One of my prev projects which I have successfully developed and used in 2012-2013. I have created basic MVC framework in plain PHP and released 5 commercial projects for my clients on top of it. This repo contains framework code + last project I have developed.(Automotive website with user-generated content) Later I have switched to Symfony framework instead of development own.
Framework uses front controller pattern. All requests are redirected to /public folder and are handled by index.php file inside that folder. Short overview of index.php file structure:
// Define all base pathes for app
define('CORE', ROOT . DS . 'core' . DS);
// ...
// Require all framework core classes
require_once(CORE . 'config.php');
// ...
// All classnames are separated with underscore(_) char and have ClassName_ClassType format.
// Last part specifies class type like Model/Mapper/Controller. Loader requires required file with class.
function __autoload($class_name)
// Router processes current request
Registry::set('router', new Router());
// Closing file handles + db connection
/css and /js folder contains project stylesheet and script assets. Framework contains small asset processor, which merge css/js assets and dumps merged files into /css/compiled | /js/compiled dirs.
// contains core configuration data [database] ;Database server db_server = localhost; // ...
admin_routes.php / routes.php
<?php // Contains routes for admin/public part of app // Routes are configured with simplex regexp-es: $routes = array(); // ********** // *** drive page // ********** $module = "(photos|spots|speed|photos)"; $page = "page-(\d+)"; $category = "[^/]+-(\d+)"; $routes[] = array( "drive/list/$module/$page/$category" => "drive/index/$1/$2/$3", "drive/list/$module/$page" => "drive/index/$1/$2", "drive/list" => "drive/index" ); // ...
Contains project base classes, like ajax, session, image, pagination, file upload, ... Most important ones:
public_controller.php, admin_controller.php, controller.php:
<?php // Base class of controller. All app controllers should extend it. abstract class Controller ... class Admin_Controller extends BaseController ... class Public_Controller extends Controller ...
<?php class MySQL_Database { // ... public function open_connection() { ... } public function close_connection() { ... } public function query($sql) { ... } public function escape_value($value) { ... } // ...
<?php // Base class of model. All app models should extend it. // Framework implements ActiveRecord pattern to store data. // Models support 4 types of props: // 1) $db_fields = ["id", "parent_id", ...]; // Table fields // 2) $nested_db_fields = ["attached_items_count"]; // Stored in child table, but can be fetched directly from this model from nested select query // 3) $special_fields = ["license"]; // Part of this model logic which will not be used in db queries. // 4) $shared = [...]; // Used to work with other models abstract class Model { // ... public function find_by_id($id = 0, $columns = "*") { $sql = "SELECT {$columns} FROM {$this->table_name} WHERE id=%d LIMIT 1"; $sql = sprintf($sql, $this->database->escape_value($id)); $result_array = $this->find_by_sql($sql); return !empty($result_array) ? array_shift($result_array) : false; } // ...
<?php // Application router. Gets URl and calls required controller class Router { // ... private function run_url() { // ... $controller = new $controller_name; if(method_exists($controller_name, $this->action)) { $controller->setRouterData($this->controller, $this->action); $controller->before(); call_user_func_array(array($controller, $this->action), $this->controller_parametrs); $controller->after(); } else { $error = new Error_Controller; $error->show_404(); } } // ...
tags_parser.php / tags_scanner.php:
<?php // Simple tags validator - ensures that all markdown tags are opened/closed correctly in text string,like: // Lorem ipsum [b]ipsum[/b] lorem [photoset]...[/photoset] class Tags_Parser { // ...
<?php // Wrapper for templates. Allows load templates from files(by pieces) + display in browser class View { // ... // Basic security - protection from xss private static function escape_xss($data = array(), $root_escape_key_exceptions = array()) // Render view public static function capture($view_path, $view_data, $escape_xss = true, $root_escape_key_exceptions = array()) // ...
Contains public/admin controllers. Example:
class Account_Controller extends Public_Controller
public function create($request_type = "")
$user = new User_Model;
$user->validate(array(), "get_registration_fill_rules");
// ...
$email_html = View::capture("base" . DS . "activation_email", $data);
// ...
Contains application models. Example:
class Photo_Model extends Model
protected $table_name = "photos";
protected $db_fields = array("id", "category_id", "user_id", "name", ...);
protected $nested_db_fields = array("likes_count", "comments_count", "favorites_count", "views_count", ...);
public $id;
// other $db_fields
public function find_all_photosets(...)
if($in_categories or $only_enabled or $only_moderated or $only_from_user_id)
$where_sql = "WHERE ";
$where_parts = array();
$where_parts[] = ($only_from_user_id) ? sprintf(" user_id = %d ", $only_from_user_id) : "";
$where_sql .= implode(" AND ", array_filter($where_parts));
$where_sql = "";
$this->pagination = new Pagination($page, $this->count($where_sql));
if($validate_page) $this->pagination->validate_page_range();
$limit = $this->pagination->records_per_page;
$photoset_stats_model = new Photo_Stats_Model;
$photosets = $this->get_table_name();
$photosets_stats = $photoset_stats_model->get_table_name();
$sql = "SELECT $photosets.*, ";
$sql .= " $photosets_stats.likes_count, ";
if(in_array($sort, array("moderated", "year", "posted_on")))
$sql .= " FROM ( ";
$sql .= " SELECT * FROM $photosets ";
$sql .= " $where_sql ";
$sql .= " ORDER BY $sort $direction, posted_on DESC ";
$sql .= " LIMIT {$limit} ";
$sql .= " OFFSET {$this->pagination->offset} ";
$sql .= " ) AS $photosets ";
$sql .= " INNER JOIN $photosets_stats ";
$sql .= " ON $photosets_stats.photo_id = $ ";
$sql .= " ORDER BY $sort $direction, posted_on DESC ";
return $this->find_by_sql($sql);
Contains application views. Example, file with list items:
foreach($module_uploads as $module_upload):
<!-- Item -->
<div class="item">
<!-- Item wrapper -->
<div class="item-wrapper">
<?php echo $module_upload->some_props; ?>