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File metadata and controls

664 lines (452 loc) · 28.4 KB




Name Type Allows Empty Description
deviceList Array<Object> N The things information

deviceList description:

Name Type Allows Empty Description
name String N The device name
deviceId String N The device id
apikey String N apikey of the user to which the device belongs
extra Object N The contents of the factoryDevice's extra
brandName String N Brand name
brandLogo String N Brand logo url
showBrand Boolean N Whether to display the brand
productModel String N Product model name
devGroups Array<Object> Y List of all the groups the device is in
tags Object Y Tag object, which stores a custom string, and the server is only responsible for transparent transmission
devConfig Object Y Device configuration from deviceConfig in the factorydevices list
settings Object Y User settings. Please refer to [Change device settings] interface description
family Object N Home of the device
sharedBy Object Y If the device is shared by others, it will have this attribute
shareTo Array<Object> Y The list of shared user with whom the device has been shared
devicekey String N Factory apikey of the device
online Boolean N Online status
params Object Y Status attributes of device
gsmInfoData Object Y Sim card status object of GSM device

extra description:

Name Type Allows Empty Description
model String N Firmware name
ui String N UI name
uiid Int N UI ID
description Object N Notes on factory information
manufacturer String N The Manufacturer
mac String N The mac address
apmac String N The ap mac address(device hotspot address)
modelInfo String N Product model id
brandId String N Brand id
chipId String N Chip id

settings description:

Name Type Allows Empty Description
opsNotify Int Y Whether to notify the user of device status change (default 0) 0=no 1=yes
opsHistory Int Y Whether to save activity logs of the device (default 1) 0=no 1=yes
alarmNotify Int Y Whether to send alerts from sensors or alarms to the user (default 1) 0=Do not send 1=Send

devGroups description:

Name Type Allows Empty Description
type Int Y 1 represents device group
groupId String Y Id of the groups

sharedBy description:

Name Type Allows Empty Description
permit Int N User's permission value, default 0
apikey String N Unique identity of the user to which the device belongs (currently using symmetric encryption of the string)
phoneNumber String Y Mobile number of the device owner
email String Y Email of the device owner
nickname String Y Nickname of the device owner
comment String Y Note of sharing
shareTime Long Y UTC standard time, in milliseconds, used to display sorting on the client

devConfig description(camera):

Name Type Allows Empty Description
p2pServerName Int Y Server Name
p2pAccout String Y Account
p2pLicense String Y license

family description:

Name Type Allows Empty Description
familyId String Y The familyId
index Int Y The sequence number of the device, which could be a negative number
roomId String Y Room id of the device


Function:Get the list of Things(Only one page specified)

Description:Things include

  • Devices (own and shared)
  • Device Group

Parameter type:Object


Name Type Allows Empty Description
lang String Y option, The language. 'en' or 'cn'
familyId String Y option, The family id. Default is currentfamilyId
num Int Y option, The number of things per page. Default is 0 means all things
beginIndex Int Y The index of the first thing. Default is -9999999

Response data parameter:

Name Type Allows Empty Description
thingList Array N The thing list
total Int N The total number of thing

thingList description:

Name Type Allows Empty Description
itemType Int N Item type 1=user’s own device 2=device shared by others 3=user's own group
itemData Array N The id of the corresponding thing. When itemType is 1 or 2, thing id means device id. For 3 or 4, this field means group id
index Int N Sequence number

device.getAllThingsAllPages({ lang, familyId, num, beginIndex })

Function: Get Thing List (All Pages)

Pass parameters and return consistent with the [device.getAllThings] interface


Function:Get the specified thing list

Parameter type:Object


Name Type Allows Empty Description
thingList Array N The things information

thingList description:

Name Type Allows Empty Description
itemType Int N The things itemType. 1: user's own device, 2: devices shared by others, 3: own group
id String N The things id

Response data parameter:

Name Type Allows Empty Description
thingList Array N The thing list


Function:Gets device or group status

Parameter type:Object


Name Type Allows Empty Description
type Int N The things type. 1: user's own device, 2: devices shared by others
id String N The things id
params String Y Status parameters to be obtained

params description:

  • The caller can specify that only certain status arguments are retrieved, with "|" intervals, before the URL conversion
  • If you want to obtain the status of all devices or groups, the params parameter can be left blank

Response data parameter:

Name Type Allows Empty Description
params Object N The status parameters to be updated


Function:Update device or group status

Parameter type:Object


Name Type Allows Empty Description
type Int N Whether to get device or group. 1=device 2=group
id String N When type=1, this means deviceId. For 2, group id
params String N Status parameters to be update

Response data parameter:{}


Function:Batch update the status of devices or groups

Parameter type:Object


Name Type Allows Empty Description
thingList Array<Object> N The things information
timeout String Y The timeout. 0-8000ms, default is 0ms

thingList description:

Name Type Allows Empty Description
type Int N The things type. 1: user's own device, 2: devices shared by others
id String N The things id
params Object N Status parameter to be updated

Response data parameter:

Name Type Allows Empty Description
respList Array<Object> N List of responses from all things

respList description:

Name Type Allows Empty Description
type Int N Type 1=device ,2=group
id String N type=1 is deviceId type=2 is group id
error Int N Response error code, 0 means no error. If type=2, error is fixed to 0. If timeout is 0 when calling, error is fixed to 0 as well


Function:Add a common WiFi device

Parameter type:Object


Name Type Allows Empty Description
name String N option, The device name
deviceId String N The device id
settings Object Y option, The device settings
ifrCode String Y option, Code value of infrared devices
deviceKey String N The device apikey
chipId String Y The device chipid
familyId String Y option, The device familyId
roomId String Y option, The device roomId
sort Int Y The device sort. 1: positive sequence, 2: reverse sequence

settings description:

Name Type Allows Empty Description
opsNotify Int Y Whether to notify the user of device status change (default 0) 0=no 1=yes
opsHistory Int Y Whether to save activity logs of the device (default 1) 0=no 1=yes
alarmNotify Int Y Whether to send alerts from sensors or alarms to the user (default 1) 0=Do not send 1=Send

Response data parameter:

Name Type Allows Empty Description
itemType Int N The item type
itemData Object N See the[device.getThings]interface of deviceList item description
index Int N The sequence number of the device

Description:If the 30017 error is reported, the reason is that the brand of the device has not authorized your APPID. Currently, Cool House's own brand is authorized for free, but other manufacturers' brands will retain the right to use it. For authorization related questions, please consult our Marketing Department sales staff in the wechat docking group


Function:Add device of GSM

Parameter type:Object


Name Type Allows Empty Description
id String N The GSM id
name String N The device name
familyId String Y option, The device familyId
roomId String Y option, The device roomId
sort Int Y The device sort. 1: positive sequence, 2: reverse sequence

Note:Application scanning equipment on the qr code can get into a URL string, URL:, id is behind the parameters, please note that domain name is likely to change, but "/ addGsm? id={gsmId}" will not change.

Response data parameter:

Name Type Allows Empty Description
thingList Array N The things information

thingList description:

Name Type Allows Empty Description
itemType Int N The item type
itemData Object N See the[device.getThings]interface of deviceList item description
index Int N The sequence number of the device


Function:Update device/room name information

Parameter type:Object


Name Type Allows Empty Description
deviceId String N The device id
newName String Y The device new name
newRoomId String Y The new room id

Response data parameter:{}


Function:Delete device

Description:You can also delete devices shared by others through this interface

Parameter type:Object


Name Type Allows Empty Description
id String N The device id

Response data parameter:{}


Function:Modify the device label, you can modify the sub-channel name, you can implement some specific functions according to your own ideas

description:The complete tags object needs to be passed over, and the server overwrites the original value as a whole

Parameter type:Object


Name Type Allows Empty Description
deviceId String N The device id
type String Y The type of the operation. 'replace' or 'merge'
tags Object N The tags of the device

Response data parameter:

Name Type Allows Empty Description
updatedThing Object N Updated thing data


Function: Gets the device group list


  • Device groups are sorted together with devices
  • Gets only the list of device groups under the current family

Parameter type:Object


Name Type Allows Empty Description
lang String Y option, The language. 'en' or 'cn'

Response data parameter:

Name Type Allows Empty Description
groupList Array N The group list

groupList description:

Name Type Allows Empty Description
itemType Int N The item type
itemData Object N The group information
index Int N The sequence number of the device

itemData description:

Name Type Allows Empty Description
id String N The group id
name String N The group name
maindeviceId String N The device group main device id.
family Object N Family Settings for the group
params Object N Group status

family description:

Name Type Allows Empty Description
familyId String N The family id
index Int N Group sort number
roomId String Y The room id


Function:Add device group

Description:If you add a group using a device shared by someone else as the primary device, when the share is withdrawn, the group will also be deleted

Parameter type:Object


Name Type Allows Empty Description
name String N The device group name
mainDeviceId String N The device group main device id.
familyId String Y option, The device group familyId
roomId String Y option, The device group roomId
sort Int Y The device group sort. 1: positive sequence, 2: reverse sequence
deviceidList Array<String> Y The device group deviceidList

Response data parameter:

Name Type Allows Empty Description
itemType Int N The item type
itemData Object N See the[device.getGroups]interface itemData description
index Int N The sequence number of the device group


Function:Modifying device group

Description:Currently, only group names can be modified using this interface.

Parameter type:Object


Name Type Allows Empty Description
id String N The group id
newName String N The new name of the group

Response data parameter:{}


Function:Delete a device group

Parameter type:Object


Name Type Allows Empty Description
id String N The group id

Response data parameter:{}


Function:Update group status

Parameter type:Object


Name Type Allows Empty Description
id String N The group id
params Object N The group params

Response data parameter:{}


Function:Update the device list in the device group

Description:The interface overwrites all devices in the group based on the incoming device list.

Parameter type:Object


Name Type Allows Empty Description
id String N The group id
coverDeviceidList Array<String> N The device group cover device id list

Response data parameter:

Name Type Allows Empty Description
id String N The group id
updatedThingList Array N Update thing data


Function:Device share

Parameter type:Object


Name Type Allows Empty Description
deviceidList Array N The device id list
user Object N The user information
permit Int N The sharing permissions
comment String Y option, The sharing comment
shareType Int Y option, The sharing type

user description:

Name Type Allows Empty Description
countryCode String N The user's country code
phoneNumber String Y option, The user's phone number
email String Y option, The user's email

Response data parameter:

Name Type Allows Empty Description
updatedThingList Array N Updated thing data


Function:Update the permission of device sharing

Parameter type:Object


Name Type Allows Empty Description
deviceId String N The device id
apikey String N The user's apiKey
permit Int N The sharing permissions

Note:The apikey parameter comes from the device details. Search for shareTo in the documentation

Response data parameter:

Name Type Allows Empty Description
updatedThingList Array N Updated thing data


Function:Unshare devices

Parameter type:Object


Name Type Allows Empty Description
deviceId String N The device id
apikey String N The user's apiKey

Response data parameter:

Name Type Allows Empty Description
updatedThingList Array N Updated thing data


Function:Get the operation history of the device

Parameter type:Object


Name Type Allows Empty Description
deviceId String N The device id
from Long Y The start time of the query, in the format of timestamp
num Int Y The number of records to query, the default is 30, and the maximum is 30

Response data parameter:

Name Type Allows Empty Description
histories Array N History list

histories description:

Name Type Allows Empty Description
deviceId String N The device id
userAgent String Y Users distinguish between device and app operations
opsSwitchs String Y Records the value of the operated channel. If it's a single channel, there's only one element with the value "switch".
request String N Original request
opsAccount String Y If it is an app side operation, return the operator's account (it may be shared by the user)
opsTime Long N Operation time stamp, accurate to millisecond


Function:Clear the operation history of the device

Parameter type:Object


Name Type Allows Empty Description
deviceId String N The device id

Response data parameter:{}


Function: Query OTA information about devices

Parameter type:Object


Name Type Allows Empty Description
deviceInfoList String N The device information list

deviceInfoList description:

Name Type Allows Empty Description
deviceId String N The device id
model String N The device model
version String N The device current version

Response data parameter:

Name Type Allows Empty Description
otaInfoList Array<Object> N OTA information list, if the device has upgrade information, will be in this list

otaInfoList description:

Name Type Allows Empty Description
deviceId String N The device id
version String N The device current version
binList String N The device model
type String N The device current version
forceTime String N The device model

binList description:

Name Type Allows Empty Description
name String N Download file name
downloadUrl String N Download file address
digest String Y File HASH summary(SHA256)