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37 lines (27 loc) · 1.85 KB

Termite icon


Version 1.1.1

Termite is an emulator for a 16-trit balanced ternary (base 3) computer written in C++11, with a clock rate of approximately 450 kHz. Termite uses trytes of 8 trits and big-endian words of 16 trits. Addresses are 1 word long, so Termite can address 3^16 = 43046721 trytes of memory. Some example files you can run with teremu are provided in the examples directory.

Documentation for Termite

Included command-line programs

These can be built using make (Mac/Linux only, and may require root permission).

If you need to compile from source, navigate to where Termite is installed and use these commands on Mac/Linux:

clang++ src/core/*.cpp src/teremu/*.cpp -o <destination for teremu> -std=c++11
clang++ src/core/*.cpp src/terasm/*.cpp -o <destination for terasm> -std=c++11

On Windows:

clang++ src\core\*.cpp src\teremu\*.cpp -o <destination for teremu> -std=c++11
clang++ src\core\*.cpp src\terasm\*.cpp -o <destination for terasm> -std=c++11

(If you are using another C++ compiler, replace clang++ with it.)

  • teremu: For running Termite machine code executable files. -v option can be added for verbose mode, where the values of all registers are printed after each instruction runs. File format for Termite executables is .texe.

  • terasm: For transpiling Termite assembly files into executable files.

Future ideas

  • High-level C-like programming language which compiles into Termite assembly.
  • Semigraphical or graphical display instead of using the command line for the output.


  • 1.1.1 (2023-12-26): Documentation for assembly and minor bugfix in src/teremu/main.cpp
  • 1.1 (2023-12-24): terasm assembler, added instructions like xor and xori
  • 1.0 (2023-07-09): Initial release, no assembler yet