The purpose of this lab is to provide hands on experience building on top of the New Relic One platform. Following the instructions in this lab, you will be up and running quickly. First, let's make sure you understand a few key concepts that you'll be working with.
- Launcher: An entry point into the New Relic One platform that is loaded on the "Apps" page.
- Nerdlet: A visual component that renders inside the New Relic One platform at a well defined extension point. For example, a Launcher can invoke a Nerdlet (as you will see shortly). At their core, Nerdlets are React.js components.
- Nerdpack (aka Package): A collection of artifacts, e.g. Nerdlets, that are "packaged" up and published into the New Relic One platform.
- Visualization: This is another Nerdpack artifact that renders your data in a customized way. Unlike Nerdlets, you can add visualizations to dashboards. For now, you'll focus on Nerdlets, but you'll learn about visualizations in a later lab.
In Lab0, you will create a Launcher and then add a Nerdlet to it that will be invoked when the user clicks on the Launcher. After this lab you should understand:
- How to use the CLI to create a Launcher
- How to use the CLI to create a Nerdlet
- How to connect a Launcher to a Nerdlet
- How to create and locally develop an Nerdpack
Load the prerequisites and follow the setup instructions in Setup.
Reminder: Make sure that you're ready to go with your lab0
by ensuring you've run the following commands:
# from the nr1-workshop directory
cd lab0
nr1 nerdpack:uuid -gf
Launchers are a type of artifact within a Nerdpack that is selectable from the New Relic One "Apps" page, and serves as an entry to a Nerdlet.
- Use
to create a new Launcher
# assuming we're in nr1-workshop/lab0
nr1 create
✔ What kind of component do you want to create? › launcher
✔ Name your launcher. … lab0-launcher
ℹ Remember to replace "rootNerdletId" inside launchers/lab0-launcher/nr1.json
✔ launcher created successfully!
launcher lab0-launcher is available at "./launchers/lab0-launcher"
You'll notice that the CLI creates a ./launchers/lab0-launcher
directory: with a nr1.json configuration.
- Now that you have a Launcher, open the
. You'll see something like this.
"schemaType": "LAUNCHER",
"id": "lab0-launcher",
"description": "Describe me",
"displayName": "Lab0Launcher",
"rootNerdletId": "replace-me-with-nerdlet-id"
- Now, we're going to start our development server using the CLI.
npm install
nr1 nerdpack:serve
# Note: Once you start the local server, it will automatically listen for changes in the file system. To issue commands while the local server is running, simply open a new terminal and change to the lab0 directory.
- Navigate in Google Chrome to
and click on theLab0Launcher
Note: The icon might be a little different from the screenshot.
- Your browser should look something like the screenshot below showing a 404 error message. Why? Remember that a Launcher is the entry point on the "Apps" page to a specific Nerdlet. Currently, the Lab 0 Launcher is not connected to a Nerdlet, which causes an error to be displayed. Let's fix that by creating a Nerdlet and connecting it to the Lab 0 Launcher.
In the next steps we'll create a new Nerdlet and connect our Launcher to this Nerdlet.
A Nerdlet is one of the main artifacts that can be included within a Nerdpack. A Nerdlet consists of three files by default: index.js
, styles.scss
, and a nr1.json
A Nerdlet is where the bulk of the code in your Nerdpack will live.
- Use the CLI to create a Nerdlet.
# assuming we're in nr1-workshop/lab0
nr1 create
✔ What kind of component do you want to create? › nerdlet
✔ Name your nerdlet. … lab0-nerdlet
✔ nerdlet created successfully!
nerdlet lab0-nerdlet is available at "./nerdlets/lab0-nerdlet"
You'll notice that the CLI creates three files in the ./nerdlets/lab0-nerdlet
directory: index.js
, styles.scss
, and a nr1.json
- Open the project in your text editor or IDE (reminder: these instructions assume Visual Studio Code, but you are free to use the IDE of your choice. Here's a shout out to all the VI users!!)
# if you're not there already, navigate to the workshop directory
cd nr1-workshop/lab0
# open the current project directory in your IDE
code .
# voilà
- A Nerdlet is created and added to the
folder. Your code editor should look similar to the screenshot below:
- Within
open the Launcher'snr1.json
configuration file and add the correctrootNerdletId
- Replace the code within
with the JSON object below.
"schemaType": "LAUNCHER",
"id": "lab0-launcher",
"displayName": "Lab 0 Launcher",
"description": "",
"rootNerdletId": "lab0-nerdlet"
To draw the association precisely, open the file
and find the value of the attributenr1.uuid
. That uuid is the identifier of your package. -
Save the
and restart your local server withCTRL+C
andnr1 nerdpack:serve
. Then navigate back and click on theLab0Launcher
. Your browser window should look similar to below with thelab0-nerdlet
A Nerdpack is a deployable unit that contains one or more artifacts. A Nerdlet is the main artifact in a Nerdpack, but Nerdpacks can also include Launchers, overlays, hooks, and entities.
In steps 1-3 we were creating a lab0
Nerdpack. Yet, there is a quicker way to create a Nerdpack with a Launcher and Nerdlet already connected.
nr1 create
will do it for you!
From your root directory (or the directory you want your Nerdpacks located), run the following command in your terminal:
# The CLI will create a new folder to contain the artifacts within your Nerdpack
nr1 create
✔ What kind of component do you want to create? › nerdpack
✔ Name your nerdpack. … lab0-nerdpack
✔ Name your nerdlet. … lab0-nerdlet
✔ Name your launcher. … lab0-launcher
Installing dependencies...
npm notice created a lockfile as package-lock.json. You should commit this file.
added 8 packages from 3 contributors and audited 8 packages in 1.79s
found 0 vulnerabilities
✔ nerdpack created successfully!
nerdpack lab0-nerdpack is available at "./"
✔ nerdlet created successfully!
nerdlet lab0-nerdlet is available at "./nerdlets/lab0-nerdlet"
✔ launcher created successfully!
launcher lab0-launcher is available at "./launchers/lab0-launcher"
You'll notice that the CLI creates a /lab0-nerdpack
directory: including launchers
and nerdlets
folders, and all of the needed internal files.
If you go into the lab0-nerdpack
directory and run npm install && npm start
you will be able to run your package!
- How do you access your account data?