A NodeJs application written in TypeScript using ExpressJs, Mongoose, and tsoa to stand up the Swagger UI.
The article Swagger, NodeJS, & TypeScript : TSOA, has a deeper review of how this application is constructed. This back-end application is a part of a larger effort to demonstrate the principals of web development expressed in the article Practical Web Development and Architecture. Advocating the principal "a separation of concerns", thin controllers residing in the "service-layer" retain the singular purpose of acting as filters for API request. Controllers exist to support results of data processing logic derived in outside layers of concern. Maximizing the opportunity for application growth, without extensive refactoring, the processing of business rules and cross-cutting concerns are placed in the "business-layer", while database adapters, formalized data base queries, and services used to abstract those queries are stationed in the "data-layer". As much as possible the controllers duties are focused on directing request to outside resources and responding to results from those resource with simple conditional logic.
Another aspect emphasized in the Practical Web Development and Architecture article is the importance of adopting strategies to support optimal output from a development team. To this end tsoa, a Swagger UI creation tool, is used to demonstrate an innovative means of generating an API testing portal and documentation based on a few simple structural requirements. The Swagger scaffolding resides in the "presentation-layer" .
ws-dev-docker-example : is the repository used to bundle this application along with three other submodules. Docker compose is used to orchestrate the development of a FullStack. Those submodules are located in the GitHub repositories listed below.
- (this repo) ws-node-demo
- ws-mongo-demo
- ws-nginx-demo
- ws-ngx-login-demo
How these containers are used as a bundle to facilitate a FullStack approach for developing with Docker is delineated in the article, Docker is my {I.D.E}
It should be noted that this application is created for the purposes of demonstrating a development paradigm, not as a production ready seed.
Although the application is best understood as a part of the larger overall effort demonstrated with the ws-dev-docker-example, it can still be cloned and stood up without the use of the Docker bundle. To use this application as a separate standalone entity, use the local-client branch.
Using the FullStack( This NodeJs app, Mongo, NGINX, Angular app ) approach with an integrated Docker environment.
- Go to the ws-dev-docker-example repo and follow the README.md
Using Docker to stand up the application with a dependency of Mongo
$> git fetch
$> git checkout origin/serverless
$> docker-compose up
BareMetal (Installing libraries and running it on your machine's OS)
- Install MongoDB on your machine.
$> git fetch
$> git checkout origin/local-client
$> npm install
Befor running the application, you will need to update the src/data-layer/adapters/MongooseAccess.ts file by switching commented outline 21 and 22.
//let connectionString = config.get('mongo.urlClient').toString();
let connectionString = config.get('mongo.urlDocker').toString();
let connectionString = config.get('mongo.urlClient').toString();
//let connectionString = config.get('mongo.urlDocker').toString();
Making this change will switch the host from ws-mongo-demo to (localhost). These variables are set in the config/default.yaml
$> npm run start
"username": "tao",
"password": "1234",
"firstname": "zip",
"lastname": "zap",
"email": "zip-zap@ez.com",
"admin": false,
"isLoggedIn": false
correct user
"username": "taosing",
"password": "password",
"firstname": "fifty",
"lastname": "cents",
"email": "zip-zap@ez.com",
"admin": false,
"isLoggedIn": false