All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
- 🎸 get rid of reflect-metadata (d7056b5)
- 🎸 add default value for rewriteValueOnChange (1a66282)
- 🎸 add more examples (dc00a74)
- 🎸 add usage examples to the demo application (42614bd)
- 🎸 implement control value transformer directive (6a56ceb)
- 🎸 implement control value transformer metadata decorator (0e8a63a)
- 🎸 implement registration service for transformers (7ffc455)
- 🎸 remove current source value (8662b55)
- 🎸 source values could be null (6e3a2ea)
- 🎸 support receiving transformer instance or name (fef0d54)
- 🎸 support registration of new transformers via module (1157d71)