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vers: a mostly universal version range specifier

This specification is an attempt to standardize on a subset of existing notations to reliably communicate software package version ranges as used in package dependencies and vulnerabilities advisories.


Software package version ranges and version constraints are essential:

  • When resolving the dependencies of a package to express which subset of the versions are supported. For instance a dependency or requirement statement such as "I require package foo, version 2.0 and later versions" defines a range of acceptable foo versions.
  • When stating that a known vulnerability or bug affects a range of package versions. For instance a security advisory such as "vulnerability 123 affects package bar, version 3.1 and version 4.2 but not version 5" defines a range of vulnerable "bar" package versions.

Version ranges can be replaced by a list enumerating all the versions of interest. But in practice, all the versions may not yet exist when defining an open version range such as "v2.0 or later".

Therefore, a version range is a necessary, compact and practical way to reference multiple versions rather that listing all the versions.


Several version range syntaxes exist and have evolved separately to serve the specific needs of each package ecosystem, vulnerability databases and tools.

There is no (mostly) universal syntax for version ranges and there is no universal way to compare two versions, even though the concepts that exist in most version range notations are similar.

Each package type or ecosystem may define their own range syntax and version comparison semantics for dependencies. And for security advisories, the lack of portable notation for vulnerable package version ranges means that these ranges may be either ambiguous or hard to compute and are typically replaced by complete enumerations of all versions, such as the NVD CPEs.

Because of this, expressing and resolving a version range is often a complex, or error prone task.

In particular the need for common syntax for version has emerged based on the usage of Package URLs referencing vulnerable package version ranges such as in vulnerability databases like VulnerableCode.

To better understand the problem, here are some of the notations and conventions in use:

Note that there is a closely related problem: the way two versions are compared as equal, lesser or greater is complex and package types may have evolved their own peculiar version comparison procedure. Semver is a prominent specification in this domain but this is just one of the many versioning schemes. Semver, Debian, RPM, PyPI, Rubygems, and Composer all have their own subtly different ways of comparing two versions even though they may seem highly similar at first glance.


A solution to the many version ranges syntaxes is to design a new syntax to unify them all with:

  • a mostly universal and minimalist syntax to express the version range notations from many different package types and ecosystems.
  • the package type-specific definitions to normalize existing range expressions to this common syntax.
  • the designation of which algorithm or procedure to use when comparing two versions such that it is possible to resolve if a version is within or outside of a version range.

We call this solution "version range specifier" or "vers" and it is described here.

Version range specifier

A version range specifier (aka. "vers") is a URI string using the vers URI-scheme with this syntax:


For example to define a set of versions that contains either version 1.2.3, or any versions greater than or equal to 2.0.0 but less than 5.0.0 using the semver versioning scheme, the version range specifier will be:


Each <version-constraint> in the comma-separated list is either a simple constraint such as:


Or a composite constraint grouping multiple <version-constraint> joined by an ampersand such as:


The comma is a logical OR and the ampersand is a logical AND.

A version range specifier is therefore an "OR of ANDs". This is also called a "disjunctive normal form" in boolean logic. See for details.

vers is the URI-scheme and is an acronym for "VErsion Range Specifier". It has been selected because it is short, obviously about version and available in the IANA URI-schemes registry for a future formal registration for this URI- scheme.


The <versioning-scheme> (such as semver, debian, etc.) determines:

  • the specific syntax and conventions used for a version string encoded in this scheme. Versioning schemes often specify a version segments separator and the meaning of each version segments, such as [major.minor.patch] in semver.
  • how two versions compare as greater or lesser to determine if a version is within or outside a range.
  • how a versioning scheme-specific range syntax can be transformed in the vers syntax defined here.

Note: the <versioning-scheme> does not define which symbols to use to compare versions, and how to compose these as this is the substance of this specification.

The <versioning-scheme> is followed by a slash "/".

Then there are one or more <version-constraint> separated by a comma "," meaning that any of these constraints must be satisfied for a version to be resolved as within this range specifier.


Each <version-constraint> of this comma-separated list can be either a single constraint or a list of constraints separated by an ampersand "&" as in 1.2.3,>=2.0.0&<5.0.0.

Multiple <version-constraint> combined with an ampersand means that all these constraints must be satisfied for a version to be resolved as within this range.

Each simple version constraint has this syntax:


The <comparator> is one of these comparison operators:

  • "=": Version equality comparator. It is the default and implied if not present and means that a version must be equal to the provided version. For example: "=1.2.3". It must be omitted in the canonical representation. Equality is based on the equality of two lower-cased and normalized version strings and is not versioning scheme-specific.
  • "!=": Version exclusion or inequality comparator. This means a version must not be equal to the provided version and is excluded from the range. For example: "!=1.2.3".
  • "<", "<=": Less than or less-or-equal version comparators points to all versions less than or equal to the provided version. For example "<=1.2.3" means less than or equal to "1.2.3". The way two version strings are compared using these comparators is implied by the versioning scheme.
  • "<", "<=": Greater than or greater-or-equal version comparators points to all versions greater than or equal to the provided version. For example ">=1.2.3" means greater than or equal to "1.2.3".
  • The way two version strings are compared using these comparators is defined by the <versioning-scheme>.
  • The syntax of a version such as "1.2.3" is defined by the <versioning-scheme>.
  • The special star "*" <version-constraint> matches any version. This star constraint must be used alone in a version range specifier. For example "vers:debian/*" would resolve to any version.

Normalized or canonical representation

  • A version range specifier contains only printable ASCII letters, digits and punctuation.
  • Spaces are not significant and are removed in the canonical form. For example "!=1.2.3" and " ! = 1.2. 3" are equivalent. And so are "1.2.3 & < = 2.0.0" and "1.2.3&<=2.0.0"
  • Version ranges specifiers are case-insensitive and lowercase in their canonical form.
  • The ordering of multiple <version-constraint> in a specifier is not significant. The canonical ordering is by sorting these by lexicographical order applied with this approach:
    • first to each sub-list of ampersand-separated <version-constraint>.
    • then to the list of comma-separated <version-constraint>.
  • A version in a <version-constraint> can only contain printable ASCII characters excluding the special characters used as separators and comparators ><=!,&*. If required (which should be rare in practice) the version in a constraint must be quoted using the URL quoting rules.

Using version range specifiers

vers primary usage is to test if a version is within or outside a range.

An input version is within a range specifier if it matches or satisfies any of the ranges in this spec. To match a range, an input version must match all the version constraints of a range. Otherwise, the input version is outside of the range specifier.

Some important usages derived from this primary usage include:

  • resolving a version range specifier to a list of concrete versions. In this case, the input is the set of known versions of a package (typically obtained from some package repository or registry). Each version is then tested individually to check if it is within or outside the ranges. For example, this can be used to determine which existing package versions are affected by a known vulnerability version range specifier.
  • selecting one of several versions that are within a range specifier. For example, package management tools need to determine what are the dependent package versions of a package instance. This usually requires deploying heuristics and algorithms (often complex such as sat solvers) that are versioning-scheme- and tool-specific and outside of the scope for this specification.

Parsing version range specifiers

To parse a version range specifier string:

  • Remove all spaces and tabs.

  • Start from left, and split once on colon ":".

  • The left hand side is the URI-scheme that must be lowercase. - Verify that the URI-scheme value is vers.

  • The right hand side is the specifier.

  • Split the specifier from left once on colon ":".

  • The left hand side is the <versioning-scheme> that must be lowercase.

  • The right hand side is the constraints.

  • If the constraint contains a star "*", validate that it is equal to "*". <version-constraint> is "*". Parsing is done and no further processing is needed for this vers.

  • Split the ranges on comma ",". The result is a list of <version-constraint> strings.

  • Remove any empty strings from the list of <version-constraint>.

  • For each <version-constraint> in this list:

    • Split on ampersand "&". The result is a sub-list of <version-constraint>.

    • Remove any empty strings from this sub-list.

    • For each <version-constraint> in this sub-list:

      • Split the <version-constraint> comparator and version starting from left based on the start of the <version-constraint>:

        • If it starts with "=", split it once on "=".
        • If it starts with "!=", split it once on "!=".
        • If it starts with "<=", split it once on "<=".
        • If it starts with ">=", split it once on ">=".
        • If it starts with "<", split it once on "<".
        • If it starts with ">", split it once on ">".
        • Otherwise if there is no split, the comparator is "=" (default) and the version is the <version-constraint> string.
      • After the split, the left hand side is the comparator, and the right hand is the version.

      • Validate that the version is not empty.

      • If the version contains a percent "%" character, apply URL quoting rules to unquote this string.

      • Yield the comparator and version for this constraint

    • Yield the accumulated list of (comparator and version) that must apply for this constraint

  • Finally return the <versioning-scheme> and the list of <version-constraint>

Notes and caveats

  • Comparing versions from two different versioning schemes is unspecified. Even though there may be some similarities between the semver version of an npm and the debian version of its Debian packaging, these similarities are specific to each versioning scheme. Tools may report an error in these cases.
  • Schemes are related to Package URL types (aka. ecosystems) in the sense that each Package URL type has one versioning scheme, but multiple types can reuse the same versioning scheme (such as semver).
  • Some package types may use the same versioning scheme such as semver to compare two versions, but may not use the same notation for version ranges.

Some of the known versioning schemes

TODO: add details on how to convert to and from vers for a given versioning scheme and package type.


Why not reuse existing version ranges syntaxes?

Most existing version ranges syntaxes are tied to a specific version syntax and are therefore not readily applicable to other contexts such as tilde and caret ranges as used in Ruby or Dart. The inclusion of additional comparators is a result of the history and evolution in a package ecosystem.

In practice, the unified and reduced set of comparators and syntax defined for vers has been designed such that all these notations can be converted to a vers and back from a vers to the original notation. There are likely to be a few rare cases where round tripping may not be possible, and in anycase round tripping to and from vers may only produce equivalent results and not strictly the same original strings.

Why not use the NVD CPE Ranges?

The NVD CPE Match String Range is a complex specification that goes well beyond version ranges and is used to match comprehensive configurations across multiple products and version ranges. The notation is to uses these fields in the CVE API or feeds under "configurations":

"versionStartIncluding": "7.3.0",
"versionEndExcluding": "7.3.31",

This notation is limited and is compatible can be expressed in vers but this does not provide a compact notation like vers does.

Why not use node-semver ranges?

The node semver is very similar to this spec (this is also an OR of ANDs) but it has a few practical issues:

  • The space means "AND" and significant whitespaces in a single string makes normalization more complicated and may be a source of confusion or errors. The explicit ampersand "AND" operator specified here improves clarity.
  • There is no negation "!=" operator meaning that some version constraints are difficult to express and require combining < and > comparators. For instance stating that a vulnerability affects babel 6.2 or later but not babel 7.0 is possible but difficult.
  • The advanced range syntax has grown to be rather complex using hyphen, stars, carets and tilde constructs all tied to the JavaScript and npm ways of handling versions in their specific ecosystem and furthermore bound to semver. These are not readily reusable elsewhere. And these multiple comparators and modifiers make the grammar and parsing more complex.

Why not use Python pep-0440 ranges?

The Python pep-0440 "Version Identification and Dependency Specification" provides a comprehensive specification for Python package versioning and a notation for "version specifiers" to express dependencies version constraints.

This specification is mostly compatible with and is similar to this vers spec, but has a richer notation with some aspects specific to the version used only in the Python ecosystem.

  • In particular pep-0440 uses tilde, triple equal and wildcard star operators that are specific to how two Python versions are compared.
  • The comma separator between constraints is a logical "AND" rather than an "OR". The "OR" does not exist in the syntax making some version ranges harder to express, in particular for vulnerabilities that may affect several exact versions or version ranges such as when there are multiple release branches that exist in parallel. For instance a statement such as: Django 1.2 or later, or Django 2.2 or later or Django 3.2 or later is difficult to express without an "OR" logic.

Why not use Rubygems requirements notation?

The rubygems specification suggests but does not enforce using semver. It is similar to this spec's operators with the addition of the "~>" aka. pessimistic operator or tilde-wakka which is similar to the "tilde" used in node-semver and implies semver versioning. This makes the notation impractical to reuse in places that do not use the same semver-like semantics.


Here are some of the discussions that led to the creation of this specification: