algorithm.
+### 4. Compatibility
+#### 4.3.2 Removal of non-local dependencies
+All of the following will not be supported by the `import` statement:
+* `$HOME/.node_modules`
+* `$HOME/.node_libraries`
+* `$PREFIX/lib/node`
+Use local dependencies, and symbolic links as needed.
+##### How to support non-local dependencies
+Although not recommended, and in fact discouraged, there is a way to support
+non-local dependencies. **USE THIS AT YOUR OWN DISCRETION**.
+Symlinks of `node_modules -> $HOME/.node_modules`, `node_modules/foo/ ->
+$HOME/.node_modules/foo/`, etc. will continue to be supported.
+Adding a parent directory with `node_modules` symlinked will be an effective
+strategy for recreating these functionalities. This will incur the known
+problems with non-local dependencies, but now leaves the problems in the hands
+of the user, allowing Node to give more clear insight to your modules by
+reducing complexity.
+Transform to:
+/opt/local/non-local-deps/node_modules -> $PREFIX/lib/node (etc.)
+And nest as many times as needed.
+#### 4.3.3. Removal of fallthrough behavior.
+Exact algorithm TBD.
+#### 4.3.4. Errors from new path behavior.
+In the case that an `import` statement is unable to find a module, Node should
+make a **best effort** to see if `require` would have found the module and
+print out where it was found, if `NODE_PATH` was used, if `HOME` was used, etc.
+#### 4.4. Shipping both ESM and CJS
+When a `package.json` main is encountered, file extension searches are used to
+provide a means to ship both ESM and CJS variants of packages. If we have two
+entry points `index.mjs` and `index.js` setting `"main":"./index"` in
+`package.json` will make Node pick up either, depending on what is supported.
+##### 4.4.1. Excluding main
+Since `main` in `package.json` is entirely optional even inside of npm
+packages, some people may prefer to exclude main entirely in the case of using
+`./index` as that is still in the Node module search algorithm.
+### 4.5. ESM Evaluation
+#### 4.5.1. Environment Variables
+ESM will not be bootstrapped with magic variables and will await upcoming
+specifications in order to provide such behaviors in a standard way. As such,
+the following variables are changed:
+| Variable | Exists | Value |
+| ---- | ---- | --- |
+| this | y | [`undefined`](https://tc39.github.io/ecma262/#sec-module-environment-records-getthisbinding) |
+| arguments | n | |
+| require | n | |
+| module | n | |
+| exports | n | |
+| __filename | n | |
+| __dirname | n | |
+Like normal scoping rules, if a variable does not exist in a scope, the outer
+scope is used to find the variable. Since ESM are always strict, errors may be
+thrown upon trying to use variables that do not exist globally when using ESM.
+##### Standardization Effort
+[Efforts are ongoing to reserve a specifier](https://github.com/whatwg/html/issues/1013)
+that will be compatible in both Browsers and Node. Tentatively it will be
+`js:context` and export a single `{url}` value.
+##### Getting CJS Variables Workaround
+Although heavily advised against, you can have a CJS module sibling for your
+ESM that can export these things:
+// expose.js
+module.exports = {__dirname};
+// use.mjs
+import expose from './expose.js';
+const {__dirname} = expose;
+### 4.6. ES consuming CommonJS
+After *any* CJS finishes evaluation, it will be placed into the same cache as
+ESM. The value of what is placed in the cache will reflect a single default
+export pointing to the value of `module.exports` at the time evaluation ended.
+Essentially after any CJS completes evaluation:
+1. if there was an error, place the error in the ESM cache and return
+2. let `export` be the value of `module.exports`
+3. if there was an error, place the error in the ESM cache and return
+4. create an ESM with `{default:module.exports}` as its namespace
+5. place the ESM in the ESM cache
+Note: step 4 is the only time the value of `module.exports` is assigned to the
+#### 4.6.1. default imports
+`module.exports` is a single value. As such it does not have the dictionary
+like properties of ES module exports. In order to transform a CJS module into
+ESM a `default` export which will point to the value of `module.exports` that
+was snapshotted *imediately after the CJS finished evaluation*. Due to problems
+in supporting named imports, they will not be enabled by default. Space is
+intentionally left open to allow named properties to be supported through
+future explorations.
+##### Examples
+// cjs.js
+module.exports = {
+ default:'my-default',
+ thing:'stuff'
+You will grab `module.exports` when performing an ESM import of `cjs.js`.
+// es.mjs
+import * as baz from './cjs.js';
+// baz = {
+// get default() {return module.exports;},
+// }
+import foo from './cjs.js';
+// foo = module.exports;
+import {default as bar} from './cjs.js';
+// bar = module.exports
+// cjs.js
+module.exports = null;
+You will grab `module.exports` when performing an ES import.
+// es.mjs
+import foo from './cjs.js';
+// foo = null;
+import * as bar from './cjs.js';
+// bar = {default:null};
+// cjs.js
+module.exports = function two() {
+ return 2;
+You will grab `module.exports` when performing an ESM import.
+// es.mjs
+import foo from './cjs.js';
+foo(); // 2
+import * as bar from './cjs.js';
+bar.default(); // 2
+bar(); // throws, bar is not a function
+// cjs.js
+module.exports = Promise.resolve(3);
+You will grab `module.exports` when performing an ES import.
+// es.mjs
+import foo from './cjs.js';
+foo.then(console.log); // outputs 3
+import * as bar from './cjs.js';
+bar.default.then(console.log); // outputs 3
+bar.then(console.log); // throws, bar is not a Promise
+### 4.7. CommonJS consuming ES
+#### 4.7.1. default exports
+ES modules only export named values. A "default" export is an export that uses
+the property named `default`.
+##### Examples
+// es.mjs
+let foo = {bar:'my-default'};
+// note:
+// this is a value
+// it is not a binding like `export {foo}`
+export default foo;
+foo = null;
+// cjs.js
+const es_namespace = await import('./es');
+// es_namespace ~= {
+// get default() {
+// return result_from_evaluating_foo;
+// }
+// }
+// {bar:'my-default'}
+// es.mjs
+export let foo = {bar:'my-default'};
+export {foo as bar};
+export function f() {};
+export class c {};
+// cjs.js
+const es_namespace = await import('./es');
+// es_namespace ~= {
+// get foo() {return foo;}
+// get bar() {return foo;}
+// get f() {return f;}
+// get c() {return c;}
+// }
+### 4.8. Known Gotchas
+All of these gotchas relate to opt-in semantics and the fact that CommonJS is a
+dynamic loader while ES is a static loader.
+No existing code will be affected.
+#### 4.8.1. ES exports are read only
+The objects create by an ES module are [ModuleNamespace Objects][5].
+These have `[[Set]]` be a no-op and are read only views of the exports of an ES
+module. Attempting to reassign any named export will not work, but assigning to
+the properties of the exports follows normal rules. This also means that keys
+cannot be added.
+### 4.9. CJS modules allow mutation of imported modules
+CJS modules have allowed mutation on imported modules. When ES modules are
+integrating against CJS systems like Grunt, it may be necessary to mutate a
+Remember that `module.exports` from CJS is directly available under `default`
+for `import`. This means that if you use:
+import * as namespace from 'grunt';
+According to ES `*` grabs the namespace directly whose properties will be
+However, doing:
+import grunt_default from 'grunt';
+Grabs the `default` which is exactly what `module.exports` is, and all the
+properties will be mutable.
+#### 4.9.1. ES will not honor reassigning `module.exports` after evaluation
+Since we need a consistent time to snapshot the `module.exports` of a CJS
+module. We will execute it immediately after evaluation. Code such as:
+// bad-cjs.js
+module.exports = 123;
+setTimeout(_ => module.exports = null);
+Will not see `module.exports` change to `null`. All ES module `import`s of the
+module will always see `123`.
+## 5. JS APIs
+* `vm.Module` and ways to create custom ESM implementations such as those in
+* `vm.ReflectiveModule` as a means to declare a list of exports and expose a
+reflection API to those exports.
+* Providing an option to both `vm.Script` and `vm.Module` to intercept
+* Loader hooks for:
+ * Rewriting the URL of an `import` request *prior* to loader resolution.
+ * Way to insert Modules a module's local ESM cache.
+ * Way to insert Modules the global ESM cache.
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-| Title | ES6 Module Interoperability |
-| Author | @bmeck |
-| Status | DRAFT |
-| Date | 2016-01-07 |
-**NOTE:** `DRAFT` status does not mean ES6 modules will be implemented in Node
-core. Instead that this is the standard, should Node core decide to implement
-ES6 modules. At which time this draft would be moved to `ACCEPTED`.
-The intent of this standard is to:
-* implement interoperability for ES modules and Node's existing module system
-* create a **Registry Object** (see WHATWG section below) compatible with
- the [WHATWG Loader](http://whatwg.github.io/loader/) Registry
-## 1. Purpose
-1. Allow a common module syntax for Browser and Server.
-2. Allow a common registry for inspection by Browser and Server
- environments/tools.
- * These will most likely be represented by metaproperties like
- `import.context`, but the spec is not yet fully in place.
-## 2. Related
-[ECMA262](https://tc39.github.io/ecma262/) discusses the syntax and semantics of
-related syntax, and introduces:
-### 2.1. Types
-* **[ModuleRecord]
- - Defines the list of imports via `[[ImportEntry]]`.
- - Defines the list of exports via `[[ExportEntry]]`.
-* **[ModuleNamespace]
- - Represents a read-only static set of bindings to a module's exports.
-### 2.2. Operations
-* **[ParseModule](https://tc39.github.io/ecma262/#sec-parsemodule)**
- - Creates a [SourceTextModuleRecord]
- (https://tc39.github.io/ecma262/#sec-source-text-module-records) from
- source code.
-* **[HostResolveImportedModule]
- - A hook for when an import is exactly performed. This returns a
- `ModuleRecord`. Used as a means to grab modules from Node's loader/cache.
-* **[CreateImportBinding]
- - A means to create a shared binding (variable) from an export to an
- import. Required for the "live" binding of imports.
-* **[ModuleNamespaceCreate]
- - Provides a means of creating a list of exports manually, used so that
- CommonJS `module.exports` can create `ModuleRecord`s that are
- prepopulated.
-[WHATWG Loader](https://github.com/whatwg/loader) discusses the design of
-module metadata in a [Registry](https://whatwg.github.io/loader/#registry). All
-actions regarding the Registry can be done
-synchronously, though JS level API uses Promises.
-**NOTE:** It is not Node's intent to implement the asynchronous pipeline in the
-WHATWG Loader specification.
-## 3. Additional Structures Required
-### 3.1. **DynamicModuleRecord**
-A Module Record that represents a view of an Object for its `[[Namespace]]`
-rather than coming from an environment record.
-`DynamicModuleRecord` preserves the feature that exported values are known when
-it comes time for `HostResolveImportedModule` to return. That means that they
-are known after the
-file is parsed, but before it is evaluated. This behavior is preserved by Node
-synchronously executing CJS files when they are encountered during
-When creating a `DynamicModuleRecord` the [`[[Exports]]`]
-(https://tc39.github.io/ecma262/#table-29) is frozen upon construction. No new
-exports may be added. No exports may be removed. The values of the exports will
-continue to be mutable however.
-### 3.1.1 DynamicModuleCreate(O)
-The abstract operation `DynamicModuleCreate` with arguments `namespace` is used
-to allow creation of new `DynamicModuleRecord`s. It performs the following
-1. Let M be a newly created object.
-2. Set M's essential internal methods to the definitions specified in
- [ Abstract Module Records]
- (https://tc39.github.io/ecma262/#sec-abstract-module-records)
-3. Set M's [[Realm]] internal slot to the current Realm Record.
-4. Set M's [[Namespace]] internal slot to DelegatedModuleNamespaceObjectCreate
- (`M`, `O`)
-5. Set M's [[Environment]] internal slot to NewObjectEnvironment(`M`.[[Namespace]], **null**)
-6. Set M's [[Evaluated]] internal slot to **true**
-7. Return M
-### 3.2. **DelegatedModuleNamespaceObject**
-A `ModuleNamespaceObject` that performs delegation to an Object when accessing
-properties. This is used for delegation behavior from CJS `module.exports` when
-imported by ES modules.
-#### Table 1: Internal Slots of DelegatedModuleNamespaceObject Namespace Exotic
-Field Name | Value Type | Meaning
----| --- | ---
-[[Delegate]] | Object | The Object from which to delegate access
-#### 3.2.1. `[[Get]] (P, Receiver)`
-When the [[Get]] internal method of a module namespace exotic object O is
-called with property key P and ECMAScript language value Receiver, the
-following steps are taken:
-1. Assert: IsPropertyKey(`P`) is true.
-2. If Type(`P`) is Symbol, then
-3. Return ? OrdinaryGet(`O`,`P`,` Receiver`).
-4. Let exports be the value of `O`'s `[[Exports]]` internal slot.
-5. If `P` is not an element of exports, return **undefined**.
-6. Let m be the value of `O`'s `[[Object]]` internal slot.
-7. If `P` equals **"default"**, return `m`.
-7. Let `value` be ! `O`.`[[Get]]`(`P`,` O`)
-8. Return `value`
-#### 3.2.2. `DelegatedModuleNamespaceObjectCreate(module, O)`
-The abstract operation `DelegatedModuleNamespaceObjectCreate` with arguments `O`
-is used to create a `DelegatedModuleNamespaceObject`. It performs the following
-1. Assert: `module` is a Module Record.
-2. Assert: `module`.[[Namespace]] is **undefined**.
-3. Let `NS` be a newly created object.
-4. Set `NS`'s essential internal methods to the definitions specified in [9.4.6
- Module Namespace Exotic Objects]
- (https://tc39.github.io/ecma262/#sec-module-namespace-exotic-objects)
-5. Set `NS`'s [[Module]] internal slot to `module`
-6. Let `exports` be a new List
-7. Let `p` be `O`.
-8. Let `done` be **false**.
-9. Repeat while `done` is **false**,
- 1. If `p` is null, let `done `be **true**.
- 2. Else,
- 1. For each `property` in OwnPropertyKeys(`p`)
- 1. If `property` does not equal **"default"** and `exports` does
- not contain `property`, add `property` to exports
- 2. If the [[GetPrototypeOf]] internal method of `p` is not the ordinary
- object internal method defined in [9.1.1]
- (https://tc39.github.io/ecma262/#sec-ordinary-object-internal-methods-and-internal-slots-getprototypeof)
- , let `done` be **true**.
- 3. Else, let `p` be the value of p's [[Prototype]] internal slot.
-10. Set the value of the [[Exports]] internal slot of `NS` to `exports`.
-11. Return `NS`
-## 4. Algorithm
-### 4.1. NodeModuleEvaluationJob(source, mode)
-The abstractjob operation `NodeModuleEvaluationJob` with parameters `source` and
-`mode`. The results of this should be placed in the cache that
-`HostResolveImportedModule` uses.
-1. If `mode` equals CJS
- 1. Let `body` be the bootstraped form of `source` with necessary CJS
- wrapper code.
- 2. Call ! ScriptEvaluationJob(`body`, **undefined**)
- 3. Return ! DynamicModuleCreate from `module.exports`
-2. Else if `mode` equals ES
- 1. Let `M` be ! ParseModule(`source`)
- 2. Perform the algorithm listed in **4.** on `M`.[[RequestedModules]] while
- respecting the semantics in **5.**
- 3. Connect `import` bindings for all relevant submodules using
- [ModuleDeclarationInstantiation from the Abstract Module Record M]
- (https://tc39.github.io/ecma262/#table-37)
- 4. Call ! `M`.[[ModuleEvaluation]]
- 5. Return `M`
-**NOTE:** This still guarantees:
-* ES module dependencies are all executed prior to the module itself
-* CJS modules have a full shape prior to being handed to ES modules
-* CJS modules can imperatively start loading other modules, including ES modules
-## 5. Semantics
-### 5.1. Determining if source is an ES Module
-Require that Module source text has at least one `import` or `export` declaration.
-A module with only an `import` declaration and no `export` declaration is valid.
-Modules, that do not export anything, should specify an `export {}` to make
-intentions clear and avoid accidental parse errors while removing `import`
-declarations. The `export {}` is **not** new syntax and does **not** export an
-empty object. It is simply the standard way to specify exporting nothing.
-A package opts-in to the Module goal by specifying `"module"` as the parse goal
-field *(name not final)* in its `package.json`. Package dependencies are not
-affected by the opt-in and may be a mix of CJS and ES module packages. If a parse
-goal is not specified, then attempt to parse source text as the preferred goal
-*(Script for now since most modules are CJS)*. If there is a parse error that
-may allow another goal to parse, then parse as the other goal, and so on. After
-this, the goal is known unambiguously and the environment can safely perform
-initialization without the possibility of the source text being run in the wrong
-Note: While the ES2015 specification
-[does not forbid](http://www.ecma-international.org/ecma-262/6.0/#sec-forbidden-extensions)
-this extension, Node wants to avoid acting as a rogue agent. Node has a TC39
-representative, [@bmeck](https://github.com/bmeck), to champion this proposal.
-A specification change or at least an official endorsement of this Node proposal
-would be welcomed. If a resolution is not possible, this proposal will fallback
-to the previous [`.mjs` file extension proposal](https://github.com/nodejs/node-eps/blob/5dae5a537c2d56fbaf23aaf2ae9da15e74474021/002-es6-modules.md#51-determining-if-source-is-an-es-module).
-#### 5.1.1 Goal Detection
-##### Parse (source, goal, throws)
- The abstract operation to parse source text as a given goal.
- 1. Bootstrap `source` for `goal`.
- 2. Parse `source` as `goal`.
- 3. If success, return `true`.
- 4. If `throws`, throw exception.
- 5. Return `false`.
-##### Operation
-1. If a package parse goal is specified, then
- 1. Let `goal` be the resolved parse goal.
- 2. Call `Parse(source, goal, true)` and return.
-2. Else fallback to multiple parse.
- 1. If `Parse(Source, Script, false)` is `true`, then
- 1. Return.
- 2. Else
- 1. Call `Parse(Source, Module, true)`.
- *Note: A host can choose either goal to parse first and may change their order
- over time or as new parse goals are introduced. Feel free to swap the order of
- Script and Module.*
-#### 5.1.2 Implementation
-To improve performance, host environments may want to specify a goal to parse
-first. This can be done in several ways:
-cache on disk, a command line flag, a manifest file, HTTP header, file extension, etc.
-#### 5.1.3 Tooling Concerns
-Some tools, outside of Node, may not have access to a JS parser *(Bash programs,
-some asset pipelines, etc.)*. These tools generally operate on files as opaque
-blobs / plain text files and can use the techniques, listed under
-[Implementation](#512-implementation), to get parse goal information.
-### 5.2. ES Import Path Resolution
-ES `import` statements will perform non-exact searches on relative or
-absolute paths, like `require()`. This means that file extensions, and
-index files will be searched,
-In summary:
-// looks at
-// ./foo.js
-// ./foo/package.json
-// ./foo/index.js
-// etc.
-import './foo';
-// looks at
-// /bar.js
-// /bar/package.json
-// /bar/index.js
-// etc.
-import '/bar';
-// looks at:
-// ./node_modules/baz.js
-// ./node_modules/baz/package.json
-// ./node_modules/baz/index.js
-// and parent node_modules:
-// ../node_modules/baz.js
-// ../node_modules/baz/package.json
-// ../node_modules/baz/index.js
-// etc.
-import 'baz';
-// looks at:
-// ./node_modules/abc/123.js
-// ./node_modules/abc/123/package.json
-// ./node_modules/abc/123/index.js
-// and parent node_modules:
-// ../node_modules/abc/123.js
-// ../node_modules/abc/123/package.json
-// ../node_modules/abc/123/index.js
-// etc.
-import 'abc/123';
-#### 5.2.1. Removal of non-local dependencies
-All of the following will not be supported by the `import` statement:
-* `$HOME/.node_modules`
-* `$HOME/.node_libraries`
-* `$PREFIX/lib/node`
-Use local dependencies, and symbolic links as needed.
-##### How to support non-local dependencies
-Although not recommended, and in fact discouraged, there is a way to support
-non-local dependencies. **USE THIS AT YOUR OWN DISCRETION**.
-Symlinks of `node_modules -> $HOME/.node_modules`, `node_modules/foo/ ->
-$HOME/.node_modules/foo/`, etc. will continue to be supported.
-Adding a parent directory with `node_modules` symlinked will be an effective
-strategy for recreating these functionalities. This will incur the known
-problems with non-local dependencies, but now leaves the problems in the hands
-of the user, allowing Node to give more clear insight to your modules by
-reducing complexity.
-Transform to:
-/opt/local/non-local-deps/node_modules -> $PREFIX/lib/node (etc.)
-And nest as many times as needed.
-#### 5.2.2. Errors from new path behavior.
-In the case that an `import` statement is unable to find a module, Node should
-make a **best effort** to see if `require` would have found the module and
-print out where it was found, if `NODE_PATH` was used, if `HOME` was used, etc.
-### 5.3. `this` in ES modules
-ES modules will have a `this` value set to `undefined`. This
-is a breaking change. CJS modules have a `this` value set to their `module`
-See ECMA262's [Module Environment Record](
-) for this semantic.
-### 5.4. ES consuming CommonJS
-####5.4.1. default imports
-`module.exports` is a single value. As such it does not have the dictionary
-like properties of ES module exports. In order to facilitate named imports for
-ES modules, all properties of `module.exports` will be hoisted to named exports
-after evaluation of CJS modules with the exception of `default` which will
-point to `module.exports` directly.
-##### Examples
-// cjs.js
-module.exports = {
- default:'my-default',
- thing:'stuff'
-You will grab `module.exports` when performing an ES import.
-// es.js
-// grabs the namespace
-import * as baz from './cjs.js';
-// baz = {
-// get default() {return module.exports;},
-// get thing() {return this.default.thing}.bind(baz)
-// }
-// grabs "default", aka module.exports directly
-import foo from './cjs.js';
-// foo = {default:'my-default', thing:'stuff'};
-// grabs "default", aka module.exports directly
-import {default as bar} from './cjs.js';
-// bar = {default:'my-default', thing:'stuff'};
-// cjs.js
-module.exports = null;
-You will grab `module.exports` when performing an ES import.
-// es.js
-import foo from './cjs.js';
-// foo = null;
-import * as bar from './cjs.js';
-// bar = {default:null};
-// cjs.js
-module.exports = function two() {
- return 2;
-You will grab `module.exports` when performing an ES import.
-// es.js
-import foo from './cjs.js';
-foo(); // 2
-import * as bar from './cjs.js';
-bar.name; // 'two'
-bar.default(); // 2
-bar(); // throws, bar is not a function
-// cjs.js
-module.exports = Promise.resolve(3);
-You will grab `module.exports` when performing an ES import.
-// es.js
-import foo from './cjs.js';
-foo.then(console.log); // outputs 3
-import * as bar from './cjs.js';
-bar.default.then(console.log); // outputs 3
-bar.then(console.log); // throws, bar is not a Promise
-### 5.5. CommonJS consuming ES
-#### 5.5.1. default exports
-ES modules only export named values. A "default" export is an export that uses
-the property named `default`.
-##### Examples
-// es.js
-let foo = {bar:'my-default'};
-// note:
-// this is a value
-// it is not a binding like `export {foo}`
-export default foo;
-foo = null;
-// cjs.js
-const es_namespace = require('./es');
-// es_namespace ~= {
-// get default() {
-// return result_from_evaluating_foo;
-// }
-// }
-// {bar:'my-default'}
-// es.js
-export let foo = {bar:'my-default'};
-export {foo as bar};
-export function f() {};
-export class c {};
-// cjs.js
-const es_namespace = require('./es');
-// es_namespace ~= {
-// get foo() {return foo;}
-// get bar() {return foo;}
-// get f() {return f;}
-// get c() {return c;}
-// }
-### 5.6. Known Gotchas
-All of these gotchas relate to opt-in semantics and the fact that CommonJS is a
-dynamic loader while ES is a static loader.
-No existing code will be affected.
-#### 5.6.1. ES exports are read only
-The objects create by an ES module are [ModuleNamespace Objects][5].
-These have `[[Set]]` be a no-op and are read only views of the exports of an ES
-module. Attempting to reassign any named export will not work, but assigning to
-the properties of the exports follows normal rules.
-### 5.7. CJS modules allow mutation of imported modules
-CJS modules have allowed mutation on imported modules. When ES modules are
-integrating against CJS systems like Grunt, it may be necessary to mutate a
-Remember that `module.exports` from CJS is directly available under `default`
-for `import`. This means that if you use:
-import * as namespace from 'grunt';
-According to ES `*` grabs the namespace directly whose properties will be
-However, doing:
-import grunt_default from 'grunt';
-Grabs the `default` which is exactly what `module.exports` is, and all the
-properties will be mutable.
-#### 5.7.1. ES will not honor reassigning `module.exports` after evaluation
-Since we need a consistent time to snapshot the `module.exports` of a CJS
-module. We will execute it immediately after evaluation. Code such as:
-// bad-cjs.js
-module.exports = 123;
-setTimeout(_ => module.exports = null);
-Will not see `module.exports` change to `null`. All ES module `import`s of the
-module will always see `123`.
-#### 5.7.2. ES export list for CJS are snapshot immediately after execution.
-Since `module.exports` is snapshot immediately after execution, that is the
-point when hoisting of properties occurs, adding and removing properties later
-will not have an effect on the list of exports.
-// bad-cjs.js
-module.exports = {
- yo: 'lo'
-setTimeout(_ => {
- delete module.exports.yo;
- module.exports.foo = 'bar';
- require('./es.js');
-// es.js
-import * as namespace from './bad-cjs.js';
-console.log(Object.keys(namespace)); // ['yo']
-console.log(namespace.foo); // undefined
-// mutate to show 'yo' still exists as a binding
-import cjs_exports from './bad-cjs.js';
-cjs_exports.yo = 'lo again';
-console.log(namespace.yo); // 'yolo again'
-#### 5.7.3. Circular Dep CJS => ES => CJS Causes Throw
-Due to the following explanation we want to avoid a very specific problem.
-// cjs.js
-module.exports = {x:0};
-// es.js
-import * as ns from './cjs.js';
-// ns = ?
-import cjs from './cjs.js';
-// cjs = ?
-ES modules must know the list of exported bindings of all dependencies prior to
-evaluating. The value being exported for CJS modules is not stable to snapshot
-until `cjs.js` finishes executing. The result is that there are no properties
-to import and you receive an empty module.
-In order to prevent this sticky situation we will throw on this case.
-Since this case is coming from ES, we will not break any existing circular
-dependencies in CJS <-> CJS. It may be easier to think of this change as
-similar to how you cannot affect a generator while it is running.
-This would change the ES module behavior to:
-// es.js
-import * as ns from './cjs.js';
-// throw new EvalError('./cjs is not an ES module and has not finished evaluation');
-## 6. Example Implementations
-These are written with the expectation that:
-* ModuleNamespaces can be created from existing Objects.
-* WHATWG Loader spec Registry is available as a ModuleRegistry.
-* ModuleStatus Objects can be created.
-The variable names should be hidden from user code using various techniques
-left out here.
-### 6.1. CJS Modules
-#### 6.1.1. Pre Evaluation
-// for posterity, will still throw on circular deps
-ModuleRegistry.set(__filename, new ModuleStatus({
- 'ready': {'[[Result]]':undefined};
-#### 6.1.2. Immediately Post Evaluation
-##### On Error
-##### On Normal Completion
-let module_namespace = module.exports;
-ModuleRegistry.set(__filename, new ModuleStatus({
- 'ready': {'[[Result]]':DynamicModuleCreate(module_namespace)[[Namespace]]};
-### 6.2. ES Modules
-#### 6.2.1. Post Parsing
-Object.defineProperty(module, 'exports', {
- get() {return module[[Namespace]]};
- set(v) {throw new Error(`${__filename} is an ES module and cannot assign to module.exports`)}
- configurable: false,
- enumerable: false
-Parsing occurs prior to evaluation, and CJS may execute once we start to
-resolve `import`.
-#### 6.2.2. Header
-// we will intercept this to inject the values
-import {__filename,__dirname,require,module,exports} from '';
-#### 6.2.3. Immediately Post Evaluation
-##### On Error
-delete require.cache[__filename];