Assert that the source code of a project satisfies certain rules.
Nobody follows rules that are not checked.
If they are only checked periodically / manually by an "architect", it's often too late because there are already too many violations.
A better way is to define coding rules in JUnit tests.
This way, they are asserted automatically and regularly.
Violations of rules break the build and therefore, one is forced to either
adjust the code to comply with the rules or to adapt the rules in a reasonable way.
code-assert supports rules on the package structure and the test coverage. It also integrates several static code analysis tools.
This is based on code from JDepend. It checks if the package structure contains cycles and/or follows the defined rules.
public class DependencyTest {
// Analyze all sources in src/main/java
private final AnalyzerConfig config = AnalyzerConfig.maven().main();
public void noCycles() {
assertThat(new DependencyAnalyzer(config).analyze(), hasNoCycles());
public void dependency() {
// Defines the dependency rules for package org.proj
class OrgProj extends DependencyRuler {
// Rules for org.proj.dep, org.proj.model, org.proj.util
DependencyRule dep, model, util;
public void defineRules() {
base().mayUse(util, dep.allSubOf()); //org.proj may use org.proj.util and all subpackages of org.proj.dep
dep.andAllSub().mustUse(model); //org.proj.dep and all subpackages thereof must use org.proj.model
model.mayUse(util).mustNotUse(base()); //org.proj.model may use org.proj.util but not org.proj
// All dependencies are forbidden, except the ones defined in OrgProj
// java, org, net packages may be used freely
DependencyRules rules = DependencyRules.denyAll()
.withRelativeRules(new OrgProj())
.withExternals("java.*", "org.*", "net.*");
DependencyResult result = new DependencyAnalyzer(config).rules(rules).analyze();
assertThat(result, matchesRulesExactly());
To verify the test coverage of a project, JaCoCo can be used. The following steps are needed:
- Add this to the
section ofpom.xml
sets up the surefire plugin to run the tests with the JaCoCo agent which collects coverage data.assert
generates a coverage report and runs a coverage test (default issrc/test/java/
, configurable through thetestClass
property).- Write a code coverage test:
public class CodeCoverage {
public void coverage() {
// Coverage of branches must be at least 70%, lines 80% and methods 90%
// This is checked globally and for all packages except for entities.
JacocoAnalyzer analyzer = new JacocoAnalyzer(new CoverageCollector(BRANCH, LINE, METHOD)
.just(, 80, 90))
.just(For.allPackages().setMinima(70, 80, 90))
assertThat(analyzer.analyze(), hasEnoughCoverage());
Runs FindBugs on the code and finds questionable constructs.
public class FindBugsTest {
public void findBugs() {
// Analyze all sources in src/main/java
AnalyzerConfig config = AnalyzerConfig.maven().main();
// Only treat bugs with rank < 17 and with NORMAL_PRIORITY or higher
// Ignore the given bug types in the given classes / methods.
BugCollector collector = new BugCollector().maxRank(17).minPriority(Priorities.NORMAL_PRIORITY)
.because("It's checked and OK like this",
In.classes(DependencyRules.class, PmdRuleset.class).ignore("DP_DO_INSIDE_DO_PRIVILEGED"),
In.classes("*Test", "Rulesets")
FindBugsResult result = new FindBugsAnalyzer(config, collector).analyze();
assertThat(result, hasNoBugs());
Runs checkstyle on the code and finds questionable constructs.
public class CheckstyleTest {
public void checkstyle() {
// Analyze all sources in src/main/java
AnalyzerConfig config = AnalyzerConfig.maven().main();
// Only treat issues with severity WARNING or higher
StyleEventCollector collector = new StyleEventCollector().severity(SeverityLevel.WARNING)
.just(In.everywhere().ignore("import.avoidStar", "javadoc.missing"))
.because("in tests, long lines are ok", In.classes("*Test").ignore("maxLineLen"));
//use google checks, but adjust max line length
final StyleChecks checks =;
CheckstyleResult result = new CheckstyleAnalyzer(config, checks, collector).analyze();
assertThat(result, hasNoCheckstyleIssues());
Runs PMD on the code and finds questionable constructs and code duplications.
public class PmdTest {
// Analyze all sources in src/main/java
private final AnalyzerConfig config = AnalyzerConfig.maven().main();
public void pmd() {
// Only treat violations with MEDIUM priority or higher
// Ignore the given violations in the given classes / methods
PmdViolationCollector collector = new PmdViolationCollector().minPriority(RulePriority.MEDIUM)
.because("It's not severe and occurs very often",
In.locs("JavaClassBuilder#from", "FindBugsMatchers").ignore("AvoidInstantiatingObjectsInLoops"))
.because("it'a an enum",
// Define and configure the rule sets to be used
PmdAnalyzer analyzer = new PmdAnalyzer(config, collector).withRulesets(
basic(), braces(), design(), empty(), optimizations(),
assertThat(analyzer.analyze(), hasNoPmdViolations());
public void cpd() {
// Ignore duplications in the given classes
CpdMatchCollector collector = new CpdMatchCollector()
In.everywhere().ignore("public boolean equals(Object o) {"))
In.classes(DependencyRule.class, Dependencies.class).ignoreAll(),
// Only treat duplications with at least 20 tokens
CpdAnalyzer analyzer = new CpdAnalyzer(config, 20, collector);
assertThat(analyzer.analyze(), hasNoCodeDuplications());
Runs ktlint, a kotlin linter.
public class KtlintTest {
public void analyze() {
// Analyze all sources in src/main/kotlin
AnalyzerConfig config = AnalyzerConfig.maven(KOTLIN).main();
KtlintCollector collector = new KtlintCollector()
KtlintResult result = new KtlintAnalyzer(config, collector).analyze();
assertThat(result, hasNoKtlintIssues());
Runs detekt, a static code analysis tool for kotlin.
public class DetektTest {
public void analyze() {
// Analyze all sources in src/main/kotlin
AnalyzerConfig config = AnalyzerConfig.maven(KOTLIN).main();
DetektCollector collector = new DetektCollector()
DetektResult result = new DetektAnalyzer(config, collector).analyze();
assertThat(result, hasNoDetektIssues());
Collector configurations can be defined separately and thus reused. Some configurations are defined in PredefConfig.
private final CollectorTemplate<Ignore> pmdTestCollector = CollectorTemplate.forA(PmdViolationCollector.class)
.because("It's a test", In.classes("*Test")
.ignore("JUnitSpelling", "AvoidDuplicateLiterals", "SignatureDeclareThrowsException"))
.because("It's compiler generated code", In.languages(KOTLIN)
public void pmd() {
PmdViolationCollector collector = new PmdViolationCollector().minPriority(RulePriority.MEDIUM)
.because("It's not severe and occurs often", In.everywhere().ignore("MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal"));
PmdAnalyzer analyzer = new PmdAnalyzer(config, collector).withRulesets(rules);
assertThat(analyzer.analyze(), hasNoPmdViolations());
A test can inherit from CodeAssertTest
. It should override one or more analyzeXXX
If it does so, these standard checks will be executed:
- dependency rules
- circular dependencies
- PMD - unused actions
- CPD - unused actions
- FindBugs
- FindBugs - unused actions
- Checkstyle
- Checkstyle - unused actions
//extend CodeAssertTest if you still use JUnit 4
public class CodeTest extends CodeAssertJunit5Test {
private static final AnalyzerConfig CONFIG = AnalyzerConfig.maven().main();
protected DependencyResult analyzeDependencies() {
class MyProject extends DependencyRuler {
DependencyRule packages;
public void defineRules() {
final DependencyRules rules = denyAll().withExternals("java.*").withRelativeRules(new MyProject());
return new DependencyAnalyzer(CONFIG).rules(rules).analyze();
protected FindBugsResult analyzeFindBugs() {
final BugCollector bugCollector = new BugCollector().just(
return new FindBugsAnalyzer(CONFIG, bugCollector).analyze();
protected CheckstyleResult analyzeCheckstyle() {
final StyleEventCollector bugCollector = new StyleEventCollector().just(
return new CheckstyleAnalyzer(CONFIG,, bugCollector).analyze();
protected PmdResult analyzePmd() {
final PmdViolationCollector collector = new PmdViolationCollector().just(
return new PmdAnalyzer(CONFIG, collector).withRulesets(basic(), braces()).analyze();