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Neural Power Units

This repository contains all appendices and the code to reproduce our paper at NeurIPS 2020. The latest implementation of the Neural Arithmetic Units that were used in this paper are available in NeuralArithmetic.jl.

Reproduce our experiments

The code to reproduce our results is written in Julia and all necessary dependencies can be installed from the Julia REPL. To start Julia with this project environment run julia --project from this directory. And then, to install all necessary dependencies, run ]instantiate from the REPL.

$ julia --project
   _       _ _(_)_     |  Documentation:
  (_)     | (_) (_)    |
   _ _   _| |_  __ _   |  Type "?" for help, "]?" for Pkg help.
  | | | | | | |/ _` |  |
  | | |_| | | | (_| |  |  Version 1.4.0 (2020-03-21)
 _/ |\__'_|_|_|\__'_|  |  Official release
|__/                   |

julia> ]
(NIPS_2020_NPU) pkg> instantiate

All neural arithmetic units are defined in the src folder. The differnt types of NPUs can be found here. Note that the three NPU types are not named as in the paper. The list below maps paper NPU names to type names used in this repo.

"NPU"           => "GatedNPUX"
"NaiveNPU"      => "NPUX"
"real NPU"      => "GatedNPU"

All scripts that produce our experiments (Sec. 4) are in the scripts folder:

4.1 Fractional SIR identification: fracode

Run experiments and collect resulting data:

julia> include("scripts/fracode/run.jl")
julia> include("scripts/fracode/collect.jl")

All created models are stored in a data directory at the root of this repo. Now you can create our plots by running

julia> include("scripts/fracode/model-ps.jl")  # note that this does not necessarily plot the best model!
julia> include("scripts/fracode/pareto-sir.jl")

4.2 Simple arithmetic task: simple

Run experiments and produce the validation table

julia> include("scripts/simple/run.jl")
julia> include("scripts/simple/results_table.jl")

Create plot

julia> include("scripts/simple/plots.jl")

4.3 Large scale arithmetic task: arithmetic

Each learning task (addition, multiplication, division, sqrt) is contained in a seperate script:

julia> include("scripts/arithmetic/add_l1_runs.jl")
julia> include("scripts/arithmetic/mult_l1_runs.jl")
julia> include("scripts/arithmetic/div_l1_runs.jl")
julia> include("scripts/arithmetic/sqrt_l1_runs.jl")

Collect all data and run the testing script

julia> include("scripts/arithmetic/collect.jl")
julia> include("scripts/arithmetic/revalidate.jl")

and finally produce the pareto plot and the results table

julia> include("scripts/arithmetic/pareto.jl")
julia> include("scripts/arithmetic/results_table.jl")


The appendix can be found here