CloudTest could be configured to control any kind of shell based clusters.
Running cloudtest
inside this folder will trigger setup of Kind tool and execution
of the few tests against this cloud, tests are dummy ones and just print current cluster config
passed. Some of these tests are failed to show how results will look.
Sample configuration contains 2 executions, one is go test folder and one is simple script.
Configuration could be checked here: .cloudtest.yaml
During execution CloudTest will print execution statistics and information about cluster starting, etc.
INFO[0090] Statistics:
Elapsed total: 1m30s
Tests time: 1m30s
Tasks Completed: 0
Remaining: 6 (~)
Cluster: kind Tasks left: 6
kind-1: starting, uptime: 1m31s
Status Passed: 0
Status Failed: 0
Status Timeout: 0
Status Skipped: 0
After execution it will create ./results/junit.xml
file to integrate to CI systems.
Report file is extended with human readable comments and separated to suits based on executions defined.
<testsuite tests="8" failures="4" time="29.037307726" name="All tests">
<!--Suite was running for 29s-->
<testsuite tests="1" failures="0" time="0.003621976" name="Sample shell tests">
<!--Suite was running for 0s-->
<testsuite tests="1" failures="0" time="0.003621976" name="kind">
<!--Suite was running for 0s-->
<testcase classname="" name="Sample shell tests" time="0.003621976" cluster_instance="kind-1"></testcase>
<testsuite tests="7" failures="4" time="29.03368575" name="Sample go tests">
<!--Suite was running for 29s-->
<testsuite tests="7" failures="4" time="29.03368575" name="kind">
<!--Suite was running for 29s-->
<testcase classname="" name="TestTimeout" time="20.010373901" cluster_instance="kind-1">
<failure message="Test execution failed TestTimeout" type="ERROR">Execution attempt: 0 Output file: .results/kind-1/007-TestTimeout-run.log
Starting TestTimeout on kind-1
Command line go test . -test.timeout 20s -count 1 --run "^(TestTimeout)$\\z" --tags "" --test.v
env==[KUBECONFIG=/Users/user/Projects/NSM/cloudtest/examples/kind/.results/shell/kind-1/config ARTIFACTS_DIR=/Users/user/Projects/NSM/cloudtest/examples/kind/.results/kind-1/TestTimeout]

=== RUN TestTimeout
time="2021-02-16T11:56:35+07:00" level=info msg="test timeout for 10 seconds:/Users/user/Projects/NSM/cloudtest/examples/kind/.results/shell/kind-1/config"
TestTimeout: OnFail: running on fail script operations with KUBECONFIG=/Users/user/Projects/NSM/cloudtest/examples/kind/.results/shell/kind-1/config on cloud kind-1
Do cleanup on failure # In case of execution failure this script will cleanup after test</failure>
<testcase classname="" name="TestPass" time="1.655707858" cluster_instance="kind-1"></testcase>
<testcase classname="" name="TestFail" time="1.071847017" cluster_instance="kind-1">
<failure message="Test execution failed TestFail" type="ERROR">Execution attempt: 0 Output file: .results/kind-1/010-TestFail-run.log
Starting TestFail on kind-1
Command line go test . -test.timeout 20s -count 1 --run "^(TestFail)$\\z" --tags "" --test.v
env==[KUBECONFIG=/Users/user/Projects/NSM/cloudtest/examples/kind/.results/shell/kind-1/config ARTIFACTS_DIR=/Users/user/Projects/NSM/cloudtest/examples/kind/.results/kind-1/TestFail]

=== RUN TestFail
time="2021-02-16T11:56:57+07:00" level=info msg="Failed test: /Users/user/Projects/NSM/cloudtest/examples/kind/.results/shell/kind-1/config"
--- FAIL: TestFail (0.00s)
FAIL	0.168s
TestFail: OnFail: running on fail script operations with KUBECONFIG=/Users/user/Projects/NSM/cloudtest/examples/kind/.results/shell/kind-1/config on cloud kind-1
Do cleanup on failure # In case of execution failure this script will cleanup after test</failure>
<testsuite tests="2" failures="1" time="1.113919521" name="TestFailedSuite">
<testcase classname="" name="SetupSuite" time="0.001165" cluster_instance="kind-1">
<failure message="Test execution failed SetupSuite" type="ERROR">Execution attempt: 0 Output file: .results/kind-1/012-TestFailedSuite1-SetupSuite-run.log
=== RUN TestFailedSuite
time="2021-02-16T11:56:56+07:00" level=info msg="Failed suite: /Users/user/Projects/NSM/cloudtest/examples/kind/.results/shell/kind-1/config"
--- FAIL: TestFailedSuite (0.00s)</failure>
<testcase classname="" name="TestPass" time="0" cluster_instance="kind-1">
<skipped message="Suite setup failed"></skipped>
<testcase classname="" name="TestFail" time="0" cluster_instance="kind-1">
<skipped message="Suite setup failed"></skipped>
<testsuite tests="2" failures="1" time="5.181837453" name="TestSuite">
<testcase classname="" name="TestPass" time="0.00039" cluster_instance="kind-1"></testcase>
<testcase classname="" name="TestFail" time="0.000406" cluster_instance="kind-1">
<failure message="Test execution failed TestFail" type="ERROR">Execution attempt: 0 Output file: .results/kind-1/016-TestSuite1-TestFail-run.log
=== RUN TestSuite/TestFail
time="2021-02-16T11:56:31+07:00" level=info msg="Failed test: /Users/user/Projects/NSM/cloudtest/examples/kind/.results/shell/kind-1/config"
--- FAIL: TestSuite/TestFail (0.00s)</failure>
During execution for every operation CloudTest produce log files, start of cluster instances, execution of tests all are marked as operation and be stored into separate files.
All operations could be checked in case of test failures or cluster instance errors.