Runtime for Newfold WP modules and plugins
method inRuntime
class acceptscontainer
object as parameter and generates a PHP object which contains:siteUrl, siteTitle, adminUrl, homeUrl, capabilties, Woocommerce plugin active/inactive status, YithBooking plugins active/inactive status(yith-woocommerce-booking-extended / yith-woocommerce-booking-premium / yith-woocommerce-booking), JetpackBoost plugin active/inactive status, WordPress version, currentTheme.
Above PHP object is then converted into a JSON-encoded string and assigned
JS variable. -
JSON object can be imported in any React components innewfold-labs
modules as specified inUsage
section below. -
Structure of
JSON object consumed by React components is as below. -
Please note,
redundant values
are kept for backward compatibility and will be removed soon, as parttech-debt
"site": {
"url": "Your wordpress site url",
"title": "Your wordpress site name"
"adminUrl": "Your wordpress site wp-admin url",
"base_url": "Your wordpress site index.php url",
"homeUrl": "Your wordpress site url",
"capabilities": {
"canAccessAI": boolean,
"canAccessGlobalCTB": boolean,
"canAccessHelpCenter": boolean,
"hasEcomdash": boolean,
"hasYithExtended": boolean,
"isEcommerce": boolean,
"isJarvis": boolean
"sdk": {
"wpversion": "Current WordPress version",
"plugin": {
"url": "Brand plugin build url",
"version": "Brand plugin version",
"assets": "Brand plugin assets url",
"brand": "Current WordPress hosting brand name"
"ecommerce": {
"brand_settings": {
"brand": "Hosting brand value",
"name": "Hosting brand name",
"url": "Hosting brand page url",
"hireExpertsInfo": "Marketplace service purchase url",
"support": "Hosting brand support contact url",
"adminPage": "Plugin Dashboard Homepage url",
"setup": {
"payment": [
Payment options supported for eg: "Paypal", "Razorpay", "Stripe"
"shipping": [
Shipping options supporter for eg: "Shippo"
"defaultContact": {
"woocommerce_default_country": "Default country code",
"woocommerce_currency": "Default currency code"
"wondercartBuyNow": "Marketplace link to purchase WonderCart"
"nonces": {
"gateway_toggle": ""gateway_toggle_code"
"install_token": "NFD_INSTALLER_token"
"siteUrl": "Your wordpress site url",
"siteTitle": "Your wordpress site name",
"restUrl": "Your wordpress site /wp-json/",
"restNonce": "restNonce_value",
"isWoocommerceActive": boolean,
"isYithBookingActive": boolean,
"isJetpackBoostActive": boolean,
"wpVersion": "Current WordPress version",
"currentTheme": "Current Theme Name",
"context": {
"platform": "default",
"brand": {
"name": "Hosting brand name"
"plugin": {
"url": "Brand plugin build url",
"version": "Brand plugin version",
"assets": "Brand plugin assets url",
"brand": "Current WordPress hosting brand name"
"comingSoon": {
enable: {
success: boolean
isEnabled: boolean,
disabled: {
success: boolean
lastChanged: timeStamp when coming soon setting was updated last time
toggleAdminBarSiteStatus: null
- Runtime should provides,
- WordPress site meta data
- Site capabilties
- WooCommerce & YITH plugin active/inactive status
- Brand plugin information
- Ecommerce details like, Payment & Shipping third party softwares supported and Support contact information
- WordPress version
- Current WordPress Theme.
- Runtime module should support addition of custom values as per need.
Previously, this module's package was hosted at github and these instructions were required GH Packages Setup. Now the package is hosted at npmjs and this referenced setup is no longer relevant. Find the npmjs package at and install just as any other public package. Note the newfold
org namespace for npmjs and the newfold-labs
org namespace for github and satis.
npm install @newfold/wp-module-runtime
The PHP module can be installed only on the Brand plugin.
composer config repositories.newfold composer
composer require newfold/wp-module-runtime
In your React component you can import the runtime module as so,
import { NewfoldRuntime } from "@newfold/wp-module-runtime";
function Component(props) {
if (NewfoldRuntime.hasCapability("hasYithExtended")) {
While the default runtime has useful values, you can extend the runtime and add newer values under NewfoldRuntime.sdk
. This is done via use of WP filter.
An example usage
add_filter( 'newfold-runtime', array( $this, 'add_to_runtime' ) );
public function add_to_runtime( $sdk ) {
return array_merge( $sdk, array( 'my_field' => 'custom value' ) );
Now when you use NewfoldRuntime.sdk.my_field
, you'll see the value as 'custom value'
As the runtime can be extended via the newfold-runtime
filter, you can also configure the type definitions to make sure you safely access the extended values. Since sdk
is an TS interface, it can be easily extended in the following manner.
declare module "@newfold/wp-module-runtime" {
export interface DefaultSdk {
my_field: string;
Now when you use NewfoldRuntime.sdk
, your editor should give you the correct type hints.