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I haven't seen a post, and I wondering if anyone else is having an issue with bcftools at the ivar stage. I am receiving this error today. I am able to run version 2.4.1 on the same files without the error and I am wondering if this is a bcftools image issue or possibly something else.
I previously tried removing the sample that errored, but on rerunning the error pops up again on a different sample, repeatedly.
Command used and terminal output
$nextflow run nf-core/viralrecon --input Clemson3.sample.sheet.csv --outdir . --platform illumina -r 2.5 -c custom.pangolin.config --protocol amplicon --genome 'MN908947.3' --primer_set artic --primer_set_version 4.1 --skip_assembly --min_mapped_reads 15000 -profile singularity...[Normal looking running]...[0b/6d799a] process > NFCORE_VIRALRECON:ILLUMINA:PREPARE_GENOME:GUNZIP_GFF (GCA_009858895.3_ASM985889v3_genomic.200409.gff.gz) [100%] 1 of 1 ✔[33/e5415a] process > NFCORE_VIRALRECON:ILLUMINA:PREPARE_GENOME:CUSTOM_GETCHROMSIZES (SARS-CoV-2.reference.fasta) [100%] 1 of 1 ✔[4e/129cec] process > NFCORE_VIRALRECON:ILLUMINA:PREPARE_GENOME:UNTAR_KRAKEN2_DB (kraken2_human.tar.gz) [100%] 1 of 1 ✔[36/b391a9] process > NFCORE_VIRALRECON:ILLUMINA:PREPARE_GENOME:COLLAPSE_PRIMERS (SARS-CoV-2.scheme.bed) [100%] 1 of 1 ✔[57/d7d179] process > NFCORE_VIRALRECON:ILLUMINA:PREPARE_GENOME:BOWTIE2_BUILD (SARS-CoV-2.reference.fasta) [100%] 1 of 1 ✔[6c/df7778] process > NFCORE_VIRALRECON:ILLUMINA:PREPARE_GENOME:UNTAR_NEXTCLADE_DB (nextclade_sars-cov-2_MN908947_2022-06-14T12_00_00Z.tar.gz) [100%] 1 of 1 ✔[5d/2d0dc2] process > NFCORE_VIRALRECON:ILLUMINA:PREPARE_GENOME:SNPEFF_BUILD (SARS-CoV-2.reference.fasta) [100%] 1 of 1 ✔[3c/38533c] process > NFCORE_VIRALRECON:ILLUMINA:INPUT_CHECK:SAMPLESHEET_CHECK (Clemson3.sample.sheet.csv) [100%] 1 of 1 ✔[- ] process > NFCORE_VIRALRECON:ILLUMINA:CAT_FASTQ -[2d/b3dbba] process > NFCORE_VIRALRECON:ILLUMINA:FASTQC_FASTP:FASTQC_RAW (Sample185) [100%] 185 of 185 ✔[39/486a78] process > NFCORE_VIRALRECON:ILLUMINA:FASTQC_FASTP:FASTP (Sample185) [100%] 185 of 185 ✔[0a/743425] process > NFCORE_VIRALRECON:ILLUMINA:FASTQC_FASTP:FASTQC_TRIM (Sample185) [100%] 185 of 185 ✔[- ] process > NFCORE_VIRALRECON:ILLUMINA:MULTIQC_TSV_FAIL_READS -[80/44fc3f] process > NFCORE_VIRALRECON:ILLUMINA:KRAKEN2_KRAKEN2 (Sample185) [100%] 185 of 185 ✔[e5/db6a1f] process > NFCORE_VIRALRECON:ILLUMINA:ALIGN_BOWTIE2:BOWTIE2_ALIGN (Sample185) [100%] 185 of 185 ✔[fe/4431bd] process > NFCORE_VIRALRECON:ILLUMINA:ALIGN_BOWTIE2:BAM_SORT_SAMTOOLS:SAMTOOLS_SORT (Sample185) [100%] 185 of 185 ✔[40/610d74] process > NFCORE_VIRALRECON:ILLUMINA:ALIGN_BOWTIE2:BAM_SORT_SAMTOOLS:SAMTOOLS_INDEX (Sample185) [100%] 185 of 185 ✔[d6/0ab86e] process > NFCORE_VIRALRECON:ILLUMINA:ALIGN_BOWTIE2:BAM_SORT_SAMTOOLS:BAM_STATS_SAMTOOLS:SAMTOOLS_STATS (sampleN) [100%] 185 of 185 ✔[ca/987f39] process > NFCORE_VIRALRECON:ILLUMINA:ALIGN_BOWTIE2:BAM_SORT_SAMTOOLS:BAM_STATS_SAMTOOLS:SAMTOOLS_FLAGSTAT (sampleX) [100%] 185 of 185 ✔[20/36d29a] process > NFCORE_VIRALRECON:ILLUMINA:ALIGN_BOWTIE2:BAM_SORT_SAMTOOLS:BAM_STATS_SAMTOOLS:SAMTOOLS_IDXSTATS (Sample185) [100%] 185 of 185 ✔[5c/ac4a63] process > NFCORE_VIRALRECON:ILLUMINA:MULTIQC_TSV_FAIL_MAPPED [100%] 1 of 1 ✔[c1/90e6d0] process > NFCORE_VIRALRECON:ILLUMINA:PRIMER_TRIM_IVAR:IVAR_TRIM (sampleX) [100%] 184 of 184 ✔[ef/7bd9b7] process > NFCORE_VIRALRECON:ILLUMINA:PRIMER_TRIM_IVAR:BAM_SORT_SAMTOOLS:SAMTOOLS_SORT (sampleX) [100%] 184 of 184 ✔[8f/dcb9fb] process > NFCORE_VIRALRECON:ILLUMINA:PRIMER_TRIM_IVAR:BAM_SORT_SAMTOOLS:SAMTOOLS_INDEX (sampleX) [100%] 184 of 184 ✔[ec/584b40] process > NFCORE_VIRALRECON:ILLUMINA:PRIMER_TRIM_IVAR:BAM_SORT_SAMTOOLS:BAM_STATS_SAMTOOLS:SAMTOOLS_STATS (sampleN) [100%] 184 of 184 ✔[de/fd7385] process > NFCORE_VIRALRECON:ILLUMINA:PRIMER_TRIM_IVAR:BAM_SORT_SAMTOOLS:BAM_STATS_SAMTOOLS:SAMTOOLS_FLAGSTAT (sampleX) [100%] 184 of 184 ✔[31/6d3265] process > NFCORE_VIRALRECON:ILLUMINA:PRIMER_TRIM_IVAR:BAM_SORT_SAMTOOLS:BAM_STATS_SAMTOOLS:SAMTOOLS_IDXSTATS (sampleX) [100%] 184 of 184 ✔[00/457ed8] process > NFCORE_VIRALRECON:ILLUMINA:PICARD_COLLECTMULTIPLEMETRICS (sampleN) [ 98%] 182 of 184[f6/feeca4] process > NFCORE_VIRALRECON:ILLUMINA:MOSDEPTH_GENOME (sampleN) [ 98%] 182 of 184[- ] process > NFCORE_VIRALRECON:ILLUMINA:PLOT_MOSDEPTH_REGIONS_GENOME -[f9/f1d828] process > NFCORE_VIRALRECON:ILLUMINA:MOSDEPTH_AMPLICON (sampleN) [ 98%] 182 of 184[- ] process > NFCORE_VIRALRECON:ILLUMINA:PLOT_MOSDEPTH_REGIONS_AMPLICON -[d0/1544fe] process > NFCORE_VIRALRECON:ILLUMINA:VARIANTS_IVAR:IVAR_VARIANTS (sampleN) [ 98%] 182 of 184[3d/24caa4] process > NFCORE_VIRALRECON:ILLUMINA:VARIANTS_IVAR:IVAR_VARIANTS_TO_VCF (sampleZ) [100%] 180 of 180[7f/69fa49] process > NFCORE_VIRALRECON:ILLUMINA:VARIANTS_IVAR:BCFTOOLS_SORT (sampleG) [ 1%] 3 of 180, failed: 3[- ] process > NFCORE_VIRALRECON:ILLUMINA:VARIANTS_IVAR:VCF_TABIX_STATS:TABIX_TABIX -[- ] process > NFCORE_VIRALRECON:ILLUMINA:VARIANTS_IVAR:VCF_TABIX_STATS:BCFTOOLS_STATS -[- ] process > NFCORE_VIRALRECON:ILLUMINA:VARIANTS_IVAR:VARIANTS_QC:SNPEFF_SNPSIFT:SNPEFF_ANN -[- ] process > NFCORE_VIRALRECON:ILLUMINA:VARIANTS_IVAR:VARIANTS_QC:SNPEFF_SNPSIFT:VCF_BGZIP_TABIX_STATS:TABIX_BGZIP -[- ] process > NFCORE_VIRALRECON:ILLUMINA:VARIANTS_IVAR:VARIANTS_QC:SNPEFF_SNPSIFT:VCF_BGZIP_TABIX_STATS:VCF_TABIX_STATS:TABIX_TABIX -[- ] process > NFCORE_VIRALRECON:ILLUMINA:VARIANTS_IVAR:VARIANTS_QC:SNPEFF_SNPSIFT:VCF_BGZIP_TABIX_STATS:VCF_TABIX_STATS:BCFTOOLS_STATS -[- ] process > NFCORE_VIRALRECON:ILLUMINA:VARIANTS_IVAR:VARIANTS_QC:SNPEFF_SNPSIFT:SNPSIFT_EXTRACTFIELDS -[- ] process > NFCORE_VIRALRECON:ILLUMINA:VARIANTS_IVAR:VARIANTS_QC:ASCIIGENOME -[- ] process > NFCORE_VIRALRECON:ILLUMINA:CONSENSUS_BCFTOOLS:BCFTOOLS_FILTER -[- ] process > NFCORE_VIRALRECON:ILLUMINA:CONSENSUS_BCFTOOLS:TABIX_TABIX -[- ] process > NFCORE_VIRALRECON:ILLUMINA:CONSENSUS_BCFTOOLS:MAKE_BED_MASK -[- ] process > NFCORE_VIRALRECON:ILLUMINA:CONSENSUS_BCFTOOLS:BEDTOOLS_MERGE -[- ] process > NFCORE_VIRALRECON:ILLUMINA:CONSENSUS_BCFTOOLS:BEDTOOLS_MASKFASTA -[- ] process > NFCORE_VIRALRECON:ILLUMINA:CONSENSUS_BCFTOOLS:BCFTOOLS_CONSENSUS -[- ] process > NFCORE_VIRALRECON:ILLUMINA:CONSENSUS_BCFTOOLS:RENAME_FASTA_HEADER -[- ] process > NFCORE_VIRALRECON:ILLUMINA:CONSENSUS_BCFTOOLS:CONSENSUS_QC:QUAST -[- ] process > NFCORE_VIRALRECON:ILLUMINA:CONSENSUS_BCFTOOLS:CONSENSUS_QC:PANGOLIN -[- ] process > NFCORE_VIRALRECON:ILLUMINA:CONSENSUS_BCFTOOLS:CONSENSUS_QC:NEXTCLADE_RUN -[- ] process > NFCORE_VIRALRECON:ILLUMINA:CONSENSUS_BCFTOOLS:CONSENSUS_QC:PLOT_BASE_DENSITY -[- ] process > NFCORE_VIRALRECON:ILLUMINA:MULTIQC_TSV_NEXTCLADE -[- ] process > NFCORE_VIRALRECON:ILLUMINA:VARIANTS_LONG_TABLE:BCFTOOLS_QUERY -[- ] process > NFCORE_VIRALRECON:ILLUMINA:VARIANTS_LONG_TABLE:MAKE_VARIANTS_LONG_TABLE -[- ] process > NFCORE_VIRALRECON:ILLUMINA:CUSTOM_DUMPSOFTWAREVERSIONS -[- ] process > NFCORE_VIRALRECON:ILLUMINA:MULTIQC --[nf-core/viralrecon] 184/185 samples passed Bowtie2 15000 mapped read threshold: 4895927: sample2 4869847: sample3 1397118: sample4 9120220: sample5 5883515: sample6 3218522: sample7 ..see pipeline reports for full list--[nf-core/viralrecon] 1 samples skipped since they failed Bowtie2 15000 mapped read threshold: 154: sampl154-[nf-core/viralrecon] Pipeline completed with errors-Error executing process > 'NFCORE_VIRALRECON:ILLUMINA:VARIANTS_IVAR:BCFTOOLS_SORT (sample1)'Caused by: Process `NFCORE_VIRALRECON:ILLUMINA:VARIANTS_IVAR:BCFTOOLS_SORT (sample1)` terminated with an error exit status (255)Command executed: bcftools \ sort \ --output sample1.vcf.gz \ \ sample1.vcf cat <<-END_VERSIONS > versions.yml "NFCORE_VIRALRECON:ILLUMINA:VARIANTS_IVAR:BCFTOOLS_SORT": bcftools: $(bcftools --version 2>&1 | head -n1 | sed 's/^.*bcftools //; s/ .*$//') END_VERSIONSCommand exit status: 255Command output: (empty)Command error: mkdtemp(/local_scratch/pbs.87345.pbs02/bcftools.UkuBYp) failed: No such file or directoryWork dir: /2.5/work/98/892b340f809e7e690618ff769fe75aTip: when you have fixed the problem you can continue the execution adding the option `-resume` to the run command line
Thank you @drpatelh, with that change the version 2.5 completed! I guess the picking of the default tmp directory for 2.5 must be different from 2.4.1 since that one never errored for me.
This may be a stupid question. if I want to combine my custom config file for the '--temp-dir' AND the updated Pangolin db, can I just list them one right after the other in the same config file? Or is there anything special I need to do? I.E.,
process {
ext.args = '--temp-dir ./'
process {
withName: PANGOLIN {
container = ''
Description of the bug
I haven't seen a post, and I wondering if anyone else is having an issue with bcftools at the ivar stage. I am receiving this error today. I am able to run version 2.4.1 on the same files without the error and I am wondering if this is a bcftools image issue or possibly something else.
I previously tried removing the sample that errored, but on rerunning the error pops up again on a different sample, repeatedly.
Command used and terminal output
Relevant files
$ cat custom.pangolin.config
process {
withName: PANGOLIN {
container = ''
System information
Nextflow version: 22.04.5
Hardware: HPC
Executor: PBS
Container engine: Singularity
OS : Rocky Linux 8.6
Version of nf-core/viralrecon: 2.5
The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered: