This is a joint project of Eva, Kanil, Pascal, Anna Lena and Nico for the Game AI course in SS 2016
Connect Four - it's a game!
written with Kivy (Open source Python library for rapid development of applications)
========= Task 1.3
The was modified by changing the size of the grid as well as the way how to check weather a move was a winning move. For this, we combine all the allowed formations of the grid(grid itself, rotated grid, all diagonals with at least 4 cells) and string find() with the current player vector(" 1 1 1 1" or "2 2 2 2").
The files used for this task: - This starts the kivyapp. - The mechanics for the game like making a random move or checking wether a move was a winning move. - The Visualization for the Buttons, slider, popup windows etc. This calls the mechanics of connect four. connectfour.kv - Creates the widget tree and binds widget properties
========= UPDATE 15.06.2016
Task 2.3 now you play against an AI, implemented as a Minmax with score-Hashing and alpha beta pruning added files
you my need to install pickle.
========= For testing:
install kivy for your OS
add the dependencies:
For OSX users:
kivy -m pip install numpy
for linux/windows install dependencies via pip
pip install numpy
cd into /connectfour
to run on OSX
on linux/windows
To build with buildozer
install buildozer with
pip install buildozer
and cd to folder one before connectfour and run
buildozer osx release
some tips for building on OSX:
- use provided buildozer.spec
- if builddir error: change in buildozer from builddir to build_dir (pullrequest is merged)
- if venv error try downgrading to python 2.7.9
- TicTacToe for Kivy
- Wikipedia: ConnectFour
- ConnectFourAI
- Lecture of Prof. Dr. Christian Bauckhage at B-IT Bonn: Game AI course