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330 lines (265 loc) · 11.7 KB

File metadata and controls

330 lines (265 loc) · 11.7 KB

Note: This is currently in a massive state of flux.


The HTTP/2 implementation is built around the nghttp2 library, which does most of the heavy lifting. The nghttp2 library has been added into deps/nghttp2. The src/ class is largely a wrapper for that nghttp2 API. Defined within that file the following classes (currently):

  • node::http2::Http2Header - Wraps the nghttp_nv struct used to represent header name-value pairs.
  • node::http2::Http2DataProvider - Wraps the data provider construct used by nghttp2 to provide data to data frames
  • node::http2::Http2Stream - Represents an nghttp2 stream
  • node::http2::Http2Session - Wraps the nghttp2_session struct.

The code within lib/internal/http2.js provides the actual implementation of the HTTP/2 server. At this point in time, the client code has not yet been implemented.

Note: My process up to this point has been on getting something working then iterating on the design and implementation to improve it. As such, the current implementation leaves much to be desired. I will be iterating and refining it as we move forward.

The server is implemented as follows:

First we create either a net.Server or a tls.Server, depending on whether TLS is being used or not. This server instance is passed a connectionListener callback. When a new socket connection is established and the callback is invoked, a new Http2Session object instance is created and associated with that socket. Because the HTTP/2 session lives for lifetime of socket connection, this session is persistent.

A series of event handlers and registered on both the socket and the Http2Session to facilitate the flow of data back and forth between the two. Note, however, that the performance of this could be improved by moving the socket handling into the native layer. Doing so would allow us to skip the boundary crossing that has to occur.


const fs = require('fs');
const http2 = require('http').HTTP2;
const options = {
  key: fs.readFileSync('test/fixtures/keys/agent2-key.pem'),
  cert: fs.readFileSync('test/fixtures/keys/agent2-cert.pem')

const server = http2.createSecureServer(options, (req, res) => {

  res.writeHead(200, {'content-type': 'text/html'});

  const favicon = res.createPushResponse();
  favicon.path = '/favicon.ico';
  favicon.push((req, res) => {
    res.setHeader('content-type', 'image/jpeg');

  const pushResponse = res.createPushResponse();
  pushResponse.path = '/image.jpg';
  pushResponse.push((req, res) => {
    res.setHeader('content-type', 'image/jpeg');

    res.end('<html><head><link rel="preload" href="/favicon.ico"/></head><body><h1>this is some data</h2><img src="/image.jpg" /></body></html>');


class HTTP2.Http2Settings

Encapsulates the HTTP/2 settings supported by this implementation.

Constructor: new HTTP2.Http2Settings()

Property: settings.maxHeaderListSize (Read-Write)

Property: settings.maxFrameSize (Read-Write)

Property: settings.initialWindowSize (Read-Write)

Property: settings.maxConcurrentStreams (Read-Write)

Property: settings.enablePush (Read-Write)

Property: settings.headerTableSize (Read-Write)

Method: settings.pack()

Method: settings.reset()

Method: settings.setDefaults()

class HTTP2.Http2Header

Encapsulates an individual HTTP/2 header.

Constructor: new HTTP2.Http2Header(name, value)

Property: (Read-only)

Property: header.value (Read-only)

Property: header.flags (Read-Write)

class HTTP2.Http2Session : EventEmitter {}

Event: 'send'

The 'send' event is emitted whenever the HTTP2.Http2Session instance has data prepared to send to a remote peer. The event callback is invoked with a single Buffer argument containing the serialized frames to be sent.

const session = getSessionSomehow();
const socket = getSocketSomehow();
session.on('send', (buffer) => socket.write(buffer));

Event: 'begin-headers'

The 'begin-headers' event is emitted at the beginning of a new HEADERS frame. The event callback is invoked with two arguments: an Http2Stream object representing the associated HTTP/2 stream, and a category identifying the type of HEADERS frame received. This type is determined by the underlying nghttp2 library based on the HTTP/2 stream state.

const constants = require('http').HTTP2.constants;
const session = getSessionSomehow();
const socket = getSocketSomehow();
session.on('begin-headers', (stream, category) => {
  switch (category) {
    case constants.NGHTTP2_HCAT_REQUEST:
    case constants.NGHTTP2_HCAT_RESPONSE:
    case constants.NGHTTP2_HCAT_PUSH_RESPONSE:
    case constants.NGHTTP2_HCAT_HEADERS:

Event: 'header'

The 'header' event is emitted once for each header name-value pair received during the processing of a HEADERS frame. The event may be called zero-or-more times following the emission of the 'begin-headers' event. The callback is invoked with three arguments: an Http2Stream object representing the associated HTTP/2 stream, the header field name passed as a String, and the header field value passed as a String.

const session = getSessionSomehow();
const socket = getSocketSomehow();
session.on('header', (stream, name, value) => {
  console.log('Header Field:', name);
  console.log('Header Value:', value);

Event: 'headers-complete'

The 'headers-complete' event is emitted once a complete HEADERS frame has been processed and all 'header' events have been emitted. The callback is invoked with two arguments: an Http2Stream object representing the associated HTTP/2 stream, and a finished boolean used to indicate if the HEADERS block concluded the HTTP/2 stream or not.

const session = getSessionSomehow();
const socket = getSocketSomehow();
session.on('headers-complete', (stream, finished) => {
  // ...

Event: 'stream-close'

The 'stream-close' event is emitted whenever an HTTP/2 stream is closed, either by normal or early termination. The callback is invoked with two arguments: an Http2Stream object representing the associated HTTP/2 stream, and an Unsigned 32-bit integer that represents the error code (if any).

const session = getSessionSomehow();
const socket = getSocketSomehow();
session.on('stream-close', (stream, code) => {
  console.log(`Stream ${} closed with code ${code}`);

Event: 'data-chunk'

The 'data-chunk' event is emitted whenever a chunk of data from a DATA frame has been received. The callback is invoked with two arguments: an Http2Stream object representing the associated stream, and a Buffer instance containing the chunk of data.

const session = getSessionSomehow();
const socket = getSocketSomehow();
session.on('data-chunk', (stream, chunk) => {
  // ...

Event: 'data'

The 'data' event is emitted whenever a complete DATA frame has been processed. This event will follow zero-or-more 'data-chunk' events. The callback is invoked with three arguments: an Http2Stream object representing the associated HTTP/2 stream, a boolean indicating whether or not the DATA frame completed the stream, and a non-negative integer indicating the number of padding bytes included in the data frame.

Event: 'frame-sent'

The 'frame-sent' event is emitted whenever a compete HTTP/2 frame has been sent.

Event: 'goaway'

The 'goaway' event is emitted when a GOAWAY frame is received.

Event: 'rst-stream'

The 'rst-stream' event is emitted when a RST-STREAM frame is received.

Property: session.deflateDynamicTableSize (Read-only)

Property: session.effectiveLocalWindowSize (Read-only)

Property: session.effectiveRecvDataLength (Read-only)

Property: session.inflateDynamicTableSize (Read-only)

Property: session.lastProcStreamID (Read-only)

Property: session.localSettings (Read-Write)

Property: session.localWindowSize (Read-Write)

Property: session.nextStreamID (Read-Write)

Property: session.outboundQueueSize (Read-only)

Property: session.remoteSettings (Read-only)

Property: session.remoteWindowSize (Read-only)

Property: session.type (Read-only)

Property: session.wantRead (Read-only)

Property: session.wantWrite (Read-only)

Method: session.consume(stream, size)

Method: session.consumeSession(size)

Method: session.createIdleStream(stream, parent, weight, exclusive)

Method: session.destroy()


Method: session.receiveData(data)

Method: session.sendData()

Method: session.sendWindowUpdate(increment)

Method: session.terminate(code)


Property: (Read-only)

Property: stream.localWindowSize (Read-Write)

Property: stream.localClose (Read-only)

Property: stream.remoteClose (Read-only)

Property: stream.session (Read-only)

Property: stream.state (Read-only)

Property: stream.sumDependencyWeight (Read-only)

Property: stream.weight (Read-only)

Method: stream.changeStreamPriority(parent, weight, exclusive)

Method: stream.consume(size)

Method: stream.sendContinue()

Method: stream.sendDataFrame(flags, provider)

Method: stream.sendPriority(paret weight, exclusive)

Method: stream.sendRstStream(code)

Method: stream.sendTrailers(trailers)

Method: stream.sendWindowUpdate(increment)

Method: stream.respond(headers, provider)

Method: stream.resumeData()

HTTP2.Http2Request : extends stream.Readable

Property: request.headers (Read-only)

Property: request.method (Read-only)

Property: request.authority (Read-only)

Property: request.scheme (Read-only)

Property: request.url (Read-only)

Property: request.httpVersion (Read-only)

Property: request.socket (Read-only)

Property: request.trailers (Read-only)

Method: request.setTimeout(msec, callback)

HTTP2.Http2Response : ends stream.Writable

Property: response.sendDate (Read-Write)

Property: response.socket (Read-only)

Property: response.finished (Read-only)

Property: response.headersSent (Read-only)

Property: response.pushSupported (Read-only)

Property: response.statusCode (Read-Write)

Method: response.setHeader(name, value)

Method: response.setTrailer(name, value)

Method: response.addHeaders(headers)

Method: response.addTrailers(headers)

Method: response.getHeader(name)

Method: response.getTrailer(name)

Method: response.removeHeader(name)

Method: response.removeTrailer(name)

Method: response.setTimeout(msec, callback)

Method: response.writeContinue()

Method: response.writeHeader(statusCode, headers)

Method: response.write()

Method: response.end()

Method: response.createPushResponse()


  • options {Object}
    • maxDeflateDynamicTableSize {Number}
    • maxReservedRemoteStreams {Number}
    • maxSendHeaderBlockLength {Number}
    • noAutoPingAck {Boolean}
    • noAutoWindowUpdate {Boolean}
    • noHttpMessaging {Boolean}
    • noRecvClientMagic {Boolean}
    • peerMaxConcurrentStreams {Number}


  • options {Object}
    • maxDeflateDynamicTableSize {Number}
    • maxReservedRemoteStreams {Number}
    • maxSendHeaderBlockLength {Number}
    • noAutoPingAck {Boolean}
    • noAutoWindowUpdate {Boolean}
    • noHttpMessaging {Boolean}
    • noRecvClientMagic {Boolean}
    • peerMaxConcurrentStreams {Number}

HTTP2.createServer(options, callback)

HTTP2.createSecureServer(options, callback)
