Unofficial Hyperliquid API SDK for all major JS runtimes, written in TypeScript and provided with tests.
- 🖋️ Typed: Source code is 100% TypeScript.
- 🧪 Tested: Good code coverage and type testing.
- 📦 Minimal dependencies: Few small dependencies, standard JS is favored.
- 🌐 Cross-Environment Support: Compatible with all major JS runtimes, including Node.js, Deno, Bun, and browser environments.
- 🔧 Integratable: Easy to use with viem, ethers and web3 wallets.
- 📚 Documented: Comprehensive documentation and usage examples, provided directly in JSDoc annotations within the source code.
# npm
npm i @nktkas/hyperliquid
# yarn
yarn add @nktkas/hyperliquid
# pnpm
pnpm add @nktkas/hyperliquid
# bun
bun i @nktkas/hyperliquid
# deno
deno add jsr:@nktkas/hyperliquid
# web (import directly)
import * as hl from ""
First, choose and configure your transport layer (more details in the API Reference):
import * as hl from "@nktkas/hyperliquid"; // ESM & Common.js
// HTTP Transport
const httpTransport = new hl.HttpTransport(); // Accepts optional parameters (e.g. url, timeout, fetchOptions)
// or WebSocket Transport
const wsTransport = new hl.WebSocketTransport(); // Accepts optional parameters (e.g. url, timeout, keepAlive, reconnect)
Next, initialize a client with the transport layer (more details in the API Reference):
import * as hl from "@nktkas/hyperliquid"; // ESM & Common.js
const transport = new hl.HttpTransport(); // or WebSocketTransport
const client = new hl.PublicClient({ transport });
import * as hl from "@nktkas/hyperliquid"; // ESM & Common.js
import { createWalletClient, custom } from "viem";
import { privateKeyToAccount } from "viem/accounts";
import { ethers } from "ethers";
const transport = new hl.HttpTransport(); // or WebSocketTransport
// 1. Using Viem with private key
const viemAccount = privateKeyToAccount("0x...");
const viemClient = new hl.WalletClient({ wallet: viemAccount, transport });
// 2. Using Ethers (or Ethers V5) with private key
const ethersWallet = new ethers.Wallet("0x...");
const ethersClient = new hl.WalletClient({ wallet: ethersWallet, transport });
// 3. Using external wallet (e.g. MetaMask) via Viem
const [account] = await window.ethereum.request({ method: "eth_requestAccounts" });
const externalWallet = createWalletClient({ account, transport: custom(window.ethereum) });
const viemMetamaskClient = new hl.WalletClient({ wallet: externalWallet, transport });
// 4. Using external wallet (e.g. MetaMask) via `window.ethereum` directly
const windowMetamaskClient = new hl.WalletClient({ wallet: window.ethereum, transport });
import * as hl from "@nktkas/hyperliquid"; // ESM & Common.js
const transport = new hl.WebSocketTransport(); // Only WebSocketTransport is supported
const client = new hl.EventClient({ transport });
Finally, use client methods to interact with the Hyperliquid API (more details in the API Reference):
import * as hl from "@nktkas/hyperliquid";
const transport = new hl.HttpTransport();
const client = new hl.PublicClient({ transport });
// L2 Book
const l2Book = await client.l2Book({ coin: "BTC" });
// Account clearinghouse state
const clearinghouseState = await client.clearinghouseState({ user: "0x..." });
// Open orders
const openOrders = await client.openOrders({ user: "0x..." });
import * as hl from "@nktkas/hyperliquid";
import { privateKeyToAccount } from "viem/accounts";
const account = privateKeyToAccount("0x...");
const transport = new hl.HttpTransport();
const client = new hl.WalletClient({ wallet: account, transport });
// Place an orders
const result = await client.order({
orders: [{
a: 0, // Asset index
b: true, // Buy order
p: "30000", // Price
s: "0.1", // Size
r: false, // Not reduce-only
t: {
limit: {
tif: "Gtc", // Good-til-cancelled
grouping: "na", // No grouping
// Approve an agent
const result = await client.approveAgent({
agentAddress: "0x...",
agentName: "agentName",
// Withdraw funds
const result = await client.withdraw3({
destination: account.address, // Withdraw funds to your address
amount: "100", // 100 USD
import * as hl from "@nktkas/hyperliquid";
const transport = new hl.WebSocketTransport();
const client = new hl.EventClient({ transport });
// L2 Book updates
// Promise is resolved when the subscription is set up
const sub = await client.l2Book({ coin: "BTC" }, (data) => {
// Later, you can unsubscribe from receiving events
await sub.unsubscribe();
// User fills
const sub = await client.userFills({ user: "0x..." }, (data) => {
await sub.unsubscribe();
// Explorer block updates
const sub = await client.explorerBlock((data) => {
await sub.unsubscribe();
A Client provides access to the Hyperliquid API endpoints.
There are three types of Clients in the sdk:
A Public Client which provides access to
Info API and Explorer API, such as
and clearinghouseState
The Public Client class sets up with a given Transport.
class PublicClient {
constructor(args: {
transport: HttpTransport | WebSocketTransport;
// Market
allMids(): Promise<AllMids>;
candleSnapshot(args: CandleSnapshotParameters): Promise<Candle[]>;
fundingHistory(args: FundingHistoryParameters): Promise<FundingHistory[]>;
l2Book(args: L2BookParameters): Promise<Book>;
meta(): Promise<PerpsMeta>;
metaAndAssetCtxs(): Promise<PerpsMetaAndAssetCtxs>;
perpsAtOpenInterestCap(): Promise<string[]>;
predictedFundings(): Promise<PredictedFunding[]>;
spotDeployState(args: SpotDeployStateParameters): Promise<SpotDeployState>;
spotMeta(): Promise<SpotMeta>;
spotMetaAndAssetCtxs(): Promise<SpotMetaAndAssetCtxs>;
tokenDetails(args: TokenDetailsParameters): Promise<TokenDetails>;
// Account
clearinghouseState(args: ClearinghouseStateParameters): Promise<PerpsClearinghouseState>;
extraAgents(args: ExtraAgentsParameters): Promise<ExtraAgent[]>;
isVip(args: IsVipParameters): Promise<boolean>;
legalCheck(args: LegalCheckParameters): Promise<LegalCheck>;
maxBuilderFee(args: MaxBuilderFeeParameters): Promise<number>;
portfolio(args: PortfolioParameters): Promise<PortfolioPeriods>;
preTransferCheck(args: PreTransferCheckParameters): Promise<PreTransferCheck>;
referral(args: ReferralParameters): Promise<Referral>;
spotClearinghouseState(args: SpotClearinghouseStateParameters): Promise<SpotClearinghouseState>;
subAccounts(args: SubAccountsParameters): Promise<SubAccount[] | null>;
userFees(args: UserFeesParameters): Promise<UserFees>;
userFunding(args: UserFundingParameters): Promise<UserFundingUpdate[]>;
userNonFundingLedgerUpdates(args: UserNonFundingLedgerUpdatesParameters): Promise<UserNonFundingLedgerUpdate[]>;
userRateLimit(args: UserRateLimitParameters): Promise<UserRateLimit>;
userRole(args: UserRoleParameters): Promise<UserRole>;
userToMultiSigSigners(args: UserToMultiSigSignersParameters): Promise<MultiSigSigners | null>;
// Order
frontendOpenOrders(args: FrontendOpenOrdersParameters): Promise<FrontendOrder[]>;
historicalOrders(args: HistoricalOrdersParameters): Promise<OrderStatus<FrontendOrder>[]>;
openOrders(args: OpenOrdersParameters): Promise<Order[]>;
orderStatus(args: OrderStatusParameters): Promise<OrderLookup>;
twapHistory(args: TwapHistoryParameters): Promise<TwapHistory[]>;
userFills(args: UserFillsParameters): Promise<Fill[]>;
userFillsByTime(args: UserFillsByTimeParameters): Promise<Fill[]>;
userTwapSliceFills(args: UserTwapSliceFillsParameters): Promise<TwapSliceFill[]>;
userTwapSliceFillsByTime(args: UserTwapSliceFillsByTimeParameters): Promise<TwapSliceFill[]>;
// Staking
delegations(args: DelegationsParameters): Promise<Delegation[]>;
delegatorHistory(args: DelegatorHistoryParameters): Promise<DelegatorUpdate[]>;
delegatorRewards(args: DelegatorRewardsParameters): Promise<DelegatorReward[]>;
delegatorSummary(args: DelegatorSummaryParameters): Promise<DelegatorSummary>;
validatorSummaries(): Promise<ValidatorSummary[]>;
// Vault
userVaultEquities(args: UserVaultEquitiesParameters): Promise<VaultEquity[]>;
vaultDetails(args: VaultDetailsParameters): Promise<VaultDetails | null>;
vaultSummaries(): Promise<VaultSummary[]>;
// Explorer
blockDetails(args: BlockDetailsParameters): Promise<BlockDetailsResponse>;
txDetails(args: TxDetailsParameters): Promise<TxDetailsResponse>;
userDetails(args: UserDetailsParameters): Promise<UserDetailsResponse>;
A Wallet Client which provides access to
Exchange API, such as order
and withdraw3
The Wallet Client class sets up with a given Transport and a wallet instance, which can be a Viem Wallet or an Ethers Wallet.
NOTE: When using a web3 wallet, the wallet network must be set to 1337 for proper generation of L1 transactions.
class WalletClient {
constructor(args: {
transport: HttpTransport | WebSocketTransport;
| AbstractViemWalletClient // viem
| AbstractExtendedViemWalletClient // extended viem (e.g. privy)
| AbstractEthersSigner // ethers
| AbstractEthersV5Signer // ethers v5
| AbstractWindowEthereum; // window.ethereum (EIP-1193) directly
isTestnet?: boolean; // Whether to use testnet (default: false)
defaultVaultAddress?: Hex; // Vault address used by default if not provided in method call
signatureChainId?: Hex | (() => MaybePromise<Hex>); // Chain ID used for signing (default: trying to guess based on wallet and isTestnet)
// Order
batchModify(args: BatchModifyParameters): Promise<OrderResponseSuccess>;
cancel(args: CancelParameters): Promise<CancelResponseSuccess>;
cancelByCloid(args: CancelByCloidParameters): Promise<CancelResponseSuccess>;
modify(args: ModifyParameters): Promise<SuccessResponse>;
order(args: OrderParameters): Promise<OrderResponseSuccess>;
scheduleCancel(args: ScheduleCancelParameters): Promise<SuccessResponse>;
twapCancel(args: TwapCancelParameters): Promise<TwapCancelResponseSuccess>;
twapOrder(args: TwapOrderParameters): Promise<TwapOrderResponseSuccess>;
updateIsolatedMargin(args: UpdateIsolatedMarginParameters): Promise<SuccessResponse>;
updateLeverage(args: UpdateLeverageParameters): Promise<SuccessResponse>;
// Account
approveAgent(args: ApproveAgentParameters): Promise<SuccessResponse>;
approveBuilderFee(args: ApproveBuilderFeeParameters): Promise<SuccessResponse>;
claimRewards(args: ClaimRewardsParameters): Promise<SuccessResponse>;
createSubAccount(args: CreateSubAccountParameters): Promise<CreateSubAccountResponse>;
evmUserModify(args: EvmUserModifyParameters): Promise<SuccessResponse>;
setDisplayName(args: SetDisplayNameParameters): Promise<SuccessResponse>;
setReferrer(args: SetReferrerParameters): Promise<SuccessResponse>;
spotUser(args: SpotUserParameters): Promise<SuccessResponse>;
// Transfers & Withdrawals
spotSend(args: SpotSendParameters): Promise<SuccessResponse>;
subAccountSpotTransfer(args: SubAccountSpotTransferParameters): Promise<SuccessResponse>;
subAccountTransfer(args: SubAccountTransferParameters): Promise<SuccessResponse>;
usdClassTransfer(args: UsdClassTransferParameters): Promise<SuccessResponse>;
usdSend(args: UsdSendParameters): Promise<SuccessResponse>;
withdraw3(args: Withdraw3Parameters): Promise<SuccessResponse>;
// Staking
cDeposit(args: CDepositParameters): Promise<SuccessResponse>;
cWithdraw(args: CWithdrawParameters): Promise<SuccessResponse>;
tokenDelegate(args: TokenDelegateParameters): Promise<SuccessResponse>;
// Market
spotDeploy(args: SpotDeployParameters): Promise<BaseExchangeResponse>;
// Vault
createVault(args: CreateVaultParameters): Promise<CreateVaultResponse>;
vaultDistribute(args: VaultDistributeParameters): Promise<SuccessResponse>;
vaultModify(args: VaultModifyParameters): Promise<SuccessResponse>;
vaultTransfer(args: VaultTransferParameters): Promise<SuccessResponse>;
A Event Client which provides access to
Subscriptions API, such as
real-time updates for l2Book
and userFills
The Event Client class sets up with a given WebSocket Transport.
class EventClient {
constructor(args: {
transport: WebSocketTransport;
// Market
activeAssetCtx(args: EventActiveAssetCtxParameters, listener: (data: WsActiveAssetCtx | WsActiveSpotAssetCtx) => void): Promise<Subscription>;
activeAssetData(args: EventActiveAssetDataParameters, listener: (data: WsActiveAssetData) => void): Promise<Subscription>;
allMids(listener: (data: WsAllMids) => void): Promise<Subscription>;
candle(args: EventCandleParameters, listener: (data: Candle) => void): Promise<Subscription>;
l2Book(args: EventL2BookParameters, listener: (data: Book) => void): Promise<Subscription>;
trades(args: EventTradesParameters, listener: (data: WsTrade[]) => void): Promise<Subscription>;
// Account
notification(args: EventNotificationParameters, listener: (data: WsNotification) => void): Promise<Subscription>;
userEvents(args: EventUserEventsParameters, listener: (data: WsUserEvent) => void): Promise<Subscription>;
userFundings(args: EventUserFundingsParameters, listener: (data: WsUserFundings) => void): Promise<Subscription>;
userNonFundingLedgerUpdates(args: EventUserNonFundingLedgerUpdatesParameters, listener: (data: WsUserNonFundingLedgerUpdates) => void): Promise<Subscription>;
webData2(args: EventWebData2Parameters, listener: (data: WsWebData2) => void): Promise<Subscription>;
// Order
orderUpdates(args: EventOrderUpdatesParameters, listener: (data: OrderStatus<Order>[]) => void): Promise<Subscription>;
userFills(args: EventUserFillsParameters, listener: (data: WsUserFills) => void): Promise<Subscription>;
userTwapHistory(args: EventUserTwapHistory, listener: (data: WsUserTwapHistory) => void): Promise<Subscription>;
userTwapSliceFills(args: EventUserTwapSliceFills, listener: (data: WsUserTwapSliceFills) => void): Promise<Subscription>;
// Explorer
explorerBlock(listener: (data: WsBlockDetails[]) => void): Promise<Subscription>;
explorerTx(listener: (data: TxDetails[]) => void): Promise<Subscription>;
A Client is instantiated with a Transport, which is the intermediary layer that is responsible for executing outgoing requests (ie. API calls and event listeners).
There are two types of Transports in the sdk:
A HTTP Transport that executes requests via a fetch API.
class HttpTransport {
constructor(options?: {
url?: string | URL; // Base URL for API endpoints (default: "")
timeout?: number; // Request timeout in ms (default: 10_000)
fetchOptions?: RequestInit; // A custom fetch options
onRequest?: (request: Request) => MaybePromise<Request | void | null | undefined>; // A callback before request is sent
onResponse?: (response: Response) => MaybePromise<Response | void | null | undefined>; // A callback after response is received
request(endpoint: "info" | "exchange" | "explorer", payload: unknown, signal?: AbortSignal): Promise<unknown>;
A WebSocket Transport that executes requests and subscribes to events via a WebSocket connection.
class WebSocketTransport {
constructor(options?: {
url?: string | URL; // WebSocket URL (default: "wss://")
timeout?: number; // Request timeout in ms (default: 10_000)
keepAlive?: { // Keep-alive configuration
interval?: number; // Ping interval in ms (default: 20_000)
reconnect?: { // Reconnection policy configuration for closed connections
maxRetries?: number; // Maximum number of reconnection attempts (default: 3)
connectionTimeout?: number; // Connection timeout in ms (default: 10_000)
connectionDelay?: number | ((attempt: number) => number | Promise<number>); // Delay between reconnection (default: Exponential backoff (max 10s))
shouldReconnect?: (event: CloseEvent) => boolean | Promise<boolean>; // Custom reconnection logic (default: Always reconnect)
messageBuffer?: MessageBufferStrategy; // Message buffering strategy between reconnection (default: FIFO buffer)
request(endpoint: "info" | "exchange", payload: unknown, signal?: AbortSignal): Promise<unknown>;
channel: string,
payload: unknown,
listener: (data: CustomEvent) => void,
signal?: AbortSignal,
): Promise<Subscription>;
ready(signal?: AbortSignal): Promise<void>;
close(signal?: AbortSignal): Promise<void>;
The SDK exports additional import points to access internal functions.
The import point gives access to all Hyperliquid-related types, including the base types on which class methods are based.
Useful if you want to get all Hyperliquid types.
The import point gives access to functions that generate signatures for Hyperliquid transactions.
Useful if you want to sign a Hyperliquid transaction yourself.
import { signL1Action } from "@nktkas/hyperliquid/signing";
import type { CancelRequest, CancelResponse } from "@nktkas/hyperliquid/types";
import { privateKeyToAccount } from "viem/accounts";
// —————————— Prepare ——————————
const wallet = privateKeyToAccount("0x..."); // Change to your private key
// The CancelRequest["action"] type ensures that we collect the correct cancel request action
const action: CancelRequest["action"] = {
type: "cancel",
cancels: [
{ a: 0, o: 12345 },
const nonce =;
// —————————— Signing ——————————
const signature = await signL1Action({ wallet, action, nonce, isTestnet: true });
// —————————— Request ——————————
// The CancelRequest type guarantees us that the object we want to send is valid in terms of types
const request: CancelRequest = { action, signature, nonce };
const response = await fetch("", {
method: "POST",
headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json" },
body: JSON.stringify(request),
if (!response.ok) {
const body = await response.text();
throw new Error(`Failed to cancel order: ${response.statusText} ${body}`);
// If we sent a cancel request and received a successful response, then we got exactly the CancelResponse type
const body = await response.json() as CancelResponse;
console.log("Order cancel response:", body);
import { signUserSignedAction } from "@nktkas/hyperliquid/signing";
import type { ApproveAgentRequest, ErrorResponse, SuccessResponse } from "@nktkas/hyperliquid/types";
import { privateKeyToAccount } from "viem/accounts";
// —————————— Prepare ——————————
const wallet = privateKeyToAccount("0x..."); // Change to your private key
// The ApproveAgentRequest["action"] type ensures that we collect the correct approve agent request action
const action: ApproveAgentRequest["action"] = {
type: "approveAgent",
hyperliquidChain: "Testnet",
signatureChainId: "0x66eee",
agentAddress: "0x...", // Change to the agent address you want to approve
agentName: "TempAgent",
// —————————— Signing ——————————
const signature = await signUserSignedAction({
types: {
"HyperliquidTransaction:ApproveAgent": [
{ name: "hyperliquidChain", type: "string" },
{ name: "agentAddress", type: "address" },
{ name: "agentName", type: "string" },
{ name: "nonce", type: "uint64" },
chainId: parseInt(action.signatureChainId, 16),
// —————————— Request ——————————
// The ApproveAgentRequest type guarantees us that the object we want to send is valid in terms of types
const request: ApproveAgentRequest = { action, signature, nonce: action.nonce };
const response = await fetch("", {
method: "POST",
headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json" },
body: JSON.stringify(request),
if (!response.ok) {
const body = await response.text();
throw new Error(`Failed to approve agent: ${response.statusText} ${body}`);
// If we sent a request for agent approval and received a successful response,
// we will get either a SuccessResponse type or an ErrorResponse type
const body = await response.json() as SuccessResponse | ErrorResponse;
console.log("Agent approval response:", body);
Contributions are welcome! Please see the CONTRIBUTING file for guidelines on how to contribute to this project.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.