OTT (DASH/HLS) automatic subtitles translator/transcriber. Suitable to VoD and Live OTT streams.
It is basically a manifest manipulator for HLS and DASH. It adds subtitle(s) track(s) to the origin manifest according to the URL parameters (see instructions below). It allows very easy intergation: no changes to the origin stream are needed, work is done on-the-fly. Original Video/Audio/Text tracks are directed to the origin server. Only added text tracks are served from easy-ott-subtitles server.
Currently using Google Cloud Translation and Speech-to-Text APIs.
- Create virtual enviroment
$ virtualenv -p python3 venv
$ source venv/bin/activate
- Install python dependencies
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
- Install FFmpeg (used for transcribe only)
$ sudo apt-get install ffmpeg
- Configure Google Cloud service account key
- Generate service account key json file.
- Copy the file to folder 'google_key'
- Configure project id and service account key file path in ini file under GOOGLE_API:
PROJECT_ID = <project_id>
SERVICE_ACCOUNT_FILE = google_key/<service_account_key_file_path>
- Default port number is 8500. This can be changed in ini file under HTTP_SERVER:
- Start the server
$ python easy-ott-subtitles -c eos.ini
- To consturct a playout URL, use this formula:
Use a sample HLS test stream in English:
This stream does not contain any subtitles which we can translate, so we nee to transcribe it.
Encoded stream URL to Base64: aHR0cDovL2Ftc3NhbXBsZXMuc3RyZWFtaW5nLm1lZGlhc2VydmljZXMud2luZG93cy5uZXQvOTE0OTI3MzUtYzUyMy00MzJiLWJhMDEtZmFiYTZjMjIwNmEyL0F6dXJlTWVkaWFTZXJ2aWNlc1Byb21vLmlzbS9tYW5pZmVzdChmb3JtYXQ9bTN1OC1hYXBsKQ==
Construct playout URL with English and German subtitles:,de-DE&default=en-US
You need to wait a bit (~30 seconds) before start playing, to let the transcribe service to get ahead with the Speech-to-Text process.
Use a sample HLS test stream with English subtitles:
Encoded stream URL to Base64: aHR0cDovL3NhbXBsZS52b2RvYm94LmNvbS9wbGFuZXRlX2ludGVyZGl0ZS9wbGFuZXRlX2ludGVyZGl0ZV9hbHRlcm5hdGUubTN1OA==
Construct playout URL with German Subtitles:
This package is using python HTTP server. To make it suitable for production and enable HTTPS + caching for subtitle fragments, you can use Nginx with reverese proxy as the outbound HTTPS server, and enable content caching.