A command set to interact with Jira Cloud right from your Slack workspace using Nimbella Commander.
We need the following secrets to run this command set:
- The API Key of Jira which can be obtained from here. -
- The email of the user who created the API key. -
- The organisation URL. Ex:https://nimbella.atlassian.net
Assuming that you've Nimbella Commander installed, you can run the below command to install this command set.
/nc csm_install jira
Display help for Jira command set.
/nc jira
Assign an issue to a user
/nc jira_assign_issue <issueId> <userName>
The userName
can be first name of the user or full name.
Create an issue.
/nc jira_create_issue -type <issueType> -title <issueTitle> -desc <issueDescription> -project <jiraProjectKey>
You can avoid -project
by creating jiraDefaultProject
secret with the value being your project key.
/nc jira_create_issue -type story -title "Create Jira Command Set" -desc "Slack slash commands to interact with jira."
Transition an issue.
/nc jira_transition <issueId> <columnName>
/nc jira_transition JN-5 done