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Notes on Swarm-Mode, Docker-Machine and RancherOS


A few useful snippets for me to remember with my Swarm setup.

  • for i in {01..10} ; do docker-machine ssh worker-$i "sleep 10 && sudo reboot"; done
  • for i in {01..05} ; do docker-machine ssh manager-$i "sleep 60 && sudo reboot"; done
  • watch -n 1 docker node ls ← Great for seeing what happens when rebooting all machines at once. Especially when your're rebooting the leader of all managers.
  • watch -n 1 docker service ls ← Same as above, but for services. Also: watch -n 1 docker service ps <service-name> for a more detailed view.
  • sudo system-docker ps --format "table {{.Names}}\t{{.Image}}\t{{.Command}}" ← This is about the --format switch, which is a bit more compact.
  • watch -n 1 'docker node ls --format "table {{.Hostname}}\t{{.Status}}\t{{.Availability}}\t{{.ManagerStatus}}"'


This seems to be a very smart and sufficiently stable OS for running with Docker-Machine. I used their latest ISO file as the boot2docker URL and it was able to be managed with docker-machine.

Brief notes regarding RancherOS setup

  • Latest ISO for KVM
  • I've add a NFS service to all nodes with this command: docker-machine ssh worker-10 "sudo ros s enable volume-nfs && sudo reboot". After rebooting the service is still enabled.