- Normalize images to all be dispay: block
- Editor styles compile task now handles PostCSS usage (i.e. range media queries) -> This requires global install of PostCSS Preset Env
- Removed various
link styling. Things may get weird.
- Removed various
- Variables for logo and page header size
- Absolute positioning for logo and nav
- Custom block colours
- Added sample code for adding block style options + removing included styles
- Removed shortcodes include -- who needs them anymore?
- Removed AiO Migration settings stuff. Plugin no good, not using.
- VS Code tasks update (for running Dart Sass CLI)
- Link to BEMIT info in tips
- Add clearfix class -- it went missing who knows when
- Colour utilities, because that might be a good idea. Maybe.
- Better dropdown transition
- Flexbox powered lists just not working out, back to text-indent
- Added changelog (removed from readme)
- Webpack setup streamlined (no most postcss config file)
- More / better utilities classes
- Media query ranges parsing
- fix list item flex bug (child elements went funky)
- various tweaks (HTML comments, screenshot, misc)
- switch to Dart Sass
- change media queries to range syntax (CSS4)
- remove media query mixin
- improve default modal navigation icons / styles
- remove site title (h1) tags on various pages
- move navigation (main, tertiary, modal) into main header wrapper
- support for latest way to style Gutenberg editor area
- comments clean up
- disable BrowserSync notify pop-up
- tweak default styles for headroom.js
- remove bg on GDT icons
- Gutenberg editor width fix
- Add support for excluding key folders / files with All in One Migration
- add headroom.js setup (commented out)
- minor tweaks
- package updates
- remove footer menu location
- widgetize footer area
- Major GDT branding update, courtesy of MAW
- A few other tweaks/fixes
- Bug fixes + tweaks
- WP comments style and code updates
- improve object/component documentation
- remove < IE11 warning, honestly who is using IE9/10!?
- Font property added to body + headings
- Minor branding revamping
- Bug fixes + tweaks
- Fluid sizing mixin (now using to replace fluid type mixin for base font sizes)
- HTTPS support for BrowerSync (assuming you set up local SSL properly)
- GDT is 1.0.
- guten time...
- multiple webpack entry points
- root fluid responsive typography for small screens
- fluid typography mixin
- major class renaming (c- for components)
- utility building
- grid mixin stuff
- renaming classes
- objectify stuff
- sass reignition (file and folder re-org)
- tweak stuff
- webpack setup
- initial commit