This module handles the following tasks:
- Read the output result from SRL Extraction step.
- Extract vehicle type, color, action label for training tracks
- Produce vehicle boxes used for Classifier module.
|- this-repo
|- data
|- external
|- extraction
|- heuristic
|- localize (not working yet)
|- textual
|- scripts
|- srl
|- ...
Extract train and test's queries into separated parts following the English PropBank Semantic Role Labeling rules.
$ python scripts/srl/ <input_data_path> <output_metadata_srl_path>
Make a output folder named srl
in the same directory of the input data path. Include 'action', 'color' and 'vehicle' folders.
$ python scripts/srl/ <srl_dir> <srl_dir>/action
$ python scripts/srl/ <data_inp_path> <srl_dir> <data_inp_path>/extracted_frames <srl_dir>/color
$ python scripts/srl/ <data_inp_path> <srl_dir> <data_inp_path>/extracted_frames <srl_dir>/veh