##Project Proposal For my project proposal I would like to make an eight-ball pool game. I love playing eight-ball and I feel like my knowledge from programming the ideal-gas simulation will help me. Since in the ideal-gas simulation, my code handled collisions between gas particles and between the particles and the walls. In eight-ball, I will have to program collisions between the balls in the game and the walls. The challenge would be including player interaction with the stick and hitting balls at different angles. I find these challenges interesting.
In week one, I plan on programming the stick hitting the white ball which will hit and collide with the other balls in the board. My code will handle collisions between balls and collisions between the balls and walls.
In week two, the stick should be able to hit the white ball at any angle. Also my code will deal with the balls going in the hole. And all the balls have to start in the center when the game starts.
In week three, the user can hit the balls with any amount of power. And I will draw with cinder a white dashed line to show where the stick is pointing at. I will program a way of winning game (which is all the balls going in the holes).
Stretch goals for this project (if I finish early) would be having another player (like a robot) play against someone playing my game.